ACADEMIC RANKS AND CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION ATHENS UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL - ORTHOPAEDICS. An Assistant Professor (3-year appointment) at the Athens University Medical School will have demonstrated academic promise meriting recognition. The criteria for appointment must include: A promising beginning in education, research, or clinical practice, including interest in and capability as a teacher or publication in professional literature. Appropriate educational credentials. A role in education at the Athens University Medical School or, with an academic affiliated partner, that may include but not be limited to, teaching and course planning. An Assistant Professor (full appointment) at the Athens University Medical School has demonstrated competence and attained significant achievements among the following categories: Scholarly activity must be demonstrated in either (a) or (b) listed below: a. Authorship of collaborative and/or independent original publications. b. Clearly documented, sustained, and significant educational efforts, e.g., didactic lectures, curriculum design, program director, associate program director, documentation of teaching students, trainees, residents, fellows, and peers. Producing educational materials such as electronic media and technology related to education. Candidates will additionally be expected to have appropriate: a. Innovative clinical or laboratory practice clearly documented. b. Mature judgment and a record of excellence in clinical practice. c. Participation in institutional or departmental administrative activities. d. Membership and active involvement in appropriate professional societies. An Associate Professor (full appointment) at the Athens University Medical School will have attained independence, leadership, creativity, and significant achievements among the following categories: Acknowledgment by peers, outside of the institution, of having become an authority in some aspects of their discipline. Publications of merit and significance in which the candidate has been a senior author or a principal collaborator. Recognition as an effective teacher, by precept or by formal instruction, of undergraduate medical students, graduate students, resident physicians, postdoctoral trainees, paramedical personnel, or peers. Success in attracting and training students in the field of interest. Leadership in institutional service or administrative accomplishments. A Professor (full appointment) at the Athens University Medical School is a recognized authority of national or international stature who has outstanding achievements among the following criteria: National or international reputation for academic excellence. Continuity of scientific investigation for some years that has produced significant contributions. A bibliography which indicates a major contribution to the understanding of a field. Recognition as an enthusiastic, effective, and devoted leader in education. Success of former students as independent scholars. Innovative and significant contributions to the practice of medicine, surgery, or their specialties, through clinical or laboratory accomplishments. Election to office in or receipt of awards from leading national or international scientific societies. Distinguished service and leadership in administrative, committee, or policy-making functions of the institution.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:21:37 +0000

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