ACHTUNG (“ATTENTION”)!:.. LIVE ON-AIR TODAY: JUST ENERGY RADIO’s (EPIC VOYAGES RADIO’s) most charismatic Media Representative: DR RITA LOUISE, puts all fears of Cryptohistory aside as she sits down with the multiexperienced Writer DOUGLAS DUANE DIETRICH, Internationally Recognized Renegade Military Historian & Intra-Global Crisis Analyst, to Discuss Why and How THE THIRD REICH NEVER DIED, for a Duration of Two Hours (2 Hrs) Programming & Into The Night on The Transamerican Side of The World... TODAY: This Thursday, October 24th, 2013 (102413), Western/Pan-American Hemispherical Date (East of the ID [International Date]-Line) & This Friday, October 25th, 2013 (102513) Eastern/Asian-Pacific Islander/Australasian/Oceanian Hemispherical Date (West of the ID-Line). Per “DR. RITA” of The INCEPTION RADIO NETWORK’s JUST ENERGY RADIO: I have Doug Dietrich Scheduled for Today: This Thursday, October 24th, from: 08:00 PM—10:00 PM (2000—2200 Hours), EST (Eastern Seaboard Time). Please let your E-friends know that they can Tune Into The Broadcast by E-ccessing: . They can also Call Into and Listen To The Broadcast On Their Phones by Dialing: 1-786/8372262. Digital Bandwidth Broadcast Archives: An MP3 of Our Interview will be Digitally Archived after Mr. Dietrich’s Appearance and will be Retrievable by The Wednesday Following Our Initial Transmission; Specifically: This Wednesday, October 30th of This Month (103013) – on This Wælsh Nos Calan Gæaf (All Hallows’ Eve) La Oiche Shaimnh-Thuæifnnios (sCeltic New Years’ Fest)-Eve Day; in anticipation of Gemred, The First Day of Winter. It will also be made Available on YouTube as a Streaming Audio File.Please Feel Free to Download a Copy for your own Record(s) or Place a Link to The Archives on your own FaceBook TimeLine (this will allow your FB Friends to Tune-In even After The Digital Transmission Program Airs and Listen to Douglas Dietrich’s Interview 24/7 (Twenty-Four Hours/Day & Seven Days/Week). The MP3 Archives are E-ccessible @: The YouTube Archive is to be made E-ccessible @: We Look Forward To Your Listenership On This Eventide! Blessings, Dr. Rita Louise, Body, Mind & SoulHealer: Just Energy Radio: Institute of Applied Energetics: 1-972/4753393. Explore Your Possibilities Every Friday Afternoon from 02:00 PM—04:00 PM (1400—1600 Hrs), CT (Central Time) on Just Energy Radio. Tune in live @: . On October 19th, JUST ENERGY RADIO Moved to THE INCEPTION RADIO NETWORK @: . Please Join Dr. Rita and her Exceptional Guest on her New Station. About The Show: Join Dr. Rita Louise on a journey through Time and Space where Past, Present and Future collide. What we want to know is ... Who Made Up The Rules? Each week Dr. Rita is joined by Experts from the Fields of Astrology, Traditional Health, Ancient Mysteries, Cryptozoology, Ghost Hunting, Metaphysics, Spirituality, Paranormal Phenomena, Quantum Physics, UFOs, Alien Abduction(s), and more... Dr. Rita will infuse every Program with both credibility and content. JUST ENERGY RADIO bridges The Worlds of Science, Spirit, and Culture and will change the way Our World views all that lays Hidden To The Naked Eye(s). Be brave and step Outside The Box. We are departing our Old Beliefs and entering Alternative Realms. Enjoy The Possibilities! Past Featured Guests have Included: Amit Goswami, PhD Fred Allen Wolf Lynne McTaggart Anodea Judith Gary Zukav Michael Tamura Arielle Ford Giorgio Tsoukalos Michael Tellinger Barbara Hand Clow Graham Hancock Mona Lisa Shulz Bernie Siegel Guy Finley Neale Donald Walsch Brad Steiger James Redfield Nick Redfern Brien Foerster James Twyman Norman Shealy Bruce Lipton James van Praagh Ram Dass Carl Johan Calleman Jesse Ventura Richard M. Dolan Carol Ritberger, PhD Jim Marrs Robert Bauval Caroline Sutherland Joan Borysenko, PhD Robert M. Schoch Christine Page Joe Vitale Sam Osmanagich Christopher Dunn John Holland Sondra Ray Claude Swanson, PhD Judith Orloff MD Stanton Friedman Dan Millman Kevin J. Todeschi Steven Greer, MD Dannion Brinkley Klaus Dona Susan Shumsky, DD Denise Linn Larry Dossey Suzane Northrop Drunvalo Melchizedek Lynn Andrews Walter Cruttenden Edgar Mitchell Lynne McTaggart William (Bill) Birnes Father Sebastiaan Philip Coppens Jay Weidner Russell Targ Michael Cremo Scott Wolter Eldon Taylor – & Now Our Special Expert Guest for Today is Time-Slotted to Broadcast Worldwide (as Sourcing from out of the WESTERN/PACIFIC TIME-ZONE of the Amerasian [“North American”] Continent) for a Minimum Two-Hour(’s) Duration; ALL TIMES ADJUSTED BELOW AS/IF IMPACTED BY IMPOSITION OF BOTH DAYLIGHT-SAVING(’S) & BRITISH SUMMER(’S) WAR TIME (the terms: “Daylight-Saving” and European Zonal “Summer Time” are properly conveyed in the singular)... NOTE: As the United States is still Legally Engaged In Declarative State of War with Dæirs Drittens Reiches’ (“The Third Empire-State’s”) Successor-State of Dæirs Tausendjährigen Reiches-Im-Exil (“The Thousand Year Reich-In-Exile”), the Taxpaying American Electorate is still Under Unlimited & Emergent Imposition of War Time To This Day (Congress subsequently Enacted the Uniform Time Act in the very year of my own birth – c[irc]a A[nno] D[omini] 1966 C[ommonal] È[ræ] – which Standardized the Beginning and End of Daylight-Saving War Time for the Forty-Eight [48] States on the North American Continent, United; and over the US-Administered Inuit Nations of The Yukon). NOTE(S): The US-Occupied Oceanian Kingdom of Hawaii is not Subjected to any such Temporal Indisposition – as Hawaiis ever-vacationing North American Military Occupiers themselves will not abide by the very Daylight-Saving War Time they Enforce upon their Subject-Population back in The CONUS (Continental United States [Said Acronym pronounced, appropriately enough, as: “Con Us”]). Per Title: 38, Under Citation of The US (United States) Code, which is The Law – As Ratified By Congress – It Is Established That the United States Government has been in an Undeclared State of Armed Conflict (The Illegal Equivalent of War) ever since خادم الحرمين الشريفين، ابن فهد ماليك عبد العزيز ال سعود (“KHADEM ǢL-HERMEYN ǢL-ESHERYEFYEN, IBN FAHD MĀLYIEK’ [Mʊŏzlīm ‘KING’] ‘ABD ǢL-‘AZĪZ ǢL SAU’‘ŪD [‘THE CUSTODIAN OF THE TWO HOLY MOSQUES, MĀLYIEK’ FAHED AIBEN ‘ÆBDE ǢL-‘ÆZĪEYZ ǢL SAU’‘ŪD’];” Wähhä’abīist, or: Jīhadi/Holy Warrior], b[orn]1921—d[ied]2005; Mālyiek’ [“King”] of المملكة العربية السعودية [Ǣhl-Mamlakah Ǣhl-ʿAräabīyyàh Ǣlṣh-Saû’‘ūdīyyàh,” or: The “Kingdom of SawÜdïïyæ-ʿArábīyà]: 1982—2005), Summoned Deployment of Allied Coalition Forces Within بيت سعود [“Byît Sau’‘ūd,” or: The ‘House of Sau’‘ūd] Ancillary to Op[eration]: Des[ert] Shield, Commencing: August 2nd, ca AD 1990 CÈ Through to a Date Yet To Be Set By Law or Presidential Proclamation [hence: As Of This Entry: The Currently Ongoing Gulf War II is Chronologically Demarcated for Purposes of Determining Service-Connection Recognized Disabling