[ACCELERATED CLOCKS AND COUNTDOWNS] [BOB JONES CLOCK] In October of 2014, I was at a prophetic conference where a video was shown and the story was told about Bob Jones accelerated clock. youtu.be/5EjKNLLiV_8 [321 - NASA - ROCKET LAUNCH] On the closing day of the conference, I took a picture of myself and a new friend from the conference and I then asked for her phone number so I could text her the picture. As she began to give me her phone number, I realized it started with 321 and I immediately said thats a countdown. As she started to walk away, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and I went running after her to give her a prophetic word about a rocket launch that was relevant to her life. I had no idea the woman lived next door to a previous NASA rocket launch site (Cape Canaveral). After giving her the words about how something was about to launch or take off in her own life, she went on to tell me how so many people lost their jobs (including many of her family) a few years ago when the Space Shuttle program downsized (see information here for the 6,000 that lost their jobs - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_Space_Center#2010s). She went on to tell me that it had only been recently that private companies had started moving into that area to use the rocket launch site and that the economy had started to pick up again, that jobs were coming back to the area and the economic growth had been a blessing to members of her own family. [FIRE STATION ACCELERATED CLOCK] Just a few days after I returned from the conference, my husband, Andy, had an accelerated clock incident (and captured video) of the accelerated clock at his fire station. He was getting ready to represent the USA in the World Powerlifting Championships in Florida and was working out with another firefighter at the fire station. The other firemen asked Andy to play a hard rock Christian worship song and just after Andy turned the music on, he noticed the clock went crazy so he pulled out his phone and sent me the video. I had not told Andy about the Bob Jones video but I couldnt hold back my excitement at how God would give Andy the same experience that he had given to the family of a such an amazing, prophetic man (Bob Jones). Heres Andys accelerated clock video youtu.be/QabVidDsY9s [CONFIRMATION - PROPHETIC ACCELERATION WORDS] ElijahList - I stumbled on this website a few days ago and was amazed at how many prophetic words have been given in late 2014 about the coming season of acceleration: Cindy McGill (11/14/14) We are in a rapid acceleration now. This waiting is over and this is a fulfillment of time. Things we have been pondering in our hearts are getting ready to be realized. I know we have all heard this before but it really is happening. The stage has been set behind the curtain and we are now waiting for things to be revealed. elijahlist/words/display_word.html?ID=14079 Lana Vawser (11/7/14) As I saw them (angels) dancing around the people of God, the words played over and over in my heart, Angels are coming to crown My people with wisdom. For the enormity of increase and acceleration the Lord is releasing, and the harvest being brought in, the people of God must be crowned with the wisdom of Heaven. elijahlist/words/display_word.html?ID=14051 Darren Canning (12/10/14) Get ready! God is about to light the ignition and you are about to take off into realms that you have not been in before. **Steve Shultz was introducing this article and said God has been speaking over and over again to prophets and those with a prophetic calling on their life that the time of HUGE ACCELERATION IS UPON US...This acceleration can be likened to what is experienced by a Rocket. elijahlist/words/display_word.html?ID=14178 Jennifer Eivaz (11/29/14) What Im seeing in the future is the Church accelerating in decoding spiritual mysteries and cracking new codes in the spiritual realm. elijahlist/words/display_word.html?ID=14132 Katherine Ruonala (12/16/14) Positioning Yourself: Were in a Season of Great Acceleration We are coming into a season of great acceleration, and so much is happening that we need to be fully aware and fully awake to recognize and partner properly with this glorious season. What is happening now could be likened to the 1970s and the Jesus People Movement. During that season of acceleration and revival when so many were saved, the rain fell on the wheat and the tares, and just as the Church rapidly grew and the Good News spread, many cults and false teachings also were spawned. elijahlist/words/display_word.html?ID=14196
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 17:06:41 +0000

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