ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE AND RECORD KEEPING: ...PLEASE BE MINDFUL THAT I CAME ON THESE “TARGETED INDIVIDUALS” FORUMS WITH THE INTENSIONS OF PROFESSIONALISM IN PROVIDING FRIENDSHIP GUIDANCE AND ASSISTANCE AND RECEIVING THE SAME, HOWEVER, I WAS ABSOLUTELY AND HONESTLY FORCED AND/OR DRIVEN TO THESE ACCURATE WRITINGS AND RECORDS. THESE WRITINGS ARE IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER STARTING WITH THE MOST CURRENT DATE. JULY 29, 2014 – THE FORTHCOMING UPDATE MORE SPECIFIC VIOLATIONS SUCH AS PC HACKING FOR ONE AND ADDED LEGAL INVOLVEMENT… ALSO, MUCH NEEDED ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS AND GENERAL EDITING… 7-28-14 - ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, CLARIFICATIONS, SPELLING CORRECTIONS AND EDITING THROUGHOUT. ...ALSO, I DISCOVERED DEE DORSTY FOLLOWING ME ON FORUMS LATE YESTERDAY. SHE STILL HAS ME BLOCKED SO I CANNOT SEE HER POSTS AT ALL. ALSO, WITH PROBABLE EXPERIENCE AS THE PAST ADMINISTRATOR OF “ORGANIZED STALKING INFORMERS” (OSI), SHE MORE THAN LIKELY HAS SOME KNOWLEDGE WITH THIS. THERE IS OTHER NOTICEABLE SIMILAR TYPE ISSUES AS WELL. 7-27-14 - THINGS CHANGE FAST WHEN INAPPROPRIATE BUSINESS IS GOING ON; SPECIFICS FOLLOWING: COMMENT – Do not forget that investigations and/or total proof is not complete (even though mostly obvious), therefore part or more of the following could apply... 1. IMPERSONATION - an act of pretending to be another person for the purpose of entertainment or FRAUD. 2. FRAUD - wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in FINANCIAL or PERSONAL GAIN. 3. HARBORING or most likely “to enable a crime to proceed further” 4. AIDING and ABETTING --To aid or abet a crime is to assist in the commission of a crime. In most cases, someone who is guilty of aiding and abetting is not physically present when the actual crime is committed, but was aware (strong possibility) that the crime would be committed before it actually happened. REMINDER; MAC addresses are in process as discussed by Brad Heward and me.. IDEAS OR REFERENCES: A SMALL PORTION OF A PRIVATE MESSAGE FROM ME ON JUNE 26, 2014 … BEFORE THE OSI BREAK-UP: As you and most all of the other OSI people know “the inner circle”, I am aware of very serious sick dangerous situations with certain people that you confirmed. I have been in personal touch with other associated issues with OSI as you know also. The first thing I noticed along with other phony elements is the shaky nervousness and closely monitored, guarded awareness that OSI (inner circle) have had on me, especially Will Litigates anonymous total out of control senselessness such as Greg Gamache that is common knowledge. I do not care about the internal politics of OSI ‘counter parts’ as much as I do care about all of the harmful issues that that are involved with these ONGOING issues. THIS CREATES ONGOING HARM TO PEOPLE THAT ARE IN NEED OF HELP (SUCH AS THE PHONY MASS SUITS). A PARTICULAR “EDITED” INDIVIDUAL PROMISED ME A PHONE CALL DISCUSSION ABOUT ALL OF THESE CONFUSED PHONY AND HARMFUL ISSUES BUT NEVER DID, WHAT A SURPRISE! IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE BROUGHT OUT IN THIS CALL? NOTE: THERE HAS BEEN OTHER PHONE CALLS AND CONTACTS CONCERNING THESE PROBLEMS THOUGH. ALL OF SUDDEN CURRENTLY, YESTERDAY, JULY 26, 2014, (EXACTLY ONE MONTH LATER) A POST FROM A “OSI INNER CIRCLE” (AS IF) HE/THEY STILL DO NOT KNOW WHO THE ANONYMOUS WILL LITIGATE IS BUT THAT QUOTE “HE IS REAL GOOD FRIEND OF GREG GAMACHE”. ON 7-26, AS IF IT WASN’T BAD ENOUGH, A SHOWING OUT OF NOWHERE, IN ANSWER TO THE ABOVE FROM THE ANONYMOUS WILL LITIGATE HIMSELF AS IF NOTHING EVER HAPPENED ORIGINALLY: QUOTE: “If you dont retract your Libelous statements and posts and give me and the rest of our Group a public apology for