ACIO - 2013 Q>In Which era, crusades were conducted by Europeans - TopicsExpress


ACIO - 2013 Q>In Which era, crusades were conducted by Europeans to liberate Jerusalem from Seljuk Turks? 1080 -1100 1088 -1270 1098 -1354 1270 -1300 four crusades were fought by Europeans to liberate Jerusalem from Seljuk Turks. And the period is 1095-1291 but none of the options match. Britannica Page also gives the same period: Between 1095-1291. Hence Answer=Doubtful. OR #2 because 1088-1270 is closest match near 1095-1291 Q>Which of the following European powers seized territories of the Ottoman Empire in the early decades of the 18th century? Austria-Hungary Britain Russia France 50:50 between 1 and 3. Because both were fighting with Ottomans to get control over Serbia and Balkans. Q>When the Portuguese sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and entered the Indian Ocean in the late fifteenth century, they found ? a region defended and patrolled by fleets of the Chinese navy a region where sea trade had not yet developed numerous ports under the control of merchants from Genoa a network of long distance trade routes dominated by Muslim merchants from this BBC page: Vasco De Gama sailed into the port of Mozambique. This was one of a chain of Muslim city states, at the southernmost point of Muslim influence on the east African coast. The Portuguese had totally underestimated the quality of goods being traded in this part of the world – cotton, ivory, gold and pearls. In Malabar, Muslim traders also held considerable influence at court, and were unwilling to relinquish control of the spice trade to the Christian visitors. After Vasco De Gama, another Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvares Cabral came with lavish gifts to tempt King Zamorin into a trade agreement. But The Muslim merchants were outraged at this attempt to steal their trade, and killed 50 of Cabral’s men. From all ^this, we can infer that answer #4. Q>Which was the last dynasty that ruled China and in which year was the Republic of China established? Qing dynasty, 1911 Ming dynasty, 1949 Yuan dynasty, 1939 Liao dynasty, 1935 Britannica: Chinese Revolution, (1911–12), nationalist democratic revolt that overthrew the Qing (or Manchu) dynasty in 1912 and created a republic. Q>Which Dogra General led successful military expedition to Laddakh, Baltistan and parts of Tibet between 1834 and 1841? Mehan Singh Gulab Singh Mehta Basti Ram Zorawar Singh It was General Zorawar Singh, his stamp was released in 2000. Answer #4 Ref. kamat/database/biographies/zorawar_singh.htm Q>Which sides were the rival fighters in the Battle of Naushera in 1823? East India Company & Emirate of Afghanistan East India Company & Sikh Empire Marathas & Durranis Sikh Empire & Emirate of Afghanistan it was between Sikhs led by King Ranjit Singh vs Afghans. Answer is #4. Q>Which is an accurate statement about Japan’s natural resources? Japan has extensively used the seas for fishing large reserves of petroleum are located in the northern part of Japan Japan has large fertile plains suitable for growing grain large coal and iron-ore deposits are located in the mountain region Japan= fishing, besides Japan doesn’t have any significant mineral reserves, it relies on imported iron-ore, petroleum and hence all the industries are located near ports/coastal areas. Answer 1. Q>Sugarcane + Potato is an intercropping system of which season ? autumn season summer season rainy season spring season As per Indian institute of Sugarcane research: The autumn sugarcane based intercropping systems involving pulses, oilseeds, cereals and vegetables with their productivity levels have been identified. Further, these two intercrops (rajmash and potato), being of shorter duration and heavily manured leave sizeable amount of unutilized plant nutrients for sugarcane. Hence answer is #1: autumn season. Q>Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed by ? The President after consultation with the Chief Justice of India (CJI) The President after consultation with the CJI & Governor of State The Governor on the recommendation of President who in turn consults the CJI The President after consultation with the Governor of the State and a collegium of two very senior Supreme Court judges headed by CJI (It is true that Constitution mentions only CJI+Governor for appointment of Chief Justice of High court but) In the “Third judges” case, the SC finally settled the law relating to judges appointment in 1998. Appointment is to be made by a collegium, consisting of the four seniormost judges of SC, including CJI….. In