Injuries Under Entitlement Type Code: 07 as Commencing 080290—XXXXXX]). By Which: Any and All Veterans’ Claims to Establish Service-Connection Recognized Disabling Injuries Under Entitlement Type Code: 07 = GW—II (Gulf War II; The First Gulf War [GW—I] being جمهورية العراق [Ǣhl-ǦJumhūrīyyàht Ǣhl-eʿIrākq,” or: The “Republic of E‘raq] v[ersu]s جمهوری اسلامی ایران [Jomhūrī-Ye Eslāmī-Ye AIyǣran,” or: The “Iƶlamicist Republic of Irān; lit[erally]: The “Aryan Iƶlamicist Republic”]: 1980—1988; a War in which the United States was not a Recognized Belligerent) – per VA (Veterans’ Administration) Computer Classification – Attributable To Service in The Second Gulf War (1990—[Today]) are Subject to The CFR (Code Of Federal Regulations) that Implement The Law as Pursuant to The US Code (as The CFR Holds Equal Status With The Law [Equivalent to Executive Orders]) and Thereby Also Extend Recognition of Disability as Incurred through Service-Connection (If So Established) from Gulf War IIs Effective Date of Commencement via OP: DES-SHIELD 080290—XXXXXX (Date Yet To Be Set By Law or Presidential Proclamation). BY WAY OF SCHEDULING TABULATION(S): The Supranational Organizational Movement of NaN (Nonaligned Nations) was Founded in Београдт (“Beogradt [‘Belgrade;’ lit: ‘White City’]”) – Then-Capital of Социјалистичке Федеративне Републике Југославије (“Socijalističke Federativne Republike J’Yugoslăvijyæ [‘The Socialist Federative Republic of Yugo-Slavia’]”) – ca AD 1961 CÈ as a Proactive Counterbalance in World Affairs to the Five (5)-Allied Powers Security Council-Manipulated United Nations and was largely conceived by J’yugoslăvijyæs First Communist Diktator: ЦОМРАДЕ МАРШАЛ ЈОСИП БРОЗ ТИТО (“COMRADE MARŠHAL JOSIP BROZ TITO;” born ЈОСИП БРОЗ [“JOSIP BROZ”]; Terrorist Nomme de Guerre: “TITO ALBA,” or: THE “NIGHT OWL;” СКЈ [SKJ, or: “CPY”]: Савеза Комуниста Југославије [Saveza Komunista J’Yugoslăvijyæ,” or: “League of Communists of Yugo-Slavia] Party Politico; 1892—d1980; 1st Prime Ministry [Presidency-for-Life] of Single-Party Statist J’Yugoslăvijyæ: 1953—1980; some Seven Hundred Thousand [700, 000] people and Two Hundred and Nine [209] Delegations from One Hundred and Twenty-Eight [128] Nations of The world gathered in Beogradt [“Belgrade”] to Attend his Funeral, making it one of the Most Attended Funerals of a Statesman in Le XXe Siècle [“The 20th Century”]) In Collusion with The First President of The UʿAR (pronounced: “WARE,” acronymous for: الأمم المتحدة الجمهورية العربية ايجيبتو-سوريا [“Ǣhl-ǦJumhūrīyyàht Ǣhl-ʿAräabīyyàh Ǣhl-Muttahidah Ǣlṣh Mişr-Sūrīyyàh;” or: The “United ʿAräabïï Republic of Ǣgypto-Syria”]; a major Modern Nation-State entirely occluded from American History): العقيد ججامال عبده ناصر بن حسين (“ǢHL-‘QÎD [‘COLONEL’] GJAMĀL ‘ABDU ÆHL-NĀṢṢĪER HUS’‘SÆYIN [‘COL GAMAL ABDEL NASSER HUSSEIN’], الوحدوي الاجتماعي العربي [“Ǣhl-Ittiḥād Ǣhl-Ištirākī Ǣhl-ʿAràibīst,” or: “Panʿaráb Social Unionist”], b1918—d1970; 2nd Presidency of Mişr [“Ǣgyptous”]: 1956—1970; Chairman of The OAU [Organization of Afrikan Unity]: 1964—1965; Secretary-General of The NAM [Non-Alligned Movement]: 1964—1970); Established Union between Mişr-Ǣgyptous and Ǣlṣh-Sūrīyyàh: 1958—1961/1971 (1961—1971 Encompassing the Decade of Peaceful Ǣgypto-Sūewrīyæ Contra-Union Proceedings and Orderly Withdrawal of Ǣgyptian Military-Police Elements); as well as Free India’s First Prime Minister: JAWAHARLAL NEHRU (INC [Indian National Congressionalist], b1889—d1964; 1st Prime Ministry of ICI [Independent Congress India]: 1947—1964); Ghanas First President[-For-Life]: KWAME NKRUMAH (Alias[ed]: OSAGYEFO [“THE REDEEMER”]; Catholic-Leninist and CPP [Convention Peoples Party] Founder; PC [Her Majesty’s Most Privy Council of The United Kingdom], b1909—d1972; 1st Prime Ministry of The Gold Coast [Predecessor State to Postcolonial Ghana]: 1951—1957; 1st [Lifetime] Presidency of Single-Party Statist Ghana: 1957—1966; 3rd Presidency of The OAU; Overthrown to Die-In-Exile [in the year of my own birth] by US CIA [United States Central Intelligence Agency]?: 1966—1972; Winner of The Lenin Peace Prize: 1963 [The Year of The Last Assassination of a US President and my own late sister’s birth]); and The First President of TAK/IRI (Tanah Air Kita [lit: “Our Land and Water”]/“Iƶlamic Republik Indonesia [The ‘Iƶlamicist Republic of Indonesia’]”), the largest Islamic Nation on The Globe in terms of both Geography and Demography (Homeland to as many Mʊŏzlīms as All The ʿAräabïï Middle-Eastern Nations Combined): SUŒKARNO (武士道党 [“Bushidôuīsta;” a “Sămuraï Politico,” or: “Bushī/“Budô Serviceperson”], born KUSNO SOSRODIHARDJO, 1901—d1970; 1st TAK/IRI Presidency: 1945—1967; Detained Under US/CIA-Machinated Military House Arrest: 1967—1970; Assassinated[?]). All Five (5) Leaders of The NaN QUINTEX Mutual Security Council were prominent Advocates of a “Middle Course” for States in The Developing World between The Western and Eastern Blocs through the Then-Ongoing “Cold War (WW—II, Eurasian Frontal Conflict = CAN [Combined Axis of Nations: Dæirs Dritten Reiches-Novum Romanum Imperium Maius, or: ‘The 3rd Empire/State-New Greater Roman Empire’ & Axial Allies] vs CCCP [‘SSSR,’ id est: The ‘USSR’: Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, or: ‘Sojuz sƵoŵjetskih Socialističeskih Respublik;’ ie: The ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’]: Proactive Prosecution of Hostilities Commencing w[ith]/sƵoŵjetskiy [‘Soviet,’ literally: ‘Collective’] Invasion of Dæirs Fennoreich [‘Finland’] in The Winter of The White Death: [11/30] 1939—Termination of sƵoŵjetskiy Hostilities Against The World: Christs-Mass Day [12/25], 1991 – Советский союз [‘sƵoŵjetskaiyah Sojuz,’ or: ‘Soviet Union’] Defeated & Dismantled + КПСС [‘KPSS’], or: Коммунистической партии Советского Союза [‘Kommunističheskojaya Partiiya sƵoŵjetskiyogo Soyjuza,’ or: ‘Communist Partii of The Soviet Union] Outlawed).” Historical Guidance down such a precarious path could only be found in a Modern Centrist Ideology of Revolutionary Industrialization that Opposed both Extremes. From 1925 until The Mid-Nineteen Thirties (M-1930s), no-one was more popular Worldwide while experiencing less Opposition at home than IL DUCE (lit[erally]: “THE LEADER”) BENITO AMILCARE ANDREA MUSSOLINI (Alias: FERRUM DUX [“THE IRON DUKE”]; Origin[ally] MI5 [Military Intelligence, Section 5] Domestic Intelligence Agent In Security Service of The British Realm as Editor of Italian-Socialist Journals, b1883—d1945; Il Duce of Fascism: 1919—1945; 27th Prime Ministry of Magna Italia [“Greater Italy”] 1922—1943; First Marshal of Hodierna Imperium Romanum [“The Modern Roman Empire”]: 1938—1943; Head of State of Repubblica Sociale Italiana di Salò [“The Italian Social Republic of Salò”]: 1943—1945; Martyred In Execution w/His Mistress: CLARETTA [“CLARA”] PETACCI via Allied United Nations-Sponsored Communist Lynch-Squad Under