Defaming me and this Group, not only are you going to be Sued and Prosecuted, We are personally going to call the police on you for Harassment/Stalking/Slander and you better pray that you dont have any active Warrants or anything else on you and I can guarantee mommy isnt going to get you out of trouble for Harassing/Slandering others little turned boy”. This post from ANONYMOUS Will Litigate is similar (typical) to the fake, unprofessional derogatory, harassing and threatening MULTIPLE posts and emails (all on documents) that I was getting from him also. As a matter of fact the original dispute with him with this type unprofessionalism was a disaster. This was mainly because; I exposed the ANONYMOUS NAME and/or the fake supporting/hiding of Greg Gamache. THIS DEMEANOR - ATTITUDE IS TYPICAL OF A LOT OF THE “FRAUDULENT TYPE ISSUES” WITH ‘SOME’ OF THE OSI ASSOCIATES IN GENERAL AND I CAUTION EVERYBODY TO BE CAREFUL WHO YOU ARE CORRESPONDING. A NOTE FROM ME PERSONALLY; I FEEL A SICK COVER-UP OR OBVIOUS PROBLEM! Are we supposed to be GULLIBLE and go around in circles with this same crowd of OSI Will Litigate, Greg Gamache type situations? Isn’t it obvious that there is this “inner circle” of supposed TIs where these situations are an attempt to keep going on with us? I HAVE NO PROBLEMS AT ALL WITH ANYBODY ELSE EXCEPT FOR THOSE IN THESE WRITINGS; ALSO, FROM WHAT I HAVE SEEN, SOME OF THESE SUPPOSED “TARGETED INDIVIDUALS”, AS PER THIS WRITING, DO NOT HAVE WEBSITES, GENERAL RECORDS, REPORTS OR EVEN ‘FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS’ AND TIMELINES THAT ARE LEGITIMATE. This obviously applies to Greg G. and the Anonymous Will Litigate, I.e., THEY DO NOT HAVE HONEST WEBSITE RECORDS AND REPORTS let alone, we have the alias name issues? By the way, this is a reminder to all legitimate “Targeted Individuals” if you do not have a report, DO ONE and include personals even if it is just for your own private record. 7-26-14 – VERY PROMISING IMPROVEMENTS AND I SURE HOPE THAT THEY CONTINUE. ...FOR ONE THING, I THINK THAT A FEW PEOPLE NEED TO BE TALKED KINDLY TO ABOUT THIS ‘TARGETED INDIVIDUALS’ BUSINESS BEING VERY SERIOUS AND JOKES ARE GREAT BUT NOT THE OTHER INCREDIBLE ISSUES AS PER THIS WRITING. 7-25-14 - INVOLVES GENERAL ADDITIONS AND EDITING THROUGHOUT. WITH AN ADDITIONAL COMMENT THAT THESE “COLLABORATIONIST” TYPE PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS PER THIS WRITING ARE SOME OF THE MOST IMMATURE, UNPROFESSIONAL, UN-EMPATHETIC AND HYPOCRITICAL PEOPLE THAT I HAVE EVER MET. ALSO; AT THIS JUNCTURE OF UNDERSTANDING HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO HANDLE PEOPLE CORRECTLY. IT IS A COMPLETE UNTRUSTWORTHY UNFEELING IRRESPONSIBLE SITUATION. …PROFESSIONALS ARE IN DIRE NEED, SO ON BEHALF OF ALL THE GREAT PEOPLE I HAVE MET, I AM STAYING TO TRY ASSISTING. 7-24-14, (plus 3:30 p.m. ADDITIONAL plus editing) – AN UPDATED GOOD MORNING FOLKS AND I HOPE EVERYBODY IS DOING AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE IN LIGHT OF THE RECENT DISHONEST AND DISHONORABLE TRAITOR(S) (AS IN BEHAVIOR) AMONG US, ESPECIALLY THE FORMER ‘ORGANIZED STALKING INFORMERS’, (OSI) SITUATION. THE UPDATES THIS MORNING 7-24 ARE ACTUALLY NOT MUCH DIFFERENT THAN YESTERDAY WHEN I REEMPHASIZED MY SHAME, DISPLEASE AND LETDOWN THAT HAS OCCURRED WITH A LITTLE ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION OF MY OBVIOUS FEELINGS! WHO WOULDN’T FEEL THE SAME? WITHIN just (24) hours, additional discovery has accumulated that has surprised me as well as concerns that have let me down a great deal. The blocking of me by ONE of the traitor (behavior) type individuals has been UNSURPRISINGLY confirmed; Blocking as in the reason for all of her approximate 40-60 plus public bashing posts of me to disappear in addition to any others that may have blocked as well (and/or the additional OSI people). This is after the damage was already done and potentially allows additional postings without my knowledge plus MAY misconstrue others not familiar with the situation. ... 