ACC IS KILLING SWEET BOY THEY USED AS A HELPER DOG IN HOURS!!! VIA URGENT:***Beginner*** Helper Dog*** Thomas is a four year old pit mix that ACC used as a helper dog. Now they have decided to put him on the euth list. Please advocate and share Thomas tonight before it is to late. Lets find him a family to give him love and a forever home. A volunteer writes: Handsome Thomas was whining in his kennel letting me know he needed to go out. Out we went where he took care of business immediately indicating hes likely housetrained. What a handsome dog Thomas is in his caramel color gleaming coat. Hes quietly tail waggy friendly, walks well on the leash, and clearly loves other dogs. He would have loved for me to arrange a play date for him, but well have to leave that up to you when you adopt him . Thomas has an ear infection which we are treating, and it looks like he was scratching it as the area behind his ears is a bit raw. He also has some slight scaring on his face, which looks to me like he may have met an unfriendly cat....Thomas posed for some pictures, sitting when I asked him to and taking treats gently from my hand. We then sat on the park bench together like two old friends, enjoying the sunshine on a cool fall day. Off leash in the backyard, Thomas was content to explore the area discovering new smells, not interested in playing ball or with a toy at this time. Thomas has a calm, sweet demeanor, hes gentle and easy, tail wagging softly the entire time we were together. I fell in love with his easy nature and know you will too. Be sure to ask to meet him when you visit. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=688431694503046&set=a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553&type=3&theater
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:37:01 +0000

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