ACHIEVE MORE ... Discover the Space It is a known fact that as - TopicsExpress


ACHIEVE MORE ... Discover the Space It is a known fact that as we grow older, responsibilities also increase. We serve different roles, and a huge expectation is placed on us by the people we serve. In order not to disappoint anyone, we are often tempted to want to play to everyones demand. But after a while, we realize the futulity in that, and in most cases, swing to the far side of the pendulum - isolate and bury ourselves in our work (and God as a booster) believing when pepper rest, we can then attend to those ones. This hot chase after pepper or kulele or kish, whatever!, then becomes the chief goal and factor for everything we do. When our phone rings, the first thought is usually how much money we can make from or give the caller. As we become desirous for more, and more, and some more pepper, then we get clustered and cluttered. We lose the space between peace and quietness. Our minds are set on the go, by default, even in the dream. Dear friend, great and enduring achievements only come by realizing that space. Busyness doesnt make great, only temporary returns. There are a lot of power that we can tap into when we realize that space of peace and quiteness. It gives us the capacity to connect to the supernatural. Peter wrote on this when he said, be sensible and clear-minded so that you can pray. - 1 Peter 4:7. Let this be your goal each day to create that space that brings peace and quietness so that you can develop God-sense to not only solve todays, but tomorrows problems as well. Follow the path of peace and quietness. I believe in you!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 07:39:11 +0000

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