WALTER AUDISO [Terrorist Nomme de Guerre: COMANDANTE VALERIO, b1909—d1973]), Loyal Public Servant to The Latin People[s] and Protector of Islam [sic: On Stately Visitation to Lībiyā in March of 1937, Il Duce Benito Mussolini Received “The Sword of Islam” from a Committee consistent of such Tripolitanian Notables as SHAKIB ARSLAN, Said Sword soon lampooned by the Colonial French and Imperial British Press as having been “...manufactured by a Goldsmith in Florence after a Model Published in a German book At Time of Wilhelm II with Arabesque Engraved upon it by Lībiyān-Jewish Goldsmiths;” per: Margret Boveri, William Connor, et al]). The Iron Duke of Fascism found Support from the Full Political Spectrum in Italy – from Leftists to Democrats – From The Beginning. Under PM (Prime Minister) Mussolini’s charismatic Leadership, Fascism evolved into a New Political and Economic System that combined Totalitarianism, Nationalism, and Anticommunism – designed to Bind All Classes together under a State-Centralized Command-Capitalist Economic System: “The Third Way” between so-called “Free-Market (ie: ‘Monopolist’)” Capitalism and Communist Forced Collectivization; a “Static (‘Steady-Statist’) Capitalism” still Practiced throughout East-Asia Today as Exemplified in The Economic Development Model of 武士道精神 日本 (“Bushidôuist Nīpp-hôn [Sămuraï-Warrior/Servicemanly Wayfarer Spirited Japan]”). This was indeed a New System in which The State Assumes Control of the Organization of Vital Industries (In Direct Antithesis to the American Model wherein Corporations Control The State). By dint of Italian “Bloodline Politics” The Mussolini Dynasty suffered little and gained much from their Relation(s) to The Late Italian Dictator, and were Honored to act as Consultants in The Developmental Process of The Third World as Represented through The NaN Movement (Please Reference Further Below Regards The Florentinoa Prime Meridian) – strange as such may seem to those familiar with The Fate(s) of The Families of High-Ranking NAtional-soƵIalisten (“National Socialists;” pejoratively Acronymous as: “NAt-ƵIs [lit: ‘Natsocs,’ or: ‘NSƵs’]”); or The Historical Experience(s) regards Surviving Relations of DER FEÜEHRER (lit: “THE LEADER”) ADOLFUS (lit: “WOLF-KING”) JACOB HITLER (aka: “DER SCHWARZENFUCHS [‘THE BLACK FOX’],” Origin: Deutschen Armee [“German Army”] Squad Leader [NSDAP: NAtional-SoƵIalistiche Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or: “National Socialist German Workers’ Party,” In Perj[orative]: The “NAt-ƵI” Party], b [04/20] 1889—[?]; cKhanzcellor Dæirs Deutsche Demokratischen Republik [“Chancellor of The German Democratic Republic”]: 1933—1945; Der Deutschen Feüehrer und ReichscKhanzcellor von Großdeutscheland [“Leader of The German Peoples and Empire-State’s Chancellor of Greater Germania”]: 1934—1945; Entered vŴoaumphyieorai Estate[?]: 1942—1945; Der Feüehrer Dæirs Tausendjährigen Reiches-Im-Exil [“The Leader of The Thousand Year Reich-In-Exile”]?: 1945—[?]; Rumored Decedent/Assassinated[?]/Slain[?] – Note: Adolfus Hitler’s Middle Name of “Jacob” was Once Writ on a Police Report Filed in France. Adolf Hitlers DOB [Date of Birth] is Translated to: ...sometime after 1880. This is the Only Known Documentation of a Middle Name Writ for Adolf J. Hitler) Himself in wake of European Ceasefire from Proactive Prosecution of Hostilities amidst our Current World War (WW—II, Atlantic Frontal Conflict = CAN [Combined Axis of Nations] vs The Anglo-American Alliance: WWII Hostilities Commencing W[ith]/“The First Shots of The Second World War [As So Noted by None Other Than THE RIGHT HONOURABLE BRITISH PRIME MINISTER ROBERT ANTHONY EDEN, 1st EARL OF AVON & HER MAJESTY’S MOST CONSERVATIVE PRIVY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, b1897—d1977; Lord Privy Seal: 1934—1935; Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs: 1939—1940; Secretary of State for War: 1940; Leader of the House of Commons: 1942—1945; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: 1951—1955; UK Prime Ministry: 1955—1957]”: Pending Italian Invasion of The Holy Abyzzīnian Empire of Æithiyopiya In Vendetta for Adwa [Italian: “Adua;” Æng: “Adowa”], ca 1896 [One of The most Decisive Defeats Suffered by Any European Colonial Army During The Age of Imperialism, The Butcher’s Bill out of an Original 10, 600 Italian-Man Army w/7100 Native Askari Auxiliary & 56 Artillery Pieces was: 298 Italian Officers – including 4 Brigadier Generals – Dead; 2918 Italian Infantry Fatalities, 470 Casualties, 1900 Captured, & 945 Missing; 2000 Askari Fatalities, 958 Casualties, & 1800 Captured; Also Lost: 11, 000 Rifles & All 56 Pieces of Artillery; Altogether Signaling The Decline of European Colonialism in Black Afrika] and The Deutschen [“German”] March on The Sudetenland Responsive to Čzesckhyái [“Czech”] Pogroms of Volksdeutsche [“German-Folk”] Persecution & Ethnic Cleansing,” as well as The Co-Ördinated Italo-German Intercession Against Allied-sƵoŵjetskiy Insurgency on The Iberian Peninsula in La Española Guerra de Intervención [“The Spanish War of Intervention”: 07/17, 1936—April 1st, 1939; All Fool’s Day] – All Consequent The First Assassination Ever [Intentionally?] Captured On Film [by Fox Movietone Newsreel Crew] – since heavily Edited & Banned Throughout The European Continent – of The Men Who Started World War II by Firing on КИНГ ОФ СЕРБС, ЦРОАТС, анд СЛОВЕНЕС АЛЕXАНДЕР И КАРАЈЂЗГЕОРЈЂГЕYОВИЋȞ ТХЕ УНИФИЕР ОФ YУГОСЛАВИА [KRALJ . SRBVI, HRVATI i SLOVENCI ALEKSXANDER I KARAJĐZGEORJĐGEYOVIĆȞ UJEDINITELJ . J’YUGOSLĂVIJYÆ,” or: “KING OF SERBS, CROATS, and SLOVENES ALEKSXANDER I KARAJĐZGEORJĐGEYOVIĆȞ THE UNIFIER OF J’YUGOSLĂVIJYÆ”], aka: “ALEKSXANDER THE UNIFIER,” Absolute Monarch of The Triune Kingdom of South-Slavdom, b1888—d1934; Personal Dictatorship Declared by Abolition of The First J’Yugoslăv Constitution and Dissolution of All Political Parties: 01/06, 1929—10/09, 1934; Assassinated], Murdered Whilst Transiting Marseilles, Français, w/FRENCH FOREIGN MINISTER LOUIS BARTHOU OF THE FOURTH RÉPUBLIQUE [b1862—d1934; Assassinated], Aleksxander I KarajĐgeorjđgevićȟ being Gunned Down by The Man Contemporarily Identified as The Most Dangerous Terrorist In Europe: Bulgarian-Born Греатер Мацедониан Натионал-Сепаратист [“Guryeatyer Matzyedonian National-Syeparatist,” or: “Greater Macedonian National-Separatist”] ВЛАДАО ГХЕОРГХИЕФФ ЧЕРНОЗЕМСКИ [VLADAO GHEORGHIEFF ČHERNOZEMSKI, born ВЕЛИЧКО ДИМИТРОВ КEPИH, or: “VELICHKO DIMITROV KERIN,” aka: ВЛАДАО ШОФЬОР, or: “VLADAO THE DRIVER”: 10/19, 1897—d 10/09, 1934; Escapee from Detainment Pending 2 Separate Death Sentences Consequent Prior Political Assassinations and Leader of an Italian-Trained Multinational Death-Squad of at least 6 Anti-J’Yugoslăv ИМРО, or: “VIMRO” – Греатер Интернал Мацедониан Револутионарy Организатион, or: “Veća Intyernal Matzkyedonski Ryevolootionary Orguanization;” lit: “Greater Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization” – Assassins Present in Marseilles on 100934 Intent on Killing Kralj Aleksxander The 1st; Vladao Himself Dying In Act of Deed, Mortally Beaten On-Site of Crime by French Gent DArmes] even as French FM [Foreign Minister] Louis Barthou was simultaneously Taken Out In Crossfire Sourcing From Multiple Pre-Positioned Snipers of The Vatican State-Sponsored Veća Hrvatska [“Greater Croatian”] Ûstačhšiæ [Hrvatski/“Croatian”-“ϟϟ;” or: Armed Ideological Vanguard of The Croatian Catholic-Fundamentalist Movement] Under Direct Command of POGLĂVNIK [lit: “HIS FIRST & FOREMOST EXCELLENCY;” FEÜEHRER of The Hrvatski Peoples] DR. ANTE PAVELIĆ [b1889—d1959; Assassinated]: [10/09] 1934—Cessation of Overt Hostilities: [09/06] 1958 – Final Thermonuclear Salvo, OPERATION: ARGUS; Current Protracted Frontal Conflict = Dæirs Tausendjährigen Reiches-Im-Exil [The Thousand Year Reich-In-Exile”] vs Anglo-American Allied United Nations: [08/27] 1958 [Opening Thermonuclear Salvo, OPERATION: ARGUS]—XXXXXX [Yet To Be Concluded], sic: The United States-Sponsored United Nations Declaration of the Legitimate Government of the Democratically Elected NSDAP as a Criminal State Régime Abrogated Any and All Potential for Negotiation by Diplomatic Channels. As the Leadership of Dæirs Dritten Reiches, or: The Third Empire-State, could Never Accept United States-Sponsored Allied Demand for: Unconditional Surrender, The United Nations of the US and its Allies could only Take Regional Ceasefires from Reiches Military Forces in The Field; Thus: Dæirs Dritten Reiches Never Surrendered and thereby Never Died). The Mussolinis In Turn Contracted Deutschen Historian and Journalist ARNO PETERS (Developer of The Peters World Map [based on The Gall–Peters Projection], b1916—d2002). Born in Berlin, Capital of The Kaiserreiches (“Imperial Germany”) at the height of The First Great War (FGW [WW—I]), Herr (“Mister [‘Mr.’]”) Peters began his Career as a Filmmaker who studied American Techniques of Filmmaking during The Late Nineteen Thirties (L-1930s). Peters helped to Revolutionize Film Production in Großdeutscheland (“Greater Germania”) Under Direction of REICHSPROPAGANDAMINISTER (“EMPIRE-STATE’S MINISTER OF INFORMATION”) DR. PAUL JOSEPF GÖEBBELS (b.1897—d.1945[?]; Gauleiter of Berlin-Germania: 1926—1945; Reichesleiter: 1933—1945; Minister für Propaganda und Volksaufklärung [“Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment”]: 1933—1945[?]; ReichescKhanzcellor von Deutscheland [“Empire-State’s Chancellor of Germany”]: 1945—?; cKhanzcellor of des Tausendjährigen Reiches-Im-Exil [“Chancellor of The Thousand Year Reich-In-Exile”]: 1945—?; Assassinated[?]). In The Last Great Year of The Combined Axis of Nations as Extant upon The Surface World (ca AD 1945 CÈ): Arno Peters Received his Doctorate at The University of Berlin, having written his PhD (Philosophical Doctorate) Dissertation on Political Propaganda. This interest pushed Peters into studying Synchronoptic World History, which focuses on providing All People(s) of The World Equal Voice, by constructing a Timeline with Each Year being Demarcated Equal Space on a Page via Annometric Methodology. This Project culminated in Peters Development of The Peters World Map in 1974. Peters worked in Bremen, DNVD (Die Neue Vereinigte Deutscheland [“The New United Germany”]), until his Death (Please Reference Dr. Peters’ Obituary at:). See Also: Stefan Müller: “Equal Representation of Time and Space: Arno Peters Universal History (‘History Compass, vol 8 [2010], #7 []’).” Circa AD 1973 CÈ: Skilled at Marketing, Herr Doktor Peters Called a Press Conference to Announce a Renewed Cartographic Projection Map that presented an equitable, Non-Racist View of The World that treated each nation justly through accurate Area Representation. The Gall-Peters Projection Map utilizes a Rectangular Co-Ördinate System that displays Parallel Lines of Latitude and Longitude – thereby more realistically distributing a visual conceptualization of Third World Nations than the Eurocentric (and American Exploited) Mercator Projection Map which distorts and dramatically enlarges the size of North American and Eurasian Nation-States (rendering The Mercator Map The ideal Medium by which to instill a perverted sense of the United States as physically being far larger on Planetary Scale than Physical Reality while simultaneously magnifying the Optical Illusion of an Area-Inflated Russia with all the attendant Subliminal implications of Immediate Threat Perception). Hence: Peters’ Renewal of the original Gall Projection Map served as a Primary Communicative Instrument by which to visibly impose the Physical Reality of Planetary Scale regards actual Power of Place as held by The Oppressed People(s) of The Surface World. Many Landed Time Zones are skewed toward(s) The West of Correspondent Nautical Time Zones. As this already allows for a Permanent Daylight-Saving Time Effect, The NaN Movement promptly Dispensed with the Obsolete Three Hundred and Sixty Degree (360º)-Based British Imperial Greenwich-Centered Latitude and Longitude Graticule in favor of Decimal Intervals with an Origin-Point along THE TRUE INTERNATIONAL DATELINE: 168°45 West of Greenwich (which runs directly through The Bering Strait and prohibits the dissection of Pacific Sibirasia [“Russian Siberia”] in Applied Cartography so indicative of Imperial[ist] Anglomerican [Anglo-American] Geopolitical Imposition). The Meridian 168° West of Greenwich is a Line of Longitude that extends Pole-to-Pole: Sourcing From The North Pole across the Arctic Ocean, Pacific Amerasia (Northwest North America), The Pacific Ocean, The Southern Ocean, and Antarctica to The South Pole. The 168th Meridian West passes just East of Rose Atoll, Amerasian (American) Samoa (at: 14°33′S 168°9′W). The Pacific 168th Meridian West forms a great circle with The Florentinoa (Florentine) Prime-Line of The Twelfth (12th) Meridian East: . In Contrast: The North/Western-Imposed Military Time Zone Designations Displayed Below employ the anachronistic WW—II Era US Invader-Derived NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Phonetic Alphabet as once used by the Now-Dismantled (per Nīpphônjīn [“Japanese”] Demand[s]) US DoW (Department of War) and its “Legal Umbrella” Organization: The UN (United Nations, est[ablished]: January 1st, 1942 [010142]). The Time Zone for Greenwich, England, has been Assigned the Letter: (Ƶ)ed from Old British Imperial parlance. The Old WW—II US Military Phonetic Alphabet for The Letter (Ƶ)ed is Ƶulu. Until January 1st of 1972 (010172): Time Zone (Ƶ)ulu was Equivalent to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). (Ƶ)ulu Time was thence Redefined as: UTC (Universæl Temps Co-Ördionné’)±00:00 (±Hrs:Mns), which does not operate Daylight-Saving. When carrying out Operations