3:30 P.M. WEST COAST: I WAS JUST ADVISED THAT THIS BLOCKING PROCESS HAS BEEN DONE WITH OTHER PEOPLE IN THIS CIRCLE. … SO IT IS; THE UNPROFESSIONALISM and POTENTIAL TRAITORS are NO SURPRISE. It just gets shamefully worse; Instead of any ‘backing’ of me for my honestly of spelling out the truth in these writings about this entire shameful traitor situation of which I was given NO CHOICE whatsoever, it appears that instead she Dee Dorsty and Dee Hardin (explained later) have been honored with the right with some form of rightfulness for bashing the hell out of me AND/OR ISOLATING with completely unwarranted REASONS IN GENERAL PLUS character assassinations. Part of this is potentially for my part in the downfall of the former OSI BUSTED autonomous dealings. Also, upon a new OSI chat session yesterday, Wednesday 7-23 Dee Dorsty was involved in a chat with Dwight Magnum along with other former OSI members. As was with the former OSI situation, my chat screen was up apparently with the thinking that I had no interest or knowledge at all (I.e. not paying any attentions). Upon me typing in a simple greeting, I was not only completely ignored but the chat changed in its demeanor. THERE WAS NO EXCUSE either, it was as plain as day. What additionally surprised me was a discussion of how dismayed everybody was because of a substantial amount of money was fraudulently taken from them by a supposed anonymous character. It seems to me that the anonymous Character is easy to figure out. This same sick character with his famous Mass Suits with many past dealings that I had previously warned everybody about; who would one think it is? Is this Hard to prove? Then another great big surprise; STILL a lot of talk was taking place as if they were not sure of who the CULPRIT WAS with these CRIMES of both FRAUD regarding the Mass Suit BUT ALSO the anonymous name infiltrations, I.e. Will Litigate or Who else? ..Like gee, I wonder if it is Greg Gamache? IS THIS PARTIALLY HIDDEN NONSENSE SO FAR? OH YES, I KNOW, GREG GAMACHE IS NOT INVOLVED IS HE? …AND/OR IS NOT WITHIN (OSI) EITHER! … AND I AM THE PRINCE OF WALES TO, I.e. IT MAY NOT BE PROVED WITHOUT PROPER INVESTIGATION BUT IT APPEARS COMMON SENSE! ...FROM A KNOWLEDGEABLE VIEW POINT, IT APPEARS THAT THE NEED FOR VERY INEXPERIENCED AND/OR UNSUSPECTING VICTIMS (SOME NOT EVEN CONFIRMED AS LEGITIMATE “TARGETED INDIVIDUALS”) WAS AT WILL LITIGATE/GREG GAMACHE’S (POSSIBLE TEAM) DISPOSAL FOR VARIOUS JOBS AND/OR PURPOSES. THESE TYPE POWER PLAYING PERSONALITY IS NOTORIOUS FOR USING THESE TYPE PEOPLE TO FEED THEIR SOCIOPATHIC/PSYCHOPATHIC INSECURITIES. ALSO, WHAT DO YOU SUPPOSE THE APPARENT ATTEMPTED COVER OF OSI AND/OR GREG GAMACHE IS ABOUT WITH ALL OF THESE BLOCKING TYPE PEOPLE? IS there any reason that these OSI talk and chat shows are not doing well in representing but instead shaming most “Targeted Individuals” and Forums? AND THEN THEY ARE BASHING ME AND/OR PERSONALLY UNSUPPORTIVE AS IF I DID SOMETHING WRONG? HOWEVER, neither did the unwarranted, simultaneous bashing posts from Dee Dorsty and Dee Hardin both for two consecutive days of trying to run me out of Dodge AT THE SAME TIME AS THE OSI SITUATION!! …FROM THE ABOVE, IT APPEARS THAT I AM STILL SUPPOSED TO BE THE BAD GUY. Again folks, IN ORDER FOR US TO GET HELP WITH OUR “TARGETED INDIVIDUALS” SITUATION, WE NOT ONLY HAVE TO TAKE CERTAIN LEGAL ROUTES BUT ALSO PERSONAL HONESTY WITH OURSELVES. Thank you… 7-23-14: GOOD MORNING FOLKS; THIS IS A NEW NOTE THAT WILL FURTHER EXPLAIN PART OF MY ADDITIONAL INTENSIONS WITH THIS POSTING. I CAME