ABUNDANT LIFE DOCTRINE EXPOSE COMING SOON! Dear friends, Well, it is just after 4:00 AM Tuesday morning here, and I thought that I was going to sleep for the night when I went to bed hours ago. However, a few hours into my sleep, I woke up with some nasty stomach cramps and a bad case of diarrhea. I still dont know where that came from. Anyway, once I settled down a bit, I checked my email, and my FB timeline, and then I woke up some more. I dont recall what happened next, but somehow thoughts about the erroneous Abundant Life doctrine popped into my head; so I came to my computer and decided to create a brand new KJV Bible verse list regarding this subject. However, once I finished the new verse list, I decided that even though I discuss this issue in a number of other articles, it really deserves an article of its own. Thus, right now I am in the process of writing a brand new short article -- probably just one part -- in which I will Scripturally expose the falsity of the so-called Abundant Life doctrine. Hopefully, unless I get sleepy, I will be able to complete the article in a matter of a few hours, being as most of the verses are already chosen for it, and they will comprise the bulk of the article. After that, I will have to make a new web page for it, along with my customary article graphics. Maybe four hours ought to do it . . . maybe. :) Stay tuned!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:10:28 +0000

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