in Multiple Time Zones, the US Military and NATO utilize (Ƶ)ulu Time, with a “(Ƶ)ed” Appended after the Twenty-Four Hour (24-Hr) Timekeeping Notation to Represent UTC±00:00. The Currently Transitional Military Interregnum of Anglomerican Garrison State(s) spanning our Occupied Planet is Administratively Divided into Twenty-Four (24) Basic Time Zones. For Easy Reference in Communications: A Letter of The Ænglish Alphabet (predictably enough) has been Assigned each Time Zone. Because some Letters such as: D & B or: M & N are easily confused via Verbal Communication(s), the Alphabetic Designate of the Time Zone is applied (exempli gratia: The term: Delta is employed when Referencing UTC+4 (Hours) rather than attempting to lucently Transmit the Letter: D. UTC (UNIVERSÆL TEMPS CO-ÖRDIONNÉ’) OFFSET(S) & MILITARY TIME ZONE DESIGNATION CODE(S) UTC+1 = TIME ZONE: “(A)LPHA (Now: ÆON per NaN Chronometry)” UTC+2 = TIME ZONE: “(B)RAVO (Now: ƵERO per NaN Chronometry)” UTC+3 = TIME ZONE: (C)HARLEY UTC+4 = TIME ZONE: (D)ELTA UTC+5 = TIME ZONE: (E)CHO UTC+6 = TIME ZONE: (F)OXTROT UTC+7 = TIME ZONE: (G)OPHER UTC+8 = TIME ZONE: (H)OTEL UTC+9 = TIME ZONE: (I)NDIA UTC+10 = TIME ZONE: (K)ILO UTC+11 = TIME ZONE: (L)IMEY UTC+12 = TIME ZONE: (M)ICKEY UTC+0 = TIME ZONE: “(Ƶ)ULU (Now: N/A [‘Nonapplicable’] per NaN Chronometry)” UTC-1 = TIME ZONE: (N)OVEMBER UTC-2 = TIME ZONE: (O)SCAR UTC-3 = TIME ZONE: (P)APPY UTC-4 = TIME ZONE: (Q)UÉBEC UTC-5 = TIME ZONE: (R)ODEO UTC-6 = TIME ZONE: (S)IERRA UTC-7 = TIME ZONE: (T)ANGO UTC-8 = TIME ZONE: (U)NIFORM UTC-9 = TIME ZONE: (V)ICTOR UTC-10 = TIME ZONE: (W)HISKEY UTC-11 = TIME ZONE: (X)-RAY UTC-12 = TIME ZONE: (Y)ANKEE Advancing West from the anachronistic Time Zone (Ƶ)ulu to The Former International Dateline in The Pacific Ocean: Time Zone (N)ovember through Time Zone (Y)ankee Terminology References the Twelve (12) Time Zones West of The Now-Defunct GMT. Advancing East from the anachronistic Time Zone (Ƶ)ulu to The Former International Dateline in The Pacific Ocean: Time Zone (A)lpha through Time Zone (M)ickey Terminology References the Twelve (12) Time Zones East of The Now-Defunct GMT. Note: Within Imperialist Anglomerican Military Timekeeping: The Greater Nīpp-hôn-jīn (“Japanese Peoples) Archipelago lays in what was once Designated as: “(J)ap—(Ƶ)ed,” or: “The ‘[J]ap’ Zone” Throughout The Second World War (Today’s “Zone: [I]ndia”– which is an Hour Ahead of The Rest of Asia); which was Intended to Serve as a General Demarcation-Line for Literal International Quarantine Precluding Allied Exterminatory Operation(s) Against Indigenous Asian-Pacific Island Peoples Under Japanese Imperium. However: Ever since the United States Sued For Peace circa AD 1945 CÈ, The Letter: “J (Vocalized Today as: ‘[J]uliet’ instead of ‘[J]ap’)” has been Forbidden from Use as a Designatory Application via Western Military Cartographic Temp-Zonal CommuniquÃés and is instead Reserved as Indicative of The Observers Local Time (intended as perennial Reminder [per Nīpphônjīn Demand] of: “The Big J—V [Japanese Victory in WW—II]”). The Military Internationalé (a term implicative of the majority of Postmodern Militaries that must maintain Common Chronometry that they may meet on The Field of Battle) Operates off a Twenty-Four-Hour (24-Hr) Clock, commencing at ƵERO-HOUR (0000 Hours [12:00 Midnight]); 0100 Hours being the Militarized Chronometry of 01:00 AM; 0200 Hours being the Militarized Chronometry of 02:00 AM; and so forth through 2300 Hours (11:00 PM), As So Below: 12:00 Midnight = 0000 Hrs (ƵERO-HOUR) 12:01 AM = 00:01 Hrs (ƵERO-HOUR: ZERO ONE) 12:15 AM = 00:15 Hrs (ƵERO-HOUR: FIFTEEN) 12:30 AM = 00:30 Hrs (ƵERO-HOUR: THIRTY) 12:59 AM = 00:59 Hrs (ƵERO-HOUR: FIFTY-NINE) 01:00 AM = 0100 Hrs 02:00 AM = 0200 Hrs 03:00 AM = 0300 Hrs 04:00 AM = 0400 Hrs 05:00 AM = 0500 Hrs 06:00 AM = 0600 Hrs 07:00 AM = 0700 Hrs 08:00 AM = 0800 Hrs 09:00 AM = 0900 Hrs 10:00 AM = 1000 Hrs 11:00 AM = 1100 Hrs 12:00 Noon = 1200 Hrs 01:00 PM = 1300 Hrs 02:00 PM = 1400 Hrs 03:00 PM = 1500 Hrs 04:00 PM = 1600 Hrs 05:00 PM = 1700 Hrs 06:00 PM = 1800 Hrs 07:00 PM = 1900 Hrs 08:00 PM = 2000 Hrs 09:00 PM = 2100 Hrs 10:00 PM = 2200 Hrs 11:00 PM = 2300 Hrs (Twenty-Three Hundred Hours) 11:01 PM = 23:01 Hrs (Twenty-Three: Ƶero-One Hours) 11:15 PM = 23:15 Hrs (Twenty-Three: Fifteen Hours) 11:30 PM = 23:30 Hrs (Twenty-Three: Thirty Hours) 11:59 PM = 23:59 Hrs (Twenty-Three: Fifty-Nine Hours) Note: There Exists No 2400 Hours within The Military Internationalé Timeframe. There is only ƵERO-HOUR. In Expedition of Routinized Daily Activities: Military Personnel employ Local Time By Way of Reference. Exempli Gratia: Report To Duty at 0700 Hours transliterates as an Order to Arrive for Work at 07:00 AM, Local Time. The Commander wants to see you at 1500 Hours, transliterates as an Order to be in The Commanders Office at 03:00 PM, Local Time (whenever Operating Local Time, the Anglomerican Military perforce Observes Daylight-Saving War Time – but ONLY IF such Demotivational Imposition is Recognized by the State or Nation within which any specific Military Post in question happens to be Based). Perforce the necessities of Operational Matters (such as Communications, Training Exercises, Deployments, Ship Movements, Aircraft Flights, etc), The Military Internationalé must often Co-Ördinate with Bases and Personnel located in other Time Zones. To avoid confusion in these matters, the Anglomerican Military Infrastructure Traditionally Operates By Time of Greenwich, England, which is commonly known as: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). However: The US Military References this Time Zone as: “(Ƶ)ulu Time” and attaches the (Ƶ)ed Suffix to ensure clarity regards the Time-Zone. Exempli Gratia: A Military Message or CommuniquÃé might Read: “Vessel will enter AOO (Vocalized as: ‘ÆI-OH-OH’) at 1300Ƶed (Vocalized as: ‘Thirteen Hundred Hours, [Ƶ]ulu Time [implying that the Ship So Referenced should Arrive On-Site The AOO – or: Area of Operations – as The Clock Strikes 01:00 PM in Greenwich, England]’);” or: “Armor will Enter the City at 1400Ƶed (Vocalized as: ‘Fourteen Hundred Hours, [Ƶ]ulu Time [implying that the Column of Tanks So Referenced should Enter the Urban AOO as The Clock Strikes 02:00 PM in Greenwich, England]’).” The Scheduled Airing as Listed Below utilizes The Pacifican Longitudinal Zone of both the Former International Dateline and The TRUE BERING ID-LINE as articulated Directly Above for its Starting Point and follows In Wake of Sol Invictus (Our Sun) as it moves from West to East along the Ecliptic (the path that The Sun traces out in the sky over the course of the year): TIME ZONE: (Y)ANKEE-IDLE (INTERNATIONAL DATELINE EAST) AM(E)SST (Amerasian [East] Sāmoa Standard Time): U.S.