ON TO THESE FORUMS AS A VERY SERIOUS AND EXPERIENCED CRIME VICTIM - TARGETED INDIVIDUAL FOR COMRADELY. “Comradely is a feeling of trust, a bond created by a shared goal or experience — you dont have to be best friends with everyone in the group to know you have their support”. I have been independent for most of the (25) plus years of fighting this battle and have been through the best education of my life, in addition to the normal realm of college and Corporations that I worked for as an engineer in a very specialized field. Due to the effects of my Targeting and also a debilitation from an injury that occurred while serving my Country overseas in the United States Army, I was forced into early retirement in 2007. I thought I was prepared for my venture into Comradely and looked forward to meeting people, especially other Targeted Individuals. I have met a lot of very good folks on these forums and very much wish to stay in contact. However and unfortunately, for whatever reason, I have run into a considerable amount of trouble, consistent with this total writing, along with others on my TimeLine. I do not fully understand because I do not believe that anyone can find one negative “pertinent” incident that would suffice for the typical and miserable time consuming unprofessional, nerve raking problems that I have experienced as per the rest of this writing. I will continue (but with less time consumption on these forums OR with more appropriate redirection) with my professionalism in the never ending battle for our dire needs of assistance, however, with MORE PROPER USE OF MY EXPERIENCE for our freedoms and Constitutional Rights and pray that this inappropriate behavior ceases to a normal minimum. 7- 23-14 RECENT TARGETED INDIVIDUALS CHAIN OF EVENTS AS ACCURATELY BUT SHORT AS POSSIBLE, STARTING LATE IN THE WEEK OF JULY 14th AND RESUMING INTO THE CURRENT WEEK OF JULY 21st, 2014 WITH TARGETED INDIVIDUALS FORUMS (INCLUDING “FORMER” ORGANIZED STALKING INFORMERS (OSI) WHO’S MEMBERS DID SOME OF THE SAME THINGS (POSSIBLE COLLABORATION) REFERENCED IN THIS WRITING: AS A REAL GOOD EXAMPLE OF HOW THIS IGNORANT BELLIGERENT GARBAGE NEVER SEEMS TO STOP IS WITH SOME OF THESE DEROGATORY INSTIGATORS SUCH AS DEE HARDIN WHO IS MONITORING MY POSTS HERE NOW 7-22-14 @ approx 5:14 P.M. west coast AND IS STILL POSTING THIS SAME TYPE IGNORANCE THAT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. THIS IS BECAUSE OF THE GUILT AND DIVERTIVE CHARACTER ... SIMILAR TO THE REAL PERPETRATORS AND/OR SUSPECT FRAUDULENT PEOPLE. DO THEY ENJOY THIS? SHE DOES NOT REALIZE THAT INVESTIGATIONS ARE TAKING NOTES ALSO. THIS EXPERIENCE AS PER THIS POST IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO ME AS A VERY (25) ‘PLUS’ YEARS EXPERIENCED VICTIM OF THIS HORRENDOUS ABUSIVE SATELLITE “REMOTE TECHNOLOGY”. I WILL NOT BE GOING TO THE 3-4 REFERENCED FORUMS WHERE THESE THREADS ARE WITH THE ATTEMPTED BASHING POSTS BECAUSE OF THE CHANGES AND/OR DELETIONS IN THE POSTS THAT HAVE BEEN OCCURRING AS EXPECTED (I.e. A LOT OF MODIFYING TYPE). ALSO THE ANTICIPATED ‘BLOCKING’ BY THE PERPETRATOR TYPE AND/OR “SOMEWHAT SUSPECT FRAUDULENT INDIVIDUALS” AT THIS POINT BECAUSE IT IS NOTHING LESS THAN HIDING. SPECIALLY, DEE DORSTY HAS BLOCKED ME ALONG WITH ALL 50-60 PLUS OF HER DEROGATORY POSTS WHICH SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. I VERY SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE BLOCKED FOR THE SAME OBVIOUS REASON IT WOULD REFLECT ON ME; AGAIN OBVIOUS! ALSO, IF ONE OF THE (so to speak) SUSPECTS HAS ME BLOCKED AND THE OTHER ONE IS DOING THEIR TALKING FOR THEM AND/OR POSTS AT THE SAME TIME IN WHICH I CANNOT ENTER INTO MY OWN POSTS FOR SPELLING CORRECTIONS, WHAT DOES THIS SAY? IT SAYS THE SAME AS SOME OF THIS WRITING IS ABOUT DOESN’T IT. IT ALSO SEEMS LIKE