ABOUT SIN Sin reduces and demotes irrespective of your religion - TopicsExpress


ABOUT SIN Sin reduces and demotes irrespective of your religion and confession. Stay away from it. Sinlessness profits. ...for Godliness is PROFITABLE UNTO ALL THINGS having the promise of THE LIFE WHICH NOW IS and that which is TO COME(1Tim 4:8). This simply means that ungodliness is unprofitable. So if you love yourself stay away from sin. You see your all your sins was laid on Jesus(Isa 53:6). He forgives and does not remember them(Heb 8:12). He does not want you to remember them either. He does not want you feeling guilty and condemned(Rom 8:1). He just wants you out of them for your good. Forget them and face today and tomorrow. Remembering sin takes you into the same sin over and over(Heb 10:2-4). Feeling of guilt and condemnation does not keep you out of sin either. It only cripple your faith, thereby making you vulnerable to sin. It reduces your self worth. Fear and lack of faith is the genesis of most sins. But faith and confidence produces godliness. If you keep on confessing that you are a sinner, there will you remain as a slave to sin. Call yourself righteous, confess your righteousness in Christ and with sincerity and self control and you will come out of it soon. This because Jesus says we are the righteousness of Ğod in Christ(1cor 1:30, 2cor 5:21). Ğod wants us to see ourselves the way he sees us, talk the way he talks, and act the way he acts. This is the sure way to victory. Many of us condemn others thinking we are better. But a better person lifts those that are falling, not condemn them(Gal 6:1). Some of us just appear better outside. If we can thoroughly look at ourselves, there could be an area of our lives where we are enslaved by sin. You see there are too kinds of sins, the SPIRITUAL SIN such as Uncontrolled anger, bitterness, malice, envy, jeleaosy, fear, worry and anxiety. There are also OUTWARD SIN such as lies, murder, fornication, stealing, backbiting etc. They are all bad. Ğod wants us to be righteous conscious not sin conscious. Seeing yourself as righteous, releases grace for righteousness, seeing yourself as a sinner empowers the spirits behind the sin. For as a man thinks in his heart so is he. BLESS YOU
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 10:17:42 +0000

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