ACCURATE FULFILLMENT OF THE PROPHESY OF THE FORMATION OF A MULTINATIONAL FORCE TO FIGHT AND TACKLE BOKO HARAM IN WEST AFRICA AFTER A HISTORICAL ESCALATION OF THE BOKO HARAM ATTACK EVEN INTO BORDERING COUNTRIES injesuschrististand.blogspot/2015/01/accurate-fulfillment-of-prophesy-of_26.html The prophesy that The LORD revealed to me on 2nd December 2014 that I titled as follows when posting and sharing the prophesy of The LORD back then: “Vision (Prophesy) Of The Formation Of An International Military Police To Search And Deal With Islamist Militant Group Boko Haram Of Nigeria And Other Islamist Militant Terrorists In Other Countries”, has been accurately fulfilled 45 days later as the African Union resolves to form a multinational force to deal with Boko Haram. Even though The African Union in its meeting on 20th January 2015 at Niamey in Niger resolved to create a multinational force (international military police), it is consequently seeking the United Nations mandate (“blessings”) to proceed. It is very telling to note that on the eve of the African Union meeting on 20th January 2015, The United Nations Security Council issued a very comprehensive historical statement that has been reported as follows by the global news channels: ‘“The UN Security Council urged central African countries on Monday to step up plans for a multinational force to fight Boko Haram, in its first overall response to the threat posed by the Nigerian jihadists. The council issued a 13-point statement strongly condemning attacks by Boko Haram, in particular those involving children used as suicide bombers, and demanded an end to the violence.”’ Meanwhile the Nations of Chad, Cameroun and Nigeria have immediately moved into the region to deal with Boko Haram. Infact the nation of Benin and Niger in addition to the nations of Chad, Cameroun and Nigeria have agreed in principle to be part of the multinational force. Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel has also said that her country will contribute significantly towards this international military force both logistically and financially. This is the same communication that France President Francois Hollande and The USA Secretary for state John Kerry have relayed especially after what has been described as the “deadliest massacre” by Boko Haram in the town of Baga on 12th January 2015 that is reported to have killed over 2,000 people. Ghanain President John Mahama, who is the head of ECOWAS has led in mobilizing the international community towards the formation of this Multinational force (International Military Police) to tackle Boko Haram insurgents. It is very important to note that all these new developments in tackling Boko Haram including resolving to have a multinational force (international military police) have been initiated as a result of the so called “deadliest massacre” in Baga town on 12th January 2015 and also the groups move into neighbouring nations like Cameroun where they launched attacks. This in itself is an escalation of the situation just as the prophesy of The LORD stated back then on 4th December 2014. So when posting the prophesy of The LORD back then on 2nd December 2014, I stated as follows: ‘“In the morning of 2nd December 2014 in a very mighty communication of The LORD through a prophetic supernatural dream (vision at night). The LORD God Almighty, The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit spoke to me about a very tremendous event coming to the earth. So in this communication of The LORD I found myself in a very rugged terrain where I could see tunnels deep underground. The LORD made me know that I was in the nation of Nigeria and I was in a region controlled by Boko Haram; the militant islamist group based in Nigeria. I then saw a group of military personnel, and The LORD made me know that this was an international military police unit and it was made up of military/police personnel from different countries who had come together to launch a very massive search of the Boko Haram terrorists . So in the vision, I saw them even with torches as they even searched through the tunnels for the Boko Haram leaders. I then saw them moving to different places and even to other nations of Africa as they launched a search for the Boko Haram militants. In the vision I saw amongst the international military police a large number of ladies who were part of the international military police. In the vision, I could see the search going on for very large swaths of land, beyond even borders of countries, but the Boko Haram terrorists were very elusive.”’ While posting and sharing the prophesy of The LORD then on 2nd December 2014, I also stated as follows: “The message that was imparted in my heart from this communication of The LORD is that the nations of the earth will soon form an international military police to go after the Militant Islamist groups/terrorists like Boko Haram. The international military police will search in different countries for the Islamist groups so as to curtail their militant activities. It will not be an easy task because the militants will be very elusive and difficult to track down.” All these revelations and word contained in the prophesy of The LORD of 2nd December 2014 have all come to pass. The LORD was in summary essentially saying in that prophesy of 2nd December 2014 that the crisis in Nigeria caused by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram wqhich has been there for the last 5 years, was going to escalate and assume a historical proportion, even going across the borders of Nigeria into neighbouring nations like Cameroun etc to the extent that the international community through the ECOWAS, The African Union and The United Nations was going to finally “stand up and take notice and action”, hence the mulling of creation of a multinational force (an International Military Police unit) to deal with Boko Haram. Remember that the United Nations has “technically approved” the establishment of this international military force to deal with Boko Haram. So it has become as a shock that within just 45 days of the detailed communication of The LORD through the prophesy of 2nd December 2014, the same has accurately been fulfilled as from 12th January 2015, going into 20th January 2015 and other forthcoming implementation of the resolutions. SHALOM!!! It is also very very important to note that when I was posting and sharing the prophesy of The LORD back then on 2nd December 2014, I also noted and stated the following back then: ‘“The formation of this international military police will not be a helpful solution i.e. It will lead to nowhere but it will be a false solution that is no solution at all to the current global impasse caused by Militant Islamists like Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, ISIS etc. The only solution is The LORD Jesus Christ, so that it may be well with your soul. The only solution is to seek The LORD Jesus Christ by embracing Repentance for the forgiveness of your sins and thereby walking in Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ. These are indeed very distressing times across the nations such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until now; The Government (s) cannot help, The Presidents cannot help, the Kings cannot help, the Prime Ministers cannot help, the Political party leaders cannot help, The Governors cannot help, the senate cannot help, Parliaments cannot help, the congress cannot help, The United Nations (UN) cannot help, The coalitions cannot help, The military cannot help, the police cannot help, the military jets cannot help. ONLY The KING of Kings, The LORD of lords can help and save your soul, and His name is: The LORD Jesus Christ.”’ Mathew 24:3~10 ‘“As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.”’ THE NEWS HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE NEWS REPORTAGE BY THE GLOBAL NEWS CHANNELS ABOUT THIS ACCURATELY FULFILLED PROPHESY OF THE FORMATION OF A MULTINATIONAL MILITARY FORCE TO TACKLE BOKO HARAM AFTER THE ESCALATION OF ATTACKS EVEN TO CROSS BORDER AREAS IN WEST AFRICA BEYOND NIGERIAN BORDER ARE AS FOLLOWS: (a)-“On the eve of a key meeting in Niger of regional leaders, the 15-member council urged Nigeria’s neighbors to advance planning for the deployment a multinational task force to drive out Boko Haram.” (b)-“Chad is set to contribute a sizeable contingent to the force along with Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Benin.” (c )- ‘“The statement from the council came as Boko Haram fighters seized scores of hostages in a raid in neighboring Cameroon on Sunday. About two dozen hostages were later released but the attack compounded fears that Boko Haram was ramping up operations beyond Nigeria’s borders. The council expressed “deep concern that the activities of Boko Haram are undermining the peace and stability of the west and central African region,” said the statement presented by Nigeria.”’ (d)-‘“The council statement urged regional leaders to “undertake further planning toward the sustainable, viable and effective operationalization of the Multinational Joint Task Force.” It urged the African countries to “identify the means and modalities of the envisaged deployment, especially in the areas of intelligence sharing and joint operations.”’ (e)- ‘“Boko Haram has butchered its way into the global spotlight and finally the Security Council is reacting,” said Alice Jay, campaign director for Avaaz. “All eyes are now on Nigeria, its neighbors and the international community to put words into comprehensive action to stop 10-year-olds being strapped to bombs or kidnapped in the night.”’ (f)- ‘“African nations threatened by Nigeria’s Boko Haram will seek U.N. Security Council authorisation for a multinational force to take on the Islamist militants, Niger’s foreign minister said on Wednesday. Reuters reports that Mohamed Bazoum said the countries of the Lake Chad region had agreed during a meeting in Niger’s capital Niamey on Tuesday that the resolution would be presented to the U.N. by the African Union.”’ (g)-‘“Boko Haram, which is fighting to create an Islamic emirate in northern Nigeria, has increasingly made incursions into neighbouring Cameroon and is also threatening the stability of the region that includes Niger and Chad.”’ (h)- ‘“Contrary to what happened in the past, we agreed with our partners that a resolution should passed by the Security Council that will allow the establishment of the Joint Multinational Force,” Bazoum told a television channel in Niamey. The countries also agreed to move the headquarters of the proposed multinational force from the Nigerian town of Baga to the Chadian capital N’Djamena after Baga was seized and ransacked by Boko Haram fighters, he said.”’ (i)-‘“During a visit to Germany, President John Mahama of Ghana has called for an African Union-mandated force to deal with the menace of Boko Haram in Nigeria and neighboring countries. Experts on peace building Thursday threw their weight behind the call for a multi-national military action to rout the dreaded Nigerian Militant group Boko-Haram. Such a force, they said, was needed because the Boko Haram issue had assumed a multinational dimension. He urged that the world should begin to see Boko Haram not as a Nigerian issue but a threat to the whole world and that was the way it should be tackled. ”’ (j)- ‘“German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the first Western leader to pledge support publicly for the proposed multinational military action against Boko Haram.”’ (k)- ‘“Nigeria and two of its neighbours – Chad and Niger – have signed an agreement to team up in fighting Boko Haram, which has turned into a transnational terror group. A top security source close to the deal yesterday said that the stage for the deal was set by President Goodluck Jonathan who had a series of telephone conversations with his Chadian counterpart, Idriss Deby. Boko Haram, which is fighting to create an Islamic state in Nigeria, has increasingly made incursions into Cameroon and is also threatening the stability of Niger and Chad.”’ (l)-‘“The source said the three countries, which contributed troops to the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF), located in Baga, Borno State, were discussing with President Paul Biya of Cameroun to participate in the renewed efforts to fight Boko Haram. Boko Haram has of late shifted focus to Cameroun where it has launched successive raids on targets, including the military, in the country.”’ (m)-‘“As part of the new offensive against Boko Haram, Niger’s Foreign Minister, Mohamed Bazoum, yesterday said nations threatened by Boko Haram would seek United Nations Security Council authorisation for a multinational force to fight the militants. According to him, the countries of the Lake Chad region have agreed during a meeting in Niger’s capital Niamey on Tuesday that the resolution will be presented to the UN by the African Union.”’ (n)-‘“Any such force would represent the most robust international response yet to the militants who have killed thousands over the last year in their campaign for an Islamic Caliphate and have also launched cross border attacks into Niger and Cameroun.”’ (o)-‘“Once set up, however, the African Union could ultimately seek a United Nations Security Council mandate to take over the force as happened in Sudans Darfur region, he said. Mahama was speaking as current chair of West African regional bloc ECOWAS, which has been accused of not doing enough to combat Boko Haram. “Nigeria is taking military action and Cameroon is fighting Boko Haram, but I think we are increasingly getting to the point where probably a regional or a multinational force is coming into consideration,” he said earlier.”’ (p)- ‘“France must do more to help countries fight Boko Haram, President Francois Hollande told an annual conference of French and foreign ambassadors in Paris. “Today, Cameroon, Niger, Chad and Benin are threatened and this situation means the international community must take appropriate action and cant let this be,” he said.”’ (q)- ‘“Chad sent a convoy of troops and 400 military vehicles on Saturday into neighbouring Cameroon to fight Boko Haram. Dlamini-Zuma said she welcomed Chads intervention and praised its commitment to the promotion of peace, security and stability in the region’ (r)- ‘“The United Nations Security Council has given it’s support for plans by African countries to set up a multinational force to fight Boko Haram, according to Vanguard. The statement from the UN meeting which was held in Niger, urged Nigeria’s neighbors to advance plans for the deployment of a multinational task force to drive out the insurgents. According to the plan, Chad is set to contribute a sizable contingent to the force along with Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Benin.”’ (s)- ‘“Earlier, Cameroon said Chad was sending a large contingent of troops to help it fight incursions by Boko Haram. It came three days after Cameroon said it had killed 143 Boko Haram militants who had attacked one of its army bases at Kolofata near the Nigerian border. It was the first major attack on Cameroon since Boko Haram threatened the countrys leader in a video posted online earlier this month.”’ (t)- ‘“The African Union, a bloc of 54 African nations, will discuss plans to send a multinational force to “deal permanently” with militants of Boko Haram, according to media reports. The reports come almost two weeks after the Nigeria-based Islamist militant group killed over 2,000 in a northern town, an attack many described as the “deadliest massacre” in the history of Boko Haram.”’ (u)- ‘“The announcement by the Ghanaian leader comes even as Chad, which had on Thursday pledged to send a “substantial contingent” of troops to fight Boko Haram militants, began deploying troops on Friday to the neighboring nation of Cameroon, according to media reports. Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported that the troops might eventually head toward the town of Baga, where Boko Haram had allegedly killed over 2,000 people, including women and children.”’ (v)- ‘“Earlier this week, the UN Security Council condemned the Baga massacre by Boko Haam-- that left as many as 2,000 people dead – in its first public condemnation of the Nigerian jihadists. The Council also urged the multinational force to push forward with a strategy.”’ (w)- ‘“Nigeria’s neighbours are already being shaken by Boko Haram’s territorial expansion. Niger, Chad and Cameroon have seen flows of refugees into their countries. In the case of Cameroon, there even have been some cross-border attacks. Boko Haram is believed to funnel fighters and equipment across borders; previously, a multinational garrison in Baga was tasked with thwarting frontier smuggling and, increasingly, the activities of Islamic insurgents. “It’s a double win” for Boko Haram, which now has greater border mobility and has stripped its military opponents of an important outpost, said Henman, manager of IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre in London. He said the Nigerian extremists are likely aware of the gains in Iraq and Syria by the Islamic State group, and may “see similar potential for themselves.”’ (x)- ‘“The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has welcomed the proposal by ECOWAS for the establishment of a regional force to fight Boko Haram, saying the European Union (EU) will be ready to contribute funds to support the operation. We need to see the regional force in place and, of course, Europeans will do whatever it takes to support it, she said.”’ THE LINK TO THE GLOBAL NEWS CHANNELS REPORTING ON THIS ACCURATELY FULFILLED PROPHESY OF THE FORMATION OF A MULTINATIONAL MILITARY FORCE TO TACKLE BOKO HARAM AFTER THE ESCALATION OF ATTACKS EVEN TO CROSS BORDER AREAS IN WEST AFRICA BEYOND NIGERIAN BORDER: 1-Raw Story Headline: UN Security Council backs plan for African coalition to join forces against Boko Haram rawstory/rs/2015/01/un-security-council-backs-plan-for-african-coalition-to-join-forces-against-boko-haram/ 2-Ghana Web Headline: Merkel supports multinational force to fight Boko Haram ghanaweb/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/artikel.php?ID=343241 3-PM News Nigeria Headline: African Nations Plan Multi-National Force Against Boko Haram pmnewsnigeria/2015/01/22/african-nations-plan-multi-national-force-against-boko-haram/ 4-BBC Headline: Boko Haram crisis: African Union to discuss multinational force bbc/news/world-africa-30854145 5-Zee News Headline: African states to seek U.N. mandate to fight Boko Haram zeenews.india/news/world/african-states-to-seek-u-n-mandate-to-fight-boko-haram_1534350.html 6-The Street Journal Headline: Boko Haram: Nigeria, Chad, Niger Sign Pact 7-National Post Headline: Boko Haram’s bloody expansion has Nigeria’s neighbours mulling multinational force to fight back news.nationalpost/2015/01/15/boko-harams-bloody-expansion-has-nigerias-neighbours-mulling-multinational-force-to-fight-back/ 8-International Business Times Headline: Boko Haram Crisis: African Nations Mull Deploying Multinational Force To Fight Islamist Militants ibtimes/boko-haram-crisis-african-nations-mull-deploying-multinational-force-fight-islamist-1786576 9-Reuters Headline: West African leaders mull new force to fight Boko Haram insurgents in.reuters/article/2015/01/16/nigeria-violence-africa-idINL6N0UV2EC20150116 10-Shanghai Daily Headline: Experts back intl military action against Nigerias Boko Haram shanghaidaily/article/article_xinhua.aspx?id=264598 11-Naij Headline: Nigeria, Chad And Cameroon Combine To Fight Boko Haram naij/367148-nigeria-chad-and-cameroon-combine-to-fight-boko-haram.html 12-Deusche Welle Headline: UN condemns Boko Haram attacks, urges African nations to act 13- Fox News Headline: Boko Harams deadliest massacre reportedly kills 2,000 in Nigeria foxnews/world/2015/01/12/violence-continues-in-nigeria-after-boko-haram-deadliest-massacre-reportedly/ PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN ABSOLUTE REPENTANCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS, TRUTH AND COMPLETE SURRENDER TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH). TIME IS ABSOLUTELY OVER; THE MESSIAH JESUS CHRIST IS IMMINENTLY COMING TO PICK HIS BRIDE!!! REPENTANCE PRAYER: Precious Jesus, I acknowledge today that you are LORD and savior of all mankind, and today I have recognized my shortfall, I repent and turn away from all sin. Please cover me with your precious blood, and establish your word in my life, that I may be found in righteousness and holiness and write my name in your book of life and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. AMEN. Shalom!!! Shalom!!! Shalom!!! Your Brother in Christ and A Servant of The LORD Prophet Kevin Mirasi E-mail address: mirasikevo@yahoo TwitterLink: https://twitter/KevinMirasi (@KevinMirasi) Facebook Link: https://facebook/kevin.mirasi
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 17:58:07 +0000

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