ABUNDANT GRACE ASSEMBLY …winning our world for Christ through the word of grace Topic: CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A SUPERNATURAL 2015 Text: Hebrews 11:32-34 As we begin 2015, what kind of 2015 do you want to have? * Do you want to have an ordinary 2015 or an extraordinary 2015? * Do you want to have a normal 2015 or a divinely abnormal 2015? * Do you want to have a usual 2015 or an unusually miraculous 2015? * Do you want to have a casual 2015 or a covenant 2015? * Do you want to have a natural 2015 or a supernatural 2015? The kind of 2015 that you desire is absolutely your decision/choice. God is not going to assist you in the direction that is contrary to your decisions/choices. God is not going to hear your prayers first, but your decisions. If your prayers and your decisions/choices are not aligning, you are wasting your life. God is not going to do for you in prayers what your decisions/choices are rejecting or terminating. Your lifestyle is the reflection/manifestation of your decisions/choices not your prayers. * An extraordinary 2015 is not cheap, but it is a reality. * A divinely abnormal 2015 is not free but comes with a price. * An unusually miraculous 2015 is not automatic but conditional. * A covenant 2015 is not by chance but by choice. * A supernatural 2015 is not a desire but a decision. * A glorious 2015 is not a dash but a due. The difference between an ordinary and an extraordinary 2015, a normal and a divinely abnormal 2015, a usual and an unusually miraculous 2015, a casual and a covenant 2015, a natural and a supernatural 2015, a gory and a glorious 2015 are the critical requirements I want to share with you: 1. Your purpose in God must be compelling. 2. Your perspective in life must be clear. 3. Your prayers must be continual. 4. Your persistence must be courageous. 1) YOUR PURPOSE IN GOD MUST BE COMPELLING: Philippians 3:7-10. What are you committed to in life? Your purpose is what you will give account of on the last day. What is the divine agenda for your existence? What one purpose is your life serving under God? Why will God give you another year? What is the one dominant thing that your life is up to and down to? What are you living for? What is the centre of your life? What are you building your life around? Who is the Lord of your life? Whose words are you submitted to? Who has the final say over your life? A honest answer to these questions will describe your purpose, will evaluate 2014 for you, will prepare you for 2015. When your purpose is not compelling; you will live a life of abuse, emptiness, wasteful wandering, roaming around, taken over by the negative forces of your environment, culture, senseless pleasure and carnal frivolities, repeater of negative history. You will be a slave to the demonic forces around you. You will gain the whole world but you will lose your soul in the process Matthew 16:26. A compelling purpose will give your life focus, meaning, definition, direction, destination under God. A compelling purpose in God gives your life an unshakable centre that hold you together when the storms of life begin to blow/rage; You can never know your purpose until you know your maker and you can never know your maker until you know your saviour. Matthew 11:27-30, John 3:16-18, 36. Eternal life is a function of compelling purpose. 2) YOUR PERSPECTIVE IN LIFE MUST BE CLEAR: Numbers 13:26-33. People with a clear perspective can be old but not weak. * Are you seeing the 2015 painted by faith in God or colored by fear? * Are you seeing the 2015 that God has painted for you in His Word, by His Spirit, in verbal prophecies, prophetic dreams and promises or you are looking at the 2015 that circumstances, economy, people’s opinion is painting for you. * Are you seeing your life in 2015 with the view of God, or with the limited seemingly realistic false view of man and circumstances? Joseph (Gen 37), Gideon (Judges 6-8). A clear perspective helps you to suppress fear and rise to the height of your destiny in 2015. It helps you to believe that the 2015 painted by God is not just a reality, but a possibility. A clear perspective helps you to know the details of your preparation and the warfare you must engage in for a supernatural 2015. A supernatural 2015 is not a suggestion, advice, impression, human idea but a divine mandate that must be fulfilled. 3) YOUR PRAYERS MUST BE CONTINUAL: 1 Thessalonians 5:17. * Are you comfortable with an occasional, intermittent, once in a while prayer? * Are you ready for a steady, consistent, regular, effective, fervent lifestyle of prayer? * Do you know that a supernatural 2015 is a prayer work and an ordinary 2015 is a prayer failure. A prayerfully lazy person will have a fatally failed 2015. Continual prayer is a spiritual intercontinental ballistic missile. With prayers we can assail and destroy satan’s stronghold anywhere even in the heavenlies. Your prayers must not be occasional, once in a while but continual. There is no limitation of time and distance in prayer. The promises of God for 2015 are not a substitute for our prayers. They rather provoke our prayers. It takes prayer to enforce the promise of God in 2015 and to release the intervention of angels on our behalf and against our enemies. Acts 12:1-5, 8-11. Prayer is the ticket to every destination on earth and beyond the earth. Without prayers, your angels are jobless. 4) YOUR PERSISTENCE MUST BE COURAGEOUS: You must never give up in 2015 no matter the challenges, risk, sacrifice, intimidation, harassment, pressure. There is no alternative to a glorious, prosperous, supernatural, healthy, victorious, progressive, beautiful, miraculous 2015. There is no alternative to abundance, favour, celebration, advancement, longevity, a new song, a blissful marriage in 2015, fulfillment of God’s promises and your destiny in 2015. Never give up, Never look down, Never quit. Shut the devil up with the promises of God. Supernatural 2015 is not for weaklings, fearful, cowards but for those who are courageously persistent. Hebrews 11:32-34. The common denominator in the lives of the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 is that: 1. Their purpose was compelling 2. Their perspective was clear. 3. Their prayers were continual. 4. Their persistence was courageous. How you end will define your memory for life. These four critical requirements flow together. Until you have a compelling purpose, you can never have a clear perspective and until your perspectives are clear you will never see any reason why your prayers should be continual, and until your prayers are continual you will never develop a courageous persistence. Authentic courage is a function of your encounter with God in the place of prayers. Any courage that is not rooted in your encounter with God in the place of prayers is plastic and can easily melt when the heat of life is on. When you have a revelation of the size of God in the place of prayers, the size of man will be meaningless to you. When you encounter the fear and the awesomeness of God in prayers, you will lose your fear for intimidating circumstances. Beloved, as you seek to meet these four requirements, 2015 will be a supernatural year; It will be a divine year for you in Jesus name.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 22:07:56 +0000

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