ABUNDANCE (Wealth, Materialism, Blessing) ABUNDANCE: ITS - TopicsExpress


ABUNDANCE (Wealth, Materialism, Blessing) ABUNDANCE: ITS SOURCE Why does God give us so much? BIBLE READING: Deut. 8:10-20 KEY BIBLE VERSE: Always remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you power to become rich, and he does it to fulfill the covenant he made with your ancestors. (Deut. 8:18) Material blessings are one expression of Gods care. In times of plenty, it is easy to take credit for your prosperity and begin to feel that your own hard work and cleverness have made you rich. It is easy to get so busy collecting and managing your wealth that God is pushed right out of your life. But it is God who blesses us with abundance, and it is God who asks us to manage it for him. Dont forget God in your abundance, or he will remove his blessing from you. Remember that the most valuable thing in life—your relationship with God—is free. ABUNDANCE: ITS DANGER How can wealth get in the way of our relationship with God? BIBLE READING: Mark 10:17-31 KEY BIBLE VERSE: Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, How hard it is for rich people to get into the Kingdom of God! (Mark 10:23) Wealth can tempt us to declare independence from God. Jesus said it was very difficult for the rich to get into the kingdom of God because the rich, with most of their basic physical needs met, often become self-reliant. When they feel empty, they can buy something new to dull the pain that was meant to drive them toward God. Their abundance becomes their deficiency. The person who has everything on earth can still lack what is most important—eternal life. BIBLE READING: Luke 12:13-21 KEY BIBLE VERSE: Then he said, Beware! Dont be greedy for what you dont have. Real life is not measured by how much we own. (Luke 12:15) Wealth can give us wrong attitudes about material things. Problems like this were often brought before the rabbis to be settled. Jesus doesnt respond to the immediate situation at hand. Instead, he points to a higher issue—a correct attitude toward the accumulation of wealth. Life is more than material goods; far more important is our relationship with God. Jesus put his finger on this questioners heart. When we bring problems to God in prayer, he often does the same thing—showing us how we need to change and grow in our attitude toward the problem. This answer is often not the one we were looking for, but it is more effective. ABUNDANCE: HAVING THE BEST! What is Gods greatest gift? BIBLE READING: John 10:1-21 KEY BIBLE VERSE: The thiefs purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness. (John 10:10) Jesus gives life. In contrast to the thief who takes, Jesus gives. The life he gives now is rich and full. It is eternal, yet it begins immediately. Life in him is lived on a higher plane because of his abundant forgiveness, love, and guidance. Related Topics: Contentment, Greed, Wealth Handbook of Bible Application.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:18:33 +0000

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