ACCEPTING WHAT CANNOT BE ALTERED... ASSALAMOALAYKUM... If You are up against something that you cannot do anything about, do not fritter away your nervous energy in worrying over it or running round the problem mentally in foolish and futile circles. Accept the inevitable with serenity and a good grace, determined to distil something good out of it if it is humanly possible. There are few situations that will not yield some drop of honey for somebody. When you have mastered the technique of accepting what cannot be changed with a good humoured philosophy, you will have achieved something that will give you poise. You will not go to pieces under a sharp and unexpected blow. You will not burn yourself up in useless fretting. This does not mean a spineless resignation to whatever comes along. It requires strength of character to rise above disappointment and frustration and refuse to be put out by it. In this way you conserve your powers instead of dissipating them, and you will have something in reserve for every occasion. Pray for courage to change things for the better when it can be done, pray for patience to endure what must be endured, and for the sagacity to know the difference between the possible and the impossible......And with this I leave you, with much HUGS and LOVE.....Please do not stop LIKING; COMMENTING; POSTING ; TAGGING AND SHARING....
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:31:32 +0000

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