-Occupied Polynesia & The Midway Atoll Islands (The Unincorporated US Territory of Midway is roughly equidistant between Pacific Asia and Amerasia [North America]; whilst Amerasian Sāmoa lies almost halfway around the world from The True Prime Meridian of Firenze, Magna Italia [“Florence, Greater Italy”]) Currently minus 4 Hrs In from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone: Thursday, Oct 24th, 01:00 PM—03:00 PM (102413 [1300—1500 Hrs); TIME ZONE: (W)HISKEY: HAST (Hawai’i-Aleut Standard Time): U.S.-Occupied Hawai’i(n) Kingdom (Pacific/Aleut[ian] Bering[ian] Standard Time [St. Lawrence Island] Currently minus 3 Hrs In from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone): Thursday, Oct 24th, 02:00 PM—05:00 PM (102413 [1400—1600 Hrs); TIME ZONE: (U)NIFORM: The US-Occupied Yukon & IAN-XDT (Inuit Alaska Native[Extended] Daylight-Saving [War] Time [Currently minus 1 Hr In from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Thursday, Oct 24th, 04:00 PM—06:00 PM (102413 [1600—1800 Hrs); TIME ZONE: (T)ANGO: SOURCEPOINT OF THE CHRONIC OUTBREAK IN VIRAL AWARENESS TRANSMISSION: CAN-AM (Canada/USA) WEST/PAC (Western/Pacific) & Zona Noroeste (Northwest Zone [Baja California]) de México – also: Hora del Oeste Arixo (Arizona/Sonora) & Mountain Standard Time (Hopi Nation, Navajona) (X)DS(W)T (EXTENDED) DAYLIGHT-SAVING (WAR) TIME (Non Applicable per the United Méxican States Excepting Baja California): Thursday, Oct 24th, 05:00 PM—07:00 PM (102413 [1700—1900 Hrs); TIME ZONE: (S)IERRA: Zona Pacífico (UMS [United Méxican States] Pacific Zone) & (X)MD(W)T = (Extended) Mountain Daylight (War) Time: CAN-AM (Canada/USA)/The Navajo Nation, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Nayarit, Sinaloa, & Sonora (Central Standard Time [Saskatchewan]; Currently plus 1 Hr Out from WEST/PAC Timezone): Thursday, Oct 24th, 06:00 PM—08:00 PM (102413 [1800—2000 Hrs); TIME ZONE: (R)ODEO: HAC (Heure Avancée du Centre), & (X)CD(W)T = (Extended) Central Daylight (War) Time: CAN-AM (Canada/USA), HdG (Hora del Golfo [“The Panama Canal Zone”]), and HdZC (Hora del Zona Centro) 75% of the United Méxican States (the Eastern 3/4ths of México, including México City), also: The Unrecognized (Peyi) Wayòm (ki nan nò) Ayïti (Kingdom dhAyïti, or: “Kingdom of [North] Haiti [hAyïti: lit: ‘Land of Mountains’]” – all Currently plus 2 Hrs Out from WEST/PAC Timezone): Thursday, Oct 24th, 07:00 PM—09:00 PM (102413 [1900—2100 Hrs]); (PLEASE REF. HdZC/HAC/[X]CD[W]T PARTICIPANTS THROUGHOUT AMERASIA [NORTH AMERICA] DURING BRITISH SUMMER & [EXTENDED] DAYLIGHT-SAVING [WAR] TIME FURTHER BELOW); TIME ZONE: (Q)UÉBEC: République Québeçois (X)ED(W)T = (Extended) Eastern Daylight (War) Time CAN-AM (Canada/USA), AST (Atlantic Standard Time) Puerto Rico & The US Virgin Islands, Répuibliqkue dhAyïti DST (Daylight Saving Time) ([The] “Republic [de Sid, or: ‘of South’] Hayïti”), and C(S)DT (Cuba [Summer] Daylight Time) República de Cuba ([The] “Republic of Cuba”), also: GB-NASTI (Guantánamo Bay Naval Air Station Time: [United States Naval Base Guantanámo Bay, Cuba & GITMO Prison Detention Camp]) Plus: The US-Occupied hAyïtian Island of Lanavashaz (La Navasse [The Navassa, or: “The Pasture”] – all Currently plus 3 Hrs Out from WEST/PAC Timezone): Thursday, Oct 24th, 08:00 PM—10:00 PM: (102413 [2000 Hrs—2200 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (P)APPY: HAdl‘A (Heure Avancée de lAtlantique) & A(S)DT Atlantic (Summer) Daylight Time Confédéral Maritime Canada, The Dominion of Canada’s Newfnland Time (Labrador) and the British Overseas Territory of The Somers Isles (Bermuda); Currently plus 4 Hrs & Overnight Out from WEST/PAC Timezone, Into Next Day: Thursday, Oct 24th, 09:00 PM—11:00 AM (102413 [2100—2300 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (O)SCAR: FRENCH TERRITORY IN AMERASIA (NORTH AMERICA) La Collectivité Française dOutre-mer Territoriale de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (“The French Overseas Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon”) StPM(S)DT ([St.-]Pierre-et-Miquelon [Summer] Daylight Time) Currently plus 5 Hrs & Next Dy Out from WEST/PAC Timezone: Thursday, Oct 24th, 10:00 PM—12:00 Midnight, (102413 [2200]—ƵERO HOUR: 102513 [0000 Hrs]); THE FORMER ƵERO-MERIDIAN OF “THE NEW ‘MORAL (MONETARY)’ WORLD ORDER (THE US-UK/NATO & UN MILITARY’S “[Ƶ]ULU-TIME [TIME ZONE-NIL])” – Note that the American “Ultrapower” War Machine itself does not Operate Daylight-Saving “War” Time; The Anglo-American Imperial/NATO-Allied & United Nations CUT (Co-Ördinated Universal Time [Currently plus 7 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]) – Now NULL & VOID (Please Reference Below): Friday, Oct 25th, 12:00 Midnight—02:00 AM (ƵERO HOUR: 102513 [0000—0200 Hrs]); The NaN-MOVE (NONALIGNED NATIONS [MOVEMENT]) TUTCÖ (TELLURIAN UNIVERSÆL TEMPS CO-ÖRDIONNÉ’) – The True Chronometric Meridian of NAM/TUTCÖ is located on THE FLORENTINOA (“FLORENTINE”) PRIME MERIDIAN, which Serves over Half of Humanity as Our Planets ƵERO MERIDIAN TIME-LINE (Daylight-Saving is Non Applicable per Florentinoa [Florentine] Prime Meridian; & also: WET (WESTERN EUROPEAN TIME)-ZONE (WET-Zone = The Former Greenwich Mean Time) TIME ZONE: ÆON/(Former[ly]) “(A)LPHA”: WE(S)T (Western European [Summer] Time) Poblacht na hÉireann ([The] “Republic of ÉIre-Land”) GǼI(S)T = Gǽilge (“ÉIrelish [‘Irish’]”) Summer Time, and UK/BST (United Kingdom British Summer Time [Both Zones Currently plus 8 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]) Friday, Oct 25th, 01:00 AM—03:00 AM (102513 [0100—0300 Hrs]); INTERLUDE: MERIDIANA: The NaN Movement of Developing Nation-States utilizes THE FLORENCE PRIME MERIDIAN (Demarcated as: 11°15’ East of Greenwich, per the obsolescent Anglomerican 360º-Standard). IL GRANDE FLORENTINOA MERIDIANO (“THE GREAT FLORENTINE MERIDIAN”) as Originally Established by Il Duce Benito Mussolinis Pax Novum Romanum traverses The City Center of Florence in Italy and is The Antipode of 168°45 West of Greenwich which runs directly through The Bering Strait and serves The Majority of Humanity comprising the Population(s) of The NAM-Affiliated States as The True Date Line. MUSSOLINI MERIDIANO IL GRANDE (“MUSSOLINI THE GREAT’S MERIDIAN”) passes through the Following Nation-States; Metropolises; National Subdivisions; & Other Localities: NEUROPA: Norway: Trondheim 63°25′N 11°15′E West of Oslo 59°57′N 11°15′E Denmark: Læsø 57°16′N 11°15′E Kalundborg 55°41′N 11°15′E Korsør 55°20′N 11°15′E Die Neue Vereinigte Deutscheland (“The New United Germany”): West of Wismar 53°54′N 11°15′E East of Wolfsburg 52°25′N 11°15′E Buchenwald, West of Weimar 51°1′N 11°15′E East of Nürnemberg 49°27′N 11°15′E West of Ingolstadt 48°46′N 11°15′E Fürstenfeldbruck, West of Munich 48°8′N 11°15′E Österreich (“Austria”): West of Innsbruck 47°16′N 11°15′E IMPERO ITALIANO: Magna Italia (“Greater Italy”): Trento 46°04′N 11°15′E West of Vicenza 45°33′N 11°15′E East of Verona 45°26′N 11°15′E West of Bologna 44°30′N 11°15′E THE CITY CENTER OF FIRENZE (“FLORENCE”): 43°47′N 11°15′E Maghrebian Tunisia: Mediterranean Sea ca. 10 km East of Kelibia on Cap Bon Peninsula 36°51′N 11°15′E Remla on Chergui Island 34°43′N 11°15′E East of Ben Gardane 33°8′N 11°15′E Lībiyā: Tripolotania Sabha The Fezzan of Awbārī-Taureg Algeria: Illizi Province 23°50′N 11°15′E Niger: The Greater Maūrītāniyān Sahara Nigeria: East Bornu Gombe, Capital of Hausua Soodan 10°17′N 11°15′E Adamaouwara: Gongola Nord Adam Biafra (The Littoral State of) Meridiana (The) CKameroon: Bafia 4°45′N 11°15′E West of Yaounde 3°52′N 11°15′E GABON: The Primal Meridianite Intersection with The Æquator is located in The Abanga-Bigne Department of Moyen-Ogooué Province 0°0′N 11°15′E (this is near Ndjolé). Æquatorial Guinea: The Eastern Border of the State is Demarcated as The Meridian 12° East. The Meridian 11°15 East runs through: Kié-Ntem Province Wele-Nzas Province (The) Republic of The CKongo: Near Tchimba Lake in Conkouati Reserve, Madingo-Kayes District, 50 km West of the mouth of the Cunene River, which marks the Angolan-Namibian border 17°15′S 11°15′E. NOTE: The Former Greenwich Meridian – from which all Anglo-Saxon, sCeltic (Gæilge [“ÉIrelish”], Na hAlban [“Scottish”], & Breatnais [“Wælsh”]), and United Kingdom Crown Island Dependency (Ellan Vannin [“Isle of Man”], etc. [Worldwide]) Civil Time is reckoned – was Enforced the world over at the zenith of Pax Britannica as an Approximation to Greenwich Mean Solar Time at UT1 (the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, where a system was first developed circa 1850 for tracking time based on the rotation of The Earth [plus/minus 0.1 Seconds]) – and Imposed as The Greater British Imperialist GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) – was subsequently subsumed in turn by Pax Americana through presumption of the Soviet-Socialist-Modeled American Empire’s NW/MO (New World “Moral [ie: Monetary]” Order [est.: 1941: ]); and is now obsolete and defunct since AD 1972, CE; having been superceded by The Frankenreich’s Central (Continental) European TAI (International Atomic Time [more acceptable around the world as the basis for The Current Timescale because it doesnt sound quite so British]). The exactitude of TAI is such that UT1-TAI was approximately 0 on 010158 (January 1st, 1958 [Atomic Clocks deviate only 1 second in about 20 Million Years]). TAI (TEMPS ATOMIQUE INTERNATIONALÉ) TIME ZONE: ƵERO/(Former[ly]) “(B)RAVO”: CE(S)T (Central European [Summer] Time) Le Troisième Paix Gaulois (“The Third Gallic Peace”) de (of) La Cinquième République Française (“The Fifth French Republic”), ME(S)Z (Mitteleuropäische [Sommer]zeit) Die Neue Vereinigte Deutscheland (“The New United Germany”), und (and) Confœderatio Helvetica (Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft [Confédération Suisse; Ænglicized as: “Swiss Confederation”]); also: Републиканска Царства Велике Србије (Republikanska Carstva Velike Srbije [The “Republican Empire of Greater Serbia”]) Currently plus 9 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone): Friday, Oct 25th, 02:00 AM—04:00 AM (102513 [0200—0400 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (C)HARLEY: Eastern European (Summer [Daylight]) Time Zone Roʊˈmâeɪniəɐ (“Roumânia”), Україна (“Ukrɑjˈyinɑ [The ‘ijyUew-‘kræyɪne’];” Æng[licization]: “Ukraine”), and מדינת ארץ ישראל השלמה (“Medyīnat Eretẓ YIƶhrǽl Ha-Shlema [The ‘Nationalist State of Greater Isrā‘el’]”) Daylight (War) Time [Currently plus 10 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Friday, Oct 25th, 03:00 AM—05:00 AM (102513 [0300—0500 Hrs]); Australasian CCK (Cocos [& Keeling]) Island(s) Time (Currently plus 13.5 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone): Friday, Oct 25th, 06:30 AM—08:30 AM (102513 [0630—0830 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (G)OPHER: ICT (Indochinǽ Time) The DSRVN (Democratic Socialist Republic of Việt-Nám), NAM-CÖ (Nonaligned Nations Movement Co-Ördination[s] Bureau) – DKI (Daerah Khusus Ibukota [“Special Capital City District”]) Jakarta [Currently plus 14 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Friday, Oct 25th, 07:00 AM—09:00 AM (102513 [0700—0900 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (H)OTEL: 治安 中国特色的 (“Zhì-Ān ƵChuōngg-kHóuá Tè-Sè Dí [‘Pax Sinitica’]”) Standard Time: 民族主義者的中華民國在臺灣一個百島 (“Mín-Zú-Zhǔ-Yì Zhě Dí ƵChuōngg-kHóuá Míng-Kuó Zài Tái-Wān Yī Gè Bǎi Dǎo [‘República da China dos Nationaliasts, a em um cem Islhlas de Formosa;” or: The ‘Nationalists’ Republic of China on The One Hundred Islands of Táiwān’]) 新 中國人 臺北市 (Xīn ƵChuōngg-kHuóuá-Rén Táīp-Běīh Shì [New Chinese Táīpběīh City]) Time, and The 中华人民共和国 (“ƵChuōngg-kHuóuá-Rén Míng-Gòng-Hé Guó [The ‘Ethnic-Chinese and Collective People’s Republic of National Statehood’]”), Currently Utilizing: 北京 (“Běi-jīng [‘Pěikīng’]”) Time throughout the Nominally Communist Empire on The Asian Mainland; also: The 7100 Islands of The Repúblika ng Pilipinás (“Republic of The Philippines”) Time, AWST (Australasia[n] Western Standard Time), and Australian Western Central (Eucla[n] Central West) Time (Currently plus 15 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone): Friday, Oct 25th, 08:00 AM―10:00 AM (102513 [0800—1000 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (I)NDIA: 七 千の島々 の大きい日本帝国 (Shichi Sen no Shima no Ōoki-i i Nīpp-hôn Teikoku [‘The Seven Thousand Islands of The Greater Japanese Empire’]”), w/6859 Islands (including 7 Artificial Isles) Currently Running Directly on 東京都 (Tōkiyō-to [lit.: Eastern Capital Metropolis]) Time, Also: The RO(S)K (Republic of [South] Korea) Standard Time; and The DPR(N)K (Democratic People’s Republic of [North] Korea) Standard Time (Currently plus 16 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone): Friday, Oct 25th, 09:00 AM—11:00 AM (102513 [0900—1100 Hrs]); ACST (Australasia[n] Central Standard Time) South Australia & The Northern Territory (Currently plus 16.5 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Friday, Oct 25th, 09:30 AM—10:30 PM (102513 [0930—1030 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (K)ILO: AEST (Australasia[n] Eastern Standard Time) Queensland & Tasmania, PGT (Papua New Guinea), and ChST = Chamorro (Hagåtña [“Guamanian”] Nationality) Standard Times (North[ern] Mariana[s] Island[s]), also: Australasian Indian Ocean Time (CX [Christmas] Island [Currently plus 17 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Friday, Oct 25th, 10:00 AM—12:00 Noon (102513 [1000—1200 Hrs]); Australasia(n) LoH(I)ST (Lord Howe [Island] Standard Time [Currently plus 17.5 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Friday, Oct 25th, 10:30 AM—12:30 PM (102513 [1030—1230 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (L)IMEY: Australasia(n) NFT (Norfolk [Island] Time [Currently plus 18.5 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Friday, Oct 25th, 11:30 AM—01:30 PM (102513 [1130—1330 Hrs]); TIME ZONE: (M)ICKEY: NZST (New Zealand Standard Time [Currently plus 19 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Friday, Oct 25th, 12:00 Noon—02:00 PM (102513 [1200—0200 Hrs]); New Zealand CHAST (Chatham Islands Standard Time [Currently plus 19.75 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone]): Friday, Oct 25th, 12:45 PM—02:45 PM (102513 [1245—1445 Hrs]); TEMP ZONE (M)I(N)I: IDLW (INTERNATIONAL DATELINE WEST) WST (West[ern] Sāmoa[n] Time) Dæirs Altern Deutschen Polynesia (“The Old German Polynesia[n]”) Malo Saoloto Tutoatasi o Sāmoa (the Independent State of Sāmoa [The Former Western Sāmoa]) Currently plus 20 Hrs & Next Dy Out from CAN-AM WEST/PAC Timezone: Friday, Oct 25th, 01:00 PM—03:00 PM (102513 [1300—1500 Hrs]). CENTRAL (“WAR”) ZONE SUMMER DAYLIGHT TEMPORAL LISTING(S): Extended Daylight-Saving War Time is Enforced in the Northern Hemisphere Under Pax Americana between March—April and Ceases Imposition between September—November. Participants in the Observation of Transamerican (X)DS(W)T generate the artificial cleaving of a massive swath of area through the midst of the North/Western Hemisphere via the Extended Transitional Imposition of: HAC (Heure Avancée du Centre), DCC (Dominion de la Confédération Canadienne [Dominion of Canadian Confederation]); HdZC (Hora del Zona Centro), USM (United States of México); and/or (X)CD(W)T ([Extended] Central Daylight [War] Time), USA (United States of America). The Provinces of Dominion and the States of (Méxican-American) Union thus subsumed include: Canadian Provinces Observing British Summer Time (Not All Nation-States in The Northern Hemisphere Observe British Summer/Daylight-Saving War Time, but the Canadian Confédération Honors the Dominion of Pax Britannica over The First Peoples’ Nations of “Kanata [Saint-Lawrence Iroquoian for: ‘Peopled Land’]” by doing so – albeit In Practice adapted to the Chronometric Demands of Pax Americana [Canada, however, is Multilingual and Multicultural, so this is NOT a Universal Observation]): All Manitoba Nunavut: Kugluktuk (Cambridge Bay only [other parts transition through the Dysrhythmic Depression of EST/EDT or – quite sensibly – maintain the normative “Winter” EST Year-Round]) Ontario: Most parts West of 90º West (Parts East of 90º West Submit themselves to the Depression of EST/EDT Dysrhythmia) Saskatchewan: Only Creighton and Denare Beach States of (North) American Union Observing Summer (X)CD(W)T ([Extended] Daylight-Saving [War] Time) from 02:00 AM on the Second Sunday in March through 02:00 AM on the First Sunday of November: All Alabama All Arkansas (North-West[ern]) Florida: The Counties of: Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton & Washington Counties, and Northerly Gulf County. All Illinois Indiana: These few Northwestern Counties near Chicago: Lake, Porter, La Porte, Newton, Jasper, and Starke; and also these Southwestern Counties in Indiana near Evansville: Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh, Warrick, and Perry. All Iowa Kansas (Excepting these MST/MDT Dysrhythmic Western Counties: Greeley, Hamilton, Sherman and Wallace). (West[ern]) Kentucky: The Counties of: Adair, Allen, Ballard, Barren, Breckinridge, Butler, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Christian, Clinton, Crittenden, Cumberland, Daviess, Edmonson, Fulton, Graves, Grayson, Green, Hansock, Hart, Henderson, Hickman, Hopkins, Livingston, Logan, Lyon, Marshall, McCracken, McLean, Metcalfe, Monroe, Muhlenberg, Ohio, Russell, Simpson, Todd, Trigg, Union, Warren, and Webster. All The Parishes of Louisiana A few Western Counties of the State of Michigan: Dickinson, Gogebic, Iron, and Menominee. All Minnesota All Missi (East[ern]) Nebraska: All Excepting MST/MDT Depressed Arthur, Banner, Box Butte, Chase, Cheyenne, Dawes, Deuel, Dundy, Garden, Grant, Hooker, Keith, Kimball, Morrill, Perkins, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan, and Sioux Counties, and also: Westerly Cherry County. (North and Eastern) North Dakota: The Counties of: Barnes, Benson, Bottineau, Burke, Burleigh, Cass, Cavalier, Dickey, Divide, Eddy, Emmons, Foster, Grand Forks, Griggs, Kidder, Lamoure, Logan, McHenry, McIntosh, McLean, Mountrail, Nelson, Oliver, Pembina, Pierce, Ramsey, Ransom, Renville, Richland, Rolette, Sargent, Sheridan, Steele, Stutsman, Towner, Traill, Walsh, Ward, Wells, Williams, and northerly McKenzie and Dunn, and also: Westernmost Morton and Fort Yates in Sioux. All Oklahoma (East[ern]) South Dakota: The Counties of: Aurora, Beadle, Bon Homme, Brookings, Brown, Brule, Buffalo, Campbell, Charles Mix, Clark, Clay, Codington, Davison, Day, Deuel, Douglas, Edmunds, Faulk, Grant, Gregory, Hamlin, Hand, Hanson, Hughes, Hutchinson, Hyde, Jerauld, Kingsbury, Lake, Lincoln, Lyman, Marshall, McCook, McPherson, Miner, Minnehaha, Moody, Potter, Roberts, Spink, Sanborn, Sully, Tripp, Turner, Union, Yankton, Walworth, and also: Easterly Jones and Stanley. (West[ern]) Tennessee: The Counties of: Bedford, Benton, Bledsoe, Cannon, Carroll, Cheatham, Chester, Clay, Coffee, Crockett, Cumberland, Davidson, Decatur, DeKalb, Dickson, Dyer, Fayette, Fentress, Franklin, Gibson, Giles, Grundy, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, Jackson, Lake, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, McNairy, Macon, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Maury, Montgomery, Moore, Obion, Overton, Perry, Pickett, Putnam, Robertson, Rutherford, Sequatchie, Shelby, Smith, Stewart, Sumner, Tipton, Trusdale, Van Buren, Warren, Wayne Weakley, White, Willamson, and Wilson. All The Republic of Texas (Excepting These few Counties in The West: El Paso and Hudspeth and part of Culberson). All Wisconsin States of Méxican-American Union Observing Summer HdZC Daylight-Saving Time (Enforced between 02:00 AM on the First Sunday in April through 02:00 AM on the Last Sunday in October): Aguascalientes Campeche Chiapas Coahuila Colima Distrito Federal Durango Guanajuato Guerro Hidalgo Jalisco León Michoacán Morelos México Nuevo León Oaxaca Puebla Querétaro Quintana Roo San Luis Potosí Tabasco Tamaulipas Tlaxcala Veracruz Yucatán Zacatecas Attention FaceBook Friends and Fans of Douglas Duane Dietrich: Since FaceBook has begun to ask Page Administrators to pay to Promote their pages, only Ten Percent (10%) of Page Visitors Receive the Updates that are Posted. To receive ALL of my/Douglas Dietrichs Posts, you must do the following: 1) Go to my Page(s [either – or both – of Douglas Duane Dietrichs TimeLines, Public and/or Private]) 2) Hover your mouse over where it says LIKED and click on: Add to Interests Lists. Like So: Thank You for your Accommodation in this manner during these Times of Rapid Change. — Douglas Duane Dietrich.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:45:03 +0000

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