Dec.06, the appointment of Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High court by the collegium raised some controversy. Ref. Contemporary India: Economy, Society, Politics, Page 240 Q>The law of demand states that ? as the demand rises, the price rises as the price rises, the demand rises as the price rises, the demand falls as supply rises, the demand rises NCERT Class 12 Micro economics, Chapter 2, Page 22. “the amount of a good that a consumer would optimally choose is likely to increase when the price of the good falls and it is likely to decrease with a rise in the price of the good.” Meaning price rise=>demand falls. Answer 3 Q>Which of the following groups is most hurt by unexpected inflation? homeowners people with large debts to pay for their homes and cars people with large retirement savings held in savings accounts workers with cost of living adjustments in their labour contracts Debatable #2 vs #3: Answer #3 is correct because similar question was asked in CSAT 2013: who benefits from inflation: debtor or bond holder?. And the answer according to Ramesh Singh’s book was: Inflation redistributes wealth from creditors to debtors i.e. lenders suffer and borrowers benefit out of inflation. Hence on the same logic, here retired person with fixed income from savings account suffers more than the person who has debts. Answer #2 is correct because Observe the words: “unexpected inflation” “large savings” “large debt”. Retired person= interest income is fixed, so he’ll also suffer. But the statement #3 says “large” retirement savings. Hence he will less suffer than person with “large” debts to pay during an “unexpected” inflation. Q>Which of the following is the largest source of Tax Revenue in the India’s budget for 2013 -14? Income Tax Corporate Tax Service Tax Excise Duties For this, we’ve to look at the Revenue Account – Receipts, released with Budget 2013. tax Crore rupees in Budget 2013-2014 corporate tax 419520.00 income tax 240919.00 service tax 180141.00 Excise duties 196804.95 As you can see Corporate tax is highest. Hence answer #2. Q> Which of the following is closest to India’s current GDP (2012-13)? $800 billion $1.2 trillion $1.8 trillion $3 trillion As per World Bank website it is “$1.842 trillion” for 2012=> so Answer #3. Ref. Q>What is the current share of Crude and Petroleum products in total Imports of India at present? above 70% 52 – 56% 6 – 21% 27 – 33% You may be read in newspapers that India imports more than 70 or 80% of its oil requirement. But that data is talking about production share of crude oil from domestic vs foreign sources of crude oil. This question is about share of crude oil in total imports of India. (i.e. from total gold, food, machine tools everything that we import.) As per Economic Survey ch.14, Page A87, the % share of POL (Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants) has been following 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12(Apr.-Nov.) 2012-13 (Apr.-Nov.)P 28.7 31.7 30.7 34.6 Hence the closest match is 27-33%. Answer #4. Q>According to the Economic Survey 2012-13, Agriculture and allied activities, accounted for what percentage of the Gross Domestic Product? 13% 14.1% 15.2% 16.3% It is 14.1%, Answer #2. Ref. Economic Survey, Page 174, Table 8.1 Q>People belonging to which age group are eligible for training under TRYSEM scheme? 18 – 35 yrs 25-40 yrs 25-50 yrs 18-25 yrs The scheme – TRYSEM aimed at providing basic technical and entrepreneurial skill to the rural poor in the age group of 18-35 years enable them take up income generating activities (self/wage employment). The scheme had been merged into Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) from 1999. Q>What should be the angle for throw of any projectile to achieve maximum vertical range? 45 degree 60 degree 90 degree 30 degrees NCERT Physics class 11, Ch4. Maximum horizontal range=45 degree. Q>What is the approximate terminal velocity of a skydiver falling freely with parachute unopened? 120 kms /hr 160 kms/hr 200 kms/hr 240 km/hr Britannica Page: terminal velocity is achieved by an object freely falling through a gas or liquid. A typical terminal velocity for a parachutist who delays opening the chute is about 150 miles (240 kilometres) per hour. Q>In which year Madras state was renamed as Tamil Nadu? 1968 1969 1970 1971 upon google search- some websites mention 68, some mention 69. I tried “google books”: official date was “14th January 1969” Hence answer #2
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 07:58:30 +0000

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