ABOUT FAKE YouTube&Twitter Accounts From Libya-Manipulated Social - TopicsExpress


ABOUT FAKE YouTube&Twitter Accounts From Libya-Manipulated Social Media! Uploaded by joyousenergy on Mar 26, 2011 youtube/watch?v=W3LPyZhvGNg I dare you to watch this video released today about the manipulated social media orchestrated to sway the public on Libya. I have been tracking this arrogant display of ignorace for weeks now, as fake accounts, fake (created) footage, and even videos from the police perspective, all with the goal of portraying a false story to get Ameicans on board with the killing machine. !TO REMIND YOU!: This might be a surprise to you, if you live in the West, but the media is lying to us about Libya. The entire civil war was manufactured by a CIA EU UN psyop intervention into a young student movement. Gaddafi is not their president, he is the inspiration of Libya (and much of the arab world). The traditional people of Libya LOVE him. Its the New Thought community, that craves western culture, music, movies, and progressive ideals, that is fighting against Gaddafi, and the UN jumped in to empower that movement. Gaddafi asked for a fact finding mission weeks ago, but he was denied. Since the media is controlled in the West, they are portraying a FALSE message to the American people. I did not make this video, but my evidence matches this video exactly. Thank you youtube/user/myopiaa for pointing out how sick CNN is for speeding up their footage and making the people look like raving idiots while they cover up the chanting against them. CNN lies. (Fox lies), Al Jazerra lies, and they are making up the news instead of broadcasting it. Wake up people, they are owned by the elites, so why would they broadcast the truth. Read between the lines and save humanity!! What has happened with the Wests intervention is SHAMEFUL! It is WRONG to go into their country and wage war based on LIES. It is WRONG to make up news to get people to SUPPORT MURDER. It is WRONG to LIE and say you are helping them when you will never leave after you get there. PEOPLE WAKE UP. They are lying to you about Libya. Reptilian Shapeshifting News Reporter Interviews Gaddafi (Un-Edited)-Read Description : youtube/watch?v=AUUFhEpn4U4 Please watch this: youtube/watch?v=G7DDhAP-hyE The TRUTH ABOUT GADDAFI, before it is off youtube. Also, watch now because it was removed from Youtube: youtube/watch?v=HrWJpPjro-A Russia Today reports about Media twist of lies. ALSO WATCH:BBC LIES ABOUT LIBYA youtube/watch?v=EOK5WTkKGJ4
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:32:57 +0000

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