* * * * * * * ABOUT REAL HUMAN EVOLUTION ON EARTH - TopicsExpress


* * * * * * * ABOUT REAL HUMAN EVOLUTION ON EARTH PLANET! = = = Romantic Love Songs - Instrumental Hits MOMO KOTARO youtube/watch?v=w3gAfnrSyxY = = = = “Our blessed human body and conscience It has all the power to self-heal itself; But unfortunately terrestrial humans Live actually in An inhuman and barbaric society, Where the true truth and real values Of life are ignored! Actually human nations over this planet Are living in the TERROR AGE! Ruled by destructive-selfish, greedy And out-of-mind megalo-maniatic Leaders, which are driven to The total destruction Of planet Earth and it’s innocent Creatures.” Javier/PERU The Best of 80s LOVE SONGS The Top 100s https://youtube/watch?v=kA0pkemJxMc = = = “The age in which we live Can only be characterized As one of barbarism. Our civilization is in The process not only of Being militarized, But also being brutalized.” Alva Myrdal. = = = The teacher who is indeed wise, he does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind. * Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Lifes longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you. * I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers. * Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children. Khalil Gibran * * * * * * * THE OM BOOK. CANON 32:58 Through the falling and accumulation of individual water drops, a jug fills slowly. The same law applies for the learning of the truth and wisdom and the knowledge. 247. The unrighteous person torments and kills his fellowmen through punishment, but the wise person is mild and forbearing, and therefore patient, however always admonishing to the fallible and guilty, therefore he is the stricter. 314. If there are no mighty ones, rather only spirit leaders among the people, then the human of the Earth lives inwardly and outwardly in true paradise. 315. If there are no spirit leaders who lead the people, then the people would be thrown to and fro like a ship in a great storm of the ocean, and the mighty would have complete power over them. Billy Meier, The 7th. Great Prophet of Truth & of the New Age! FIGU.org, TheyFly * * * * * * * *GOBLET OF TRUTH* In the *Goblet of Truth* there it says: Live always in love and in peace, foster freedom and harmony on Earth and never forget the real truth. Foster your life always in goodness of heart and live in the true BEING of Creation. The *Goblet of Truth* will wake you, not to the bane – but to the boon. Semjase Silver Star Center, 13 July 2008, 3:21 a.m. Billy Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) The 7th. Great Prophet of Truth! The Prophet of the New Age! FIGU.org, TheyFly * * * * * * * “Truly I say to you… There is no better friend than knowledge, No higher happiness than wisdom And no other savior than… The Power of your Consciousness…” Jmmanuel The 5th. Great Prophet of Truth! FIGU.org, TheyFly About THE TALMUD OF JMMANUEL, book written by Billy Meier “This book is being dedicated without distinction to all human beings in the whole universe. May it be a form of spiritual values to all of them and expedite the progress of evolution. The truly lawful love emanating from Creation, harmony and truth and to the attainment of true knowledge, wisdom and peace.” Este libro está siendo dedicado sin distinción a todos los seres humanos en todo el universo. Puede esta ser una forma de valores espirituales para todos ellos y sirva para facilitar el progreso de la evolución. El legítimo y verdadero amor emana de La Creación, así como la armonía y la verdad y para el logro del verdadero conocimiento, sabiduría y paz.” Billy Meier, The 7th. Great Prophet of Truth&of the New Age! Billy Meier, ¡El 7mo. Grande Profeta de la Verdad y de la Nueva Era! FIGU.org, TheyFly = = = 20. The earth human must change toward the good and positive through his own reason and grasp of responsibility, and thereby rehabilitate himself. Thus he must establish his own dimension and free himself from his self-demeaning service toward all his shortcomings and his false hopes and desires. The earth human considers that he will live new lives over and over again in striving for that which is higher in accordance with the Creational laws and commandments through many new personalities in reincarnation of the spirit form and the comprehensive consciousness block, namely in the obligation of a Creational path that he consciously develops in every logical, good and positive form. But this means that every person must strive for his advancement through every personal responsibility, and society must also make that possible for him. It is correct that everybody takes the trouble to perform the required work for which he will be paid and which will enable him to afford housing in one form or the other, as well as, in self-responsibility, to bear the cost of his food and clothing and also for his training and education and for all arising needs. 21. The earth human must learn to recognize and understand his true, innermost Creational being, because solely through will it be possible for him to get involved with his body and, above all, his material consciousness and its awakening and development. Thus he learns his own self-appreciation for his innermost being as well as his body and consciousness and come to this realization by himself. So the recognition and conscious arousal of one’s own innermost being occurs through the awakening of the material consciousness as well as true awareness of the body. QUETZAL, Leader Commander of the Plejaren – Rank ISHWISH (God of Wisdom) Via Mr. “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier, the 7th. Great Prophet of Truth! FIGU.org, Switzerland. Source: TheyFly Quote: “RELIGIONS AND SECTS CORRESPOND TO ORGANISATIONS AND GROUPS WHICH STULTIFY THE TRUTH AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS AND THROUGH WHICH THE HUMAN BEING IS LED AWAY FROM ACTUAL REALITY AND ITS TRUTH, AND, THROUGH WHICH, BY MEANS OF FALSE TEACHINGS, HE IS BEATEN INTO SERFDOM AND HIS CONSCIOUSNESS IS KEPT ENSLAVED.” Excerpt taken from Billy Meier writings, FIGU.org Mr. Billy Meier, his mission and writings are fully supported by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado. Lima, Perú Unquote If the Criminal and Corrupt Catholic Church and its lackeys - mercenary is going to fall will be done due to their crimes and degenerations committed against terrestrial humanity on last 2,000 years. And do not because some prophecies they say so or not. And despite of all the unconditional support, abetting and concealment that politician, powerful ones and corrupt leaders-rulers of the countries of the Earth offer and deliver to these depraved criminals the Catholic Church and its mercenary armies.Every lie, crime and depravity committed against to our beloved innocent and defenseless children, women, men and living creatures of the Earth will eventually be discovered and punished by the same terrestrial humanity, who sooner or later will be awaken in the light of the ¡True Truth! Javier/PERU Lima. Saturday, 16 -Nov. 2013 Alliance for Responsible Humankind on Earth & DERN Universe! FIGU.org, TheyFly Mr. Javier V. Maldonado Alliance for responsible humankind on Earth & DERN Universe! Telephone (0051) 9970-24-006, LIMA-PERÚ. javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail FIGU.org, Billy Meier, Switzerland; theyfly, Michael Horn, USA. futureofmankind.co.uk/billy_meier/goblet_of_truth steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 04:45:33 +0000

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