!!! ACHTUNG (E-TTENTION) !!! AT THIS VERY MOMENT !!! REVOLUTION RADIO HOST DOUGLAS DIETRICH, RENEGATUS HUMANUS ARMA AB MASSA-ERUDITIO (RENEGADE HUMAN WEAPON OF MASS-INSTRUCTION) SOLEMNLY AND INESCAPABLY DEDICATES THIS EVENTIDES SATURDAY NIGHT FIRING-LINES IN MASS-MEMORIAM TO THE WELL OVER ONE HUNDRED MILLION (100M+ [100 000 000 +]) FALLEN -- OVERWHELMINGLY CIVILIAN AND MINORITY MILITARY -- OF THE GREAT WAR WAGED IN WAKE OF ONE MANS MASSACRE OF A NOBLE FAMILY World War I (Assassination of The Heir[s] To The Throne of Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie [The Dual-Monarchic Austrian-Hungarian Empire]: ARCHDUKE FRANZ FERDINAND [birthed 1863—deceased 1914; Assassinated with Expectant Wife] & ERZHERZOGIN VON ÖSTERREICH [“ARDUCHESS OF AUSTRIA”] SOPHIE OF HOHENBERG [née CHOTEK, b1855—d1914; Expectant Mother Assassinated whilst Carrying Child] in Град Sǎrajɛʋɔ [Grad Sǎrajevo, or The City of Sarajevo] by Ј’Yуго-Слăв [J’Yugo-Slăv, or “South Slavic”] Pan-Nationalist GAVRILO PRINCIP [b1894—d1918; Perished In Austrian Detention]: 06 / 28 / 1914—06 / 28 / 1919: Versailles Diktat Imposition after The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’s [Today’s Rockefeller University] American Army-Weaponized Avian-Swine Influenza H1N1 [Hemagglutainin 1-Neuraominaidase 1] Decisively Ended The First World War through the unsurpassable Genocide of One Hundred Million [100 000 000] People Worldwide and Forever Altered The Course of Human Genetics in unprecedented Artificial Pandemic Injury to Our Species; thereby Establishing – in Covert Military-Medical Parlance – The Year of my Late & Sainted Father’s Birth: Anno Domini MCMXIX [1919 Commonal Èræ] as YEAR ONE of V—È [Virologic Èræ] amid[st] The United States’ subseqᵫnt Forced Reorganization of The European Continent: A Highly Classified Chronometric Indicator of The Biocidal Age – Currently in its Ninety-Fifth Year [95th Yr] ATDE [At Time of Data Entry]; id est: It is Presently 95 V—È per Top-Secret Military-Contracted Medical-Industrial Complex Calendrical Reckoning) ... ON THE SATURDAY NIGHT FIRING-LINES: WEEKLY OPEN DISCOURSE WITH THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN EITHER SIDE OF THE PACIFIC, NOW PERMANENTLY SCHEDULED AS BROADCASTING EVERY WEEKEND This Saturday TONIGHT, The Twenty-Eighth Day of June (June 28th, 2014 [062814]), Western / Pan-American Hemispherical Date (East of The ID [International Date]-Line) & This Sunday TONIGHT, The Twenty-Ninth Day of June (June 29th, 2014 [062914]) Eastern / Asian-Pacific Islander / Australasian / Oceanian Hemispherical Date (West of The ID-Line) @ 10:00 PM—12:00 Midnight (2200 Hours—ƵERO-HOUR [0000 Hours]) by Reckoning of EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), ATLANTIC SEABOARD, USA (United States of America) & 07:00 PM—09:00 PM (1900 Hours—2100 Hours) by Reckoning of PDT (Pacific Daylight Time), WESTERN USA LIVE ON-AIR with YOU, Yourself, Into The Night on The Transamerican Side of The Surface World -- & Through The Day on The Eurasiafrikaustral Half of The Globe ... All of Us Participating Interactively Worldwide In Discussion of Current Events and / or Historical Topics of YOUR Choice & Interest(s)! Directly Below are Presented The SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) for Live Contact & Communications as Issued from Mister Ringley on Speaking Within The Night with ЗАМУРАЈ ДУКИЦ (ƵAMURAJ ƉÛKŒ [SĂMU-RAÏ DUKIČ, or SERVICEMÆN DUKE]) -- as he was once known within his Privately-Contracted Security-Enforcement Career: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: A PERMANENTLY Open Forum Format Wherein – Throughout The Entire Timeframe Of The Two-Hour (2 Hrs) Program – HOST DOUGLAS DUANE DIETRICH, MOST DANGEROUS MAN EITHER SIDE OF THE PACIFIC, Invites ANY and ALL Callers and SKYPErs (SKY Peer[s]) to Qᵫstion him Concerning ANYTHING THEY Want. We Do Hope To Hear From YOU, Yourself, Over THIS SATURDAY NIGHTs Broadcast! Join HOST DOUGLAS DIETRICH ON OPEN LINES – LIVE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT EAST OF THE ID-LINE (As Scheduled Each & Every Weekend) – Through The Hours As Listed Further Below on This Column By Entering The REV-RAD Chatroom (Open Twenty-Four Hours a Day [24 Hrs / Dy] via The Orange Chatroom Button Located On The Upper Left Of The REV-RAD Homepage) To Speak DIRECTLY With DOUG DIETRICH ANYTIME Throughout The Broadcast (It Being Strongly Recommended, However, That One Initiate Contact As Early As Possible In The Program [By Which To Provide Adequate R/E-sponse Time]) We Take Both Regular Phone-Calls and SKYPE (SKY Peer-to-Peer)! ADD Us To YOUR SKYPE CONTACT(s) USING: freedomscreen Or CALL-IN TO REVOLUTION RADIO via LANDLINE or CELLPHONE @ 1-347 / 6882902 You Should Hear The Music On Auto-Serve. Please Wait and You WILL be Dragged In LIVE ON-AIR To THE SATURDAY NIGHT FIRING LINES – PLEASE Turn Your Radio / Player OFF When On-Air! ... Out Of Respect To Other Callers, We Try To Limit The Majority Of Calls To Between Five Minutes—Ten Minutes (5 Mns—10 Mns) of Air-Time But One Is ALWAYS Welcome To Enter The Rev-Rad Chatroom To Connect With Our E(lectronically)-xtended Family. 1. We now have our own Revolution Radio Android App! You can download it here and help Spread The Word: 2. We are now a Top TUNEIN.COM Broadcaster! Listeners can Download the Tune-In App and Take The REV-RAD Station Mobile! 3. We are an Available Station on All Grace Tabletop Radios – Time-Slotted to Broadcast DD Dietrich Worldwide (as Sourcing from out of the WESTERN / PACIFIC TIME-ZONE of the Amerasian [“North American”] Continent) ON ANY MEDIUM for a Minimum Two-Hour(S) Duration! — The NnighthawkK @
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:03:07 +0000

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