ABSTAIN: To abstain is to restrain oneself from doing or - TopicsExpress


ABSTAIN: To abstain is to restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something. In our society today, this word ‘abstain’ has almost become obsolete. We are all encouraged to get all that we can; to reach for the stars and at least get the sky. The concept of restraint has become alien to our world. There is the need to abstain from MENTAL IMPURITY…ideologies, teachings, thoughts and trends that erode our mental purity. These things numb our sensitivity to God and to his word, mounting stumbling blocks on the journey towards a profound relationship with our Saviour. Dig Deep 2 Timothy 2:22-26. Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Philippians 4:8-9. Romans 12:1-2. Think About It • What do you enjoy reading? Does it foster your mental well-being? • What images replay in your mind most often? How can you ensure that the right pictures guard your mind? • What do you need to do to abstain from mental impurities and build up healthy thought patterns? Speak to the Lord * Be open with the Lord and speak honestly about your current challenges. * Ask for wisdom, guidance and the discipline required to follow through on all lifestyle changes He will lead you to adopt, without any delays. * Keep a personal log (daily? Weekly?) on your progress and if necessary, find an accountability partner to support your mission to abstain from mental impurities..
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:05:03 +0000

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