ABSOLUTELY MUST READ - IMPORTANT INFORMATION EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO BE AWARE OF: Analysts note: Just remember that we can NOT make this stuff up. We have enough trouble keeping up with all of it just to keep you aware. ****** SHOCKING: Obama Bankrolled Churches, Slavery, and Border Crisis by Brandon Walker with Mad World This is an astonishing WTH? moment for everyone. Two leaked documents have President Obama bankrolling two major church organizations after threatening them with the IRS, admitting human trafficking (slavery) with US drug gang involvement, and admitting he not only knew of the crisis and could have prevented it, but he facilitated it instead! When we told you the government was behind the flood of illegals and what $50 million was going to buy for illegals, it was just the tip of the iceberg. There are now two declassified documents leaked to the press, the UAC project and a leaked ICE document, that include an array of illegal activities including human trafficking, bankrolling two major church organizations, gang involvement, and facilitation of the border crisis. I have to tip my hat to Brandon Darby for pointing out the leaked ICE document scanned in by Brietbart, and also to Eric Odom for pointing out a section of the UAC project that I had missed when I presented it a month ago. There are some strange things going on that all point to treason at the Executive Branch level. We know about the border patrol’s stand down order, the flood of illegal immigrants, and the CDC involvement in trying to contain what one could only call biological warfare against the United States. We know of the 1% to 10% of the immigrants actually being caught that are paraded around by mainstream media as children in a humanitarian crisis. It’s the law to return these children to their parents. First, we have the leaked ICE document. It was prepared and delivered to the Executive Branch by ICE, who in turn were given a gag order not to talk to the press. Amazingly, it was after this leaked document that they were threatened with their jobs. Not only does it provide the fact that they are not to return fire and are to conserve ammo, like a former border agent said when he warned of a large national crisis, but it also has some rather interesting quotes on the fact that these children are not running for their lives. They are being used for human trafficking. While slavery is permitted in Islam, it is not permitted in America. It also says 92% of them will be allowed to stay, violating the law on orders of DHS and the President! Here are a few of the highlights in the opening portion: Read More: csiafoundation/12098-shocking-proof-obama-bankrolled-churches-slavery-and-border-crisis
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 06:13:03 +0000

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