ACCOUNTABILITY AT JUDGMENT MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN Revealed to American Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle Holy Love Ministries December 17, 2010 St. Peter says: Praise be to Jesus. There comes a time when every soul must face the truth of how he stands before God. At that time - whether it be the grace of an illumination of conscience or the souls last judgment - it will matter how every temptation to sin was managed. The soul will be judged as to how much his heart resembles Holy Love. If he used his senses towards any impurity or his tongue to destroy anothers reputation, he will be held accountable. If he was given a position of esteem or authority but used it only towards self-gain, and in so doing trampled the rights of others underfoot, he will be judged accordingly. Those who have rash judged Heavens Mission here and impeded the propagation of the Rosary of the Unborn will be made to know how many little lives were taken because of their misdeeds. No one should take lightly their obligation to seek the truth and to live in the truth. Do not settle on the opinion that best suits your life style. Open your heart to the truth and live in the truth, which is Holy Love. You will have less to answer for. July 2, 2014 I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Mankind can predict when the sun will rise and set, the schedule of planes coming and going, but he cannot predict the moment and hour of his accountability before Me. Therefore, it is necessary to be ready at all times - that your heart be free of iniquity and prepared in Holy Love. This is the sum total of Heavens intervention here. I desire each ones salvation. Only the foolhardy would fail to see this and oppose Me. Holy Love is the treasure chest which holds the treasure of your salvation. The key that unlocks the treasure chest is your free will. The time to unlock the treasure is every present moment. This is how to be prepared. Read 2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:50:45 +0000

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