ABUSED LIBERALS AND MARY BURKES PREJUDICED CAMPAIGN (Prejudiced: having or showing a dislike or distrust that is derived from prejudice; bigoted. Synonyms: biased, bigoted, discriminatory, partisan, intolerant, narrow-minded, unfair, unjust, inequitable, colored. From the Google online dictionary) This was first reported by Mark Belling on WISN 1130, so credit to him. Wisconsin Democrat gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke held a rally (fundraiser) in Milwaukee today (Monday) with First Lady Michelle Obama as the main attraction because nobody would show up to see or hear Mary. Tony Snell Rodriguez, who was excited to see Michelle Obama, was unhappy with the Burke campaigns treatment of some attendees, and he took to Twitter to register his complaints complete with pictures of the horrible condition some Democrat supporters were forced to endure just for a chance to see and hear the First Lady because as I noted before, nobody came to see Mary. I thought that perhaps upon further reflection or after a scary phone call from local Democrat Party officials, Mr. Rodriguez (or Mr. Snell, see NOTE) might take down his Tweets, so I took screen shots of all his Tweets and photos of the incident. Those are all in the photo gallery here, 8 pics total, they are well worth checking out. This is a serious case of wealth privilege (probably mostly white people too) and abuse of the poor, minorities, elderly and disabled folks. (NOTE: He lists his name as Tony Snell Rodriguez on Twitter, but Tony Snell on Facebook. For the sake of this post I will use Mr. Rodriguez.) Mr. Rodriguez lists himself as serving the LGBT community as a human rights activist and organizer. So I do think he is qualified by liberal standards to recognize human rights abuses, and clearly Ms. Burkes campaign abused some humans rights today at this fundraiser. AHEM! I meant rally or event, not fundraiser. According to Mr. Rodriguezs Tweets and documented by his photos. Lets examine the damming evidence. #1: Elderly and handicapped people were forced into a crowed, overheated, room. #2: Rich people were given the good seats at the front while poor minorities were forced to sit in the rear. Some of those in wheelchairs couldnt stand to see Michelle Obama and the rich people at the front were standing blocking their view of the First Lady. Again, they didnt come to see Ms. Burke. #3. Some people were forced to leave because it was too cramped, too hot, and they couldnt see Michelle Obama. Also, for those who stayed, VIPS with money blocked the poor and disabled peoples view. #4. One of Ms. Burkes staff was RUDE when she turned her back to Mr. Rodriguezs 82 year old disabled mother. #5. Veterans, elderly, and those with disabilities were turned away to make room for VIPS (who I suspect were probably mostly rich and white) and couldnt see Michelle Obama. Mr. Rodriguez was disappointed with the Burke campaign, but he was pumped to see the First Lady. Unfortunately, I dont think many poor and disabled folks were pumped because they didnt get to see Michelle Obama because of those rich VIPS (who were probably white. I know I said that before but its important to remember). The screen shot here of the First Lady was taken from Mr. Rodriguezs Facebook page, he had it linked to his Twitter page. I will post the link to his Twitter page in comments. I know that liberals constantly complain about nonsense, and make mountains out of molehills, but in this instance I feel Mr. Rodriguezs complaints are legitimate and very serious. So, I look forward to reading the indicting article tomorrow in the Milwaukee Journal (not to mention local TV news reports) laying out all the horrendous details of this travesty which I am sure will lead to mostly peaceful with just a few bad apples street protests soon after. I expect the ACLU to file a civil suit for large cash damages for the many who were damaged and Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm to open a criminal investigation into any illegal donations that may have been taken (probably from rich white people who cheated poor people to get rich buying political favors) at this event. I also know that AG Eric Holder will open a federal investigation to see if Mary Burke criminally violated any of the attendees civil rights. I suspect a Milwaukee jury would find a guilty verdict in that case. I just dont know how long Democrats think they can get away with handing out government checks then telling people to shut up, sit in the back of the bus, and vote for us or else. Someday, these folks are going to wise up, say enough is enough, and vote for Republicans.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 04:25:41 +0000

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