ABOUT MY TWO MISSING DOGS!!!! new update!!! PEOPLE HAVE SPOTTED THEM WED. AND FRIDAY TOGETHER!!!! (8/14 & 8/16)!!!!!-good news for yall to please be on the look out!!! PLEASE!!! i would do it for yall so share share share & understand! ***so we posted lime green posters of Izzy(big dog) and Mya (puppy) all over stanley ,nc gaston county (SO TELL PPLE TO LOOK AT THEM) some we might have to go fix bc of the rain but the pics are covered by plastic slips to keep them water proof BUT ANYWAYS: A MAN HAS SEEN BOTH DOGS TOGETHERR!!!!!!!! wednesday (tues night they went missing) and friday off stanley lucia about five minutes from down town stanley! the man lived off of country wood lane!!!! so if you have seen my babies, please CONTACT: 704-931-4041 or 704-349-0343!!!! (kayla or aaron) ANYTIME!!!! night or day!!**** we honestly dont care bc time is the essence. leave a message if need to. NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THESE TWO FEMALE DOGS: IZZY: - (the bigger 4 yr old, -mixed breed (looks like saint benard in a way and is black& white), -PICTURE is NOT actual pic but LOOKS just like her but if some marks are off,thats why. -note*just remember that she is the only one that is shy BUT BOTH ARE HARMLESS! she is scared of leashes and collars and has never been out of the fence so trying to grab her might freak her out lol (it freaked her out when we did) so TRICKING her with food to get her inside or fence or to grab her or HOWEVER YOU NEED TO GET HER might would be a good idea!** MYA: -the 2 mth old mixed puppy (with some pit) - and is black and white also(but turns a lil brown in the sun now) -the pic of her is an actual pic we had - is NOT shy and will probally come right to you with some coaxing and even food! loves people ****THEY STICK TOGETHER so you can use Mya to make Izzy comfortable. THANK YOU ALL PLEASE KEEP A LOOK OUT!!! SHARE PLEASE THANKS FOR YOUR TIME-
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 05:41:08 +0000

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