SOMETHING THAT ONLY AN ADMINISTRATOR COULD DO. JUST LIKE ANY POWER PLAYING PERSONALITY, DEE HARDIN NOT ONLY DOES THIS BUT BASHES (ATTACKS VERBALLY) HER PEERS ALSO AS PER THIS WRITING. THEREFORE, INSTEAD, I WILL ENTER THE UPDATES HERE ON A DAILY BASIS UNTIL THE ONLOOKERS AND INVESTIGATIONS ARE COMPLETED. AS HAS BEEN THE CASE WITH THE FALL AND/OR DISAPPEARANCE OF OSI, THERE ARE OTHER PLAYERS AMONG US. THESE TYPE SERIOUS CHARACTER BASHINGS DO NOT HAPPEN COINCIDENTLY, ESPECIALLY WITH A WELL KNOWN PERSON LIKE MYSELF WITH AN APPROXIMATE 15 YEAR OLD WEBSITE ROB-FILES.COM ... AS A MATTER OF FACT THESE TYPE CHARACTER ASSENTATION’S ARE JUST PLAIN OBVIOUS MEAN DIVERTIVE INTENTIONAL ABUSE THAT SPELL THEMSELVES OUT ON THEIR OWN. I.e., IT IS A SIMPLE EXAMPLE WHEN A NEIGHBOR DOES THIS TO ANOTHER NEIGHBOR WITH A BLOCK FULL OF ONLOOKERS FOR HOURS STRAIGHT. THERE IS NOT MUCH CHARACTER DIFFERENCE AT ALL AND IT IS NOT HARD TO DIAGNOSE AND NOT COINCIDENTAL. #One - Brad A. Heward and I became friends during this time frame in which, contrary to popular belief and/or usual rumors, I noticed a very intelligent honest Man with empathy and love of family. This was also consistent with me and my website; strong opinionated and straightforward and additionally educated with my many years of being a Satellite “Remote Monitoring” TI victim with a well-known website (Brad being an implant victim). Also with my demeanor some stimulating from (7) years total military including (3) straight years overseas with commendations for services performed. #Two – Brad and I worked well together and regardless of efforts of experiencing pre negative activity of low efforts with “some” of the TI forums, I.e., very little activity and extreme signs of unprofessionalism with OSI. At this time, Brad informed me of his hard work, meetings and plans of legal representation in obtaining “mac addresses” from his PC provider by legal means with a subpoena through our internet providers. This would absolutely pinpoint the traffic and intruders on internet connections. This sounded very technically logical and consistent with assisting my problems (As well, many others) with MANY TimeLine and general personal PC hacking, a lot coming directly from the FP forums. This was also consistent with identifying OUR PERPETRATORS In general. Also, involved, has been current and previous disrespect, defamation, bashing and general unprofessionalism. NOTE: This “mac addresses legal procedure” is published separately and I encourage as many possible to get involved. At some certain point in time, hopefully, this will require very little money. #Three - At this period of time, mid to end of the week of July 14 a complete break-up of OSI and their chat and talk shoes occurred mainly through the discovery/pressured giving-in of the ANONYMOUS of their owner/leader Will Litigate, supposedly being Greg Gamache. This requires absolute confirmation but has been obvious and the majority has been done. This was partly instigated by a Talk Shoe moderated by Dwight Magnum of which Brad and I was pertinent with the “mac addresses” presentation (Brad had the floor with me as back-up). It also appears that this anonymous disaster cover-up exposure was related somewhat to my previous run-ins and pressuring of Mr. Gamache which was recorded on my TimeLine. This individual has a terrible history of fraudulent activities, obviously this being one of his attempted great sick achievements. In addition, the mental status (history) of Mr. Gamache is not good. I advised most involved TIs via the talk shoes, chats and postings very early before and after a very sick public chat show run-in that I had with Mr. Gamache consistent with recorded extremely foul language, even involving my family. This overall “anonymous” horrible