“ABUNDANT,…AND,…GREAT” Think about it, for a - TopicsExpress


“ABUNDANT,…AND,…GREAT” Think about it, for a moment. We proudly live, in a country; where, the primary focus is,…”Freedom”; or, to put it, in another way,…our ability, to freely express, and exercise,…our, choices. It is, simple. Choice, is Power; and, Power is,…having, personal Choice!... Governments, and Corporations,…know this: and, now,…is the time; when, we are being called-upon: to learn, how to,…exercise it. If you really think about, all the choices, you make, in a given day; it is,…staggering. Considering that, there is an entire industry, dedicated to helping you, make those choices; it is unbelievable, but True!... We call it, advertising, marketing, or sales. Whichever way, you look at it; the point is to,…”Help”,…another person, to make the choice, we would like them, to make; which benefits us, in some way. It’s True, many times, even when we have,…an argument. All we are doing, is trying to convince, the other person; to accept our opinions, and beliefs: that stem, from choices, we have made,…at, some point. The idea, of choice; is, incredibly important,…in Life. Our relationships, are built upon, the choices, we make; and, if we are not honest, with the people, that we are in relationships with: we, take-away,…their,…”Power of Choice!”... This is why, openness and honesty; or, as I like to refer to it, these days: “Transparency”,…is so, important, to all, our relationships. He or she, who follows through, the best; is granted, the most value,…in, our society. However, when people become paralyzed; or, don’t act, upon their opportunities of choice; and, this happens a lot: then, they are stuck with, the choices, which others,…make, for them. If you don’t choose, it doesn’t mean, than no choice, is being made; it means, the Universe,…will choose, for you. You, have handed your choice, over to others. Now, you are forever left, with their results; instead of,…your own!... You, have given away, your dignity; and, the ability, to make a difference. People, who do this; are opting to be,…”Reactionary”,…rather than,…”Pro-Active”; thereby, giving their Power,…away. Through this Holiday Season; and, the up-coming year; I encourage you, to be accountable,…for, your Choices!.... Take the risk, of being wrong; or, having to,…renegotiate, a choice. Bring fullness, to your Life; by, choosing to live your Life, to the fullest; squeezing all, of the juice, from it,…you can. When you do this, you are being True, to yourself; and, what better time, of the year, is there: to be True,…to yourself?... When you are True, to yourself; you are giving the gift, of the authentic you; the real you; to everyone, that is,…around you. There can be, no greater gift; or, challenge. To thy own self, be True; make the decision, to base all your decisions,…upon, what is best for you; your family; your friends; and, your immediate,…community!.... Lend your voice, to that, which you believe; and, let us,…hear it!... After all, isn’t that,…what,…”Freedom”,…is all, about?... Don’t let others, control you; by giving-up, your ability, to choose. Make the Choice, to stand-up; for, those things that, really matter,…to you: give freely, of yourself; to your passion, and,…to those,…less, fortunate!... And, the Whole World, will beat a path, to your door; your gifts, will be,…(“ABUNDANT,…AND,…GREAT!”). Your Friend, Izzy!...
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 20:37:10 +0000

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