ABOUT SIDEKICK’S YOUTHFUL LOOKS & FACIAL COMPLEXION..…. Psycho and her family keep harping about sidekick’s youthful looks being fake and that sidekick must have taken or used some collagen-based products like LifeCell cream or IMADEEN cream, or used things like ultra peptide to look youthful. Additionally, they cite psoriasis as the reason for sidekick’s facial colorings even though sidekick doesn’t have psoriasis. With regards to having a smooth facial skin instead of a pock marked facial skin since sidekick has the occasional eruption of acne, they would cite that sidekick used Praventac which sidekick doesn’t use. Then, there is the skin fairness problem, lol. They cite skin bleach as the product sidekick use even though sidekick doesn’t use skin bleach. Psycho and her family essentially don’t like to see sidekick looking the way sidekick looks and everything that is good in sidekick is due to having used some products. Sidekick does admit to using good skin care products but none of the products sidekick uses contain collagen or ultra peptide, or any of the things psycho cited. The product sidekick uses is nature based and is very good for sidekick’s skin, and sidekick had been using it for decades, just as sidekick had taken vitamins and supplements for decades. Psycho’s mother takes vitamin C for decades already too and she looks young too for the fact that she is a 52 year old lady. If you scroll down further, you can take a look at her face in the Psycho’s Family album below. Here are the reasons why sidekick doesn’t use the skin care products that psycho claims. REASON 1: Praventac, ag-factor cream, skin bleaching lotions, LifeCell cream, IMADEEN cream, ultra peptide are all products that need to be used daily, and those products cannot be hidden for long. Pilot will be living with sidekick soon and sidekick already gave pilot permission to rummage through everything sidekick owns including all the toiletries and skin care products. Pilot can check everything not once or twice, but as many times as he likes over the entire lifetime. These products cannot be hidden for long, ok? Sooner or later, pilot is going to find out. REASON 2: LifeCell cream, IMEEDEN cream, and ultra peptide must be used on a specific site, i.e. the face, in order for the skin to look youthful. These are products that are meant for facial use only, not for the entire body. However, sidekick’s skin throughout the entire body looks youthful. How do you account for sidekick’s skin on the legs to look youthful? How about the torso, the hands, and even the feet too? Sidekick would have to use an entire bottle of these products on the skin all over sidekick’s body if sidekick wants a uniform and overall look of youthfulness. Lol It would be quite funny but disturbing to have hands that look 70 and a face that looks in her early 30s, wouldn’t you think? So how many bottles of these products will sidekick need each month to ensure (i.e. head to toe) skin coverage? How often does sidekick go out each month? You have seen most of the products sidekick buys and they are usually groceries. Lol Sidekick lives sidekick’s life under a microscope for the whole world to peer into sidekick’s life becos psycho chose to do that rotten thing of hijacking sidekick’s in-home security cameras live video feeds. You get to see every day, 24/7, all the things sidekick does and what sidekick buys etc, and you should know that none of it are multiple bottles of these products each month. Sidekick knows that these products only work on the area where the product is applied, not in other areas, so to have an overall look for youthful skin throughout the entire body, one would need to slater the product throughout the entire body. Sidekick invites all you folks who are biochemist or biochem majors, skin care industry experts, or the product makers themselves to come and shed light on whether of not these skin care products, when one only use them on the face, can also affect the skin in the entire body? Psycho and her family needs to know and some ppl in the world are curious too. lol REASON 3: This applied to the skin bleach that psycho claims sidekick uses but sidekick already told psycho, sidekick doesn’t use skin bleach. Sidekick DOES have a great- great-grandmother who was an Italian though and her Caucasian trait still surfaces randomly within our family and those ppl who have the Caucasian trait are usually fair skinned and have rosy cheeks. Sidekick isn’t the only one. Psycho’s grandpa and uncle have them too. This is very different from psoriasis which psycho claims sidekick has. REASON 4: Sidekick saw sidekick’s dermatologist for the occasional acne flare up and he prescribed Cleocin, not Praventac and sidekick had posted the photo of the Cleocin product too. Additionally, this dermatologist didn’t even mentioned that sidekick’s skin looks like it has psoriasis! Sidekick trusts sidekick’s dermatologist, and sidekick would caution everybody from getting medical advice or medical diagnosis from a spokesperson in psycho’s public lectures who isn’t even a medical doctor. REASON 5: Psycho also conducts public polls about why sidekick looks youthful despite sidekick’s age, and sidekick thought about the polling questionnaire that psycho have her paid helpers disseminate during their public lectures. Sidekick thinks those polling questionnaire are skewed or biased becos it does give the public a choice for “None of the Above”. This is important to note becos psycho is essentially herding ppl to pick one of HER choices only, and not giving them the opportunity to opt out of any of the selections. Her questionnaire is biased to suit psycho’s agenda only, and it is not objective. How can psycho show a skewed polling result like that to the public and say this is what everybody thought of sidekick’s youthful looks? Sidekick would find this type of polling results a joke. Please also understand that only psycho, her family and her minions have a problem with sidekick’s looks and the skin care products sidekick uses. Pilot doesn’t care. He is happy with sidekick as is and he doesn’t mind that sidekick uses sidekick’s skin care products.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 06:04:16 +0000

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