situation not only interfered with privacies and trusted information with many people but also included extremely obnoxious verbalizations as well as serious threats. The possible retribution by him is to be considered and is a concern also. He is extremely computer literate and I have no doubt that the ‘mac addresses’ will display some of the hacking. There is/was also a mass suit in process of which money is involved from many others. This has been a past habit with him also. He has been caught with these consistent violations for a long period of time. STILL, the “Targeted Individuals” OSI shows and chats went on with him at the complete anonymous helm. THIS WAS AFTER MY RUN-INS WITH GREG G. AND WARNINGS TO EVERYBODY, SOME POSTED ON MY TIMELINE AND SOME IN THE WAIT. THEN AFTER THE BUST OF GREG, I IMMEDIATELY GET THE BASHING POSTS AS OUTLINED BELOW. WHAT DOES THIS INDICATE? #Four – Directly during this weeks’ time of the confirmed discovery of the anonymous and all situations with recorded sick bells and whistles, Dee Dorsty, the past administrator of OSI was bashing the heck out me during two straight days of consistent defaming posts that were absolutely tireless, defaming ludicrous. Some of the forums involved where these PUBLIC postings are will be listed below. Another forum administrator, Dee Hardin, rightfully and appreciative assisted in the proving of my obvious innocence HOWEVER IT WAS APPARENT. Still, I have received no apology or straightening-out. #Five – Just when I thought I would be able to rest from all of this ridiculousness, Dee Hardin started in on me with accusations stemming from a completely unrelated thread that happened clear back in March. I could not believe my eyes, especially how and when (the timing) that she continued with this as if I wasn’t already ‘flattened out’ tired enough with straight days of all of this attempted ‘Character Ascending Nonsense’. Then all of a sudden as if I hadn’t had enough , she started in with another subject (same public threads) that involved her disapproval of what protection (I.e. some of the above legal steps) Brad and I were taking in our efforts to PROTECT and further assist us and the general ‘Targeted Individual’ community, plus all others in general. THESE TYPE ACTIONS DO NOT HAPPEN COINCIDENTLY. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS OF HOW AND WHY WE AS TIs (typical citizens in general as well) CANNOT OBTAIN ANY VIABLE ASSISTANCE? At any rate, these situations have been reported to authorities and I will go on with my professionalism in the never ending battle for our dire needs for assistance, freedoms and Constitutional Rights. I hope all of you will join me. Most of the chain of events concerning our TI forums mainly involved with the posts and threads are the following: IN PROCESS BELOW.. PLUS private messages and other general information obtained and most all indicating some information both posted and general feelings that were present for a long period of time. HOPEFULLY THINGS WILL BE A LITTLE BIT BETTER FOR “TARGETED INDIVIDUALS” (CITIZENS IN GENERAL) ASSISTANCE AND THEY WILL BE HANDLED MUCH MORE RESPECTFULLY AFTER THIS SITUATION IS OVER WITH. https://facebook/groups/350087218443656/611840182268357/?notif_t=group_activity https://facebook/groups/EuropeanTI/680797665303214/?notif_t=group_comment_reply https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=730022337058984&id=100001536728553&comment_id=730282933699591&offset=0&total_comments=53¬if_t=feed_comment_reply THE LINK/POST DIRECTLY ABOVE HAS BEEN MODIFIED SO AS TO KEEP ME FROM EDITING AND/ OR SPELLING CORRECTIONS … REFER TO ME WITH CORRECTIONS OR FURTHER QUESTIONS.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:40:42 +0000

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