ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirahmanirrohim, glory to the almighty - TopicsExpress


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirahmanirrohim, glory to the almighty Allah SWT, the most Gracious, the most merciful for his blessing on me during this thesis proposal, and my be pice and blessing be upon to the prophet Muhammad, who has brought Islam and guided human to a good life and faith. The aim of finishing thesis proposal is a partial fulfillment of the requirement for S1 program at English Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty. The University of Asahan. So many people have given suggestion, advise, encouragemen, therefore, it is infortant to deliver acknowledgement. 1. M. Yani, S.Pd, MM the head of English Department and his staff 2. M. Yani, S.Pd, MM as my first advisor who has given advise and suggestion of completing my thesis proposal. 3. Akmal, SS. M. Hum as my second advisor as his consultant for his advise, suggestion in the process of completing this thesis proposal. 4. All of my lovely family, and my friends who have patiently given spiritual, financial support, and their prayer. Finally, thanks to Allah SWT because of you, I can finished my thesis proposal well, I hope this thesis proposal be useful, Amin. TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE Acknowledgement i Table of Content ii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study 1 1.2 The Scope of the Study 3 1.3 The problem of the Study 3 1.4 The Objective of the Study 4 1.5 The Significance of the Study 4 CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Framework 5 2.1.1 Contextual Teaching and Learning 5 The Component of CTL 7 The Application of CTL in the Class 13 2.1.2 Writing 13 Definition and Types of Writing 13 Teaching Writing 14 2.1.3 Narrative 16 Definition of Narrative 16 Characteristic of Narrative 16 2.1.4 Writing Achievement 19 2.2 Conceptual Framework 20 CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design 22 3.2 Population and Sample 22 3.2.1 Population 22 3.2.2 Sample 23 3.3 The Instrument for Collecting Data 23 3.4 Scoring the test 24 3.5 The Research Procedure 28 3.6 The Validity of the Test 30 3.7 The Technique for Analyzing Data 31 REFERENCES 32 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study As generally, the language is so complex and difficult in learning the skills of language . Writing is not only used to write the contents of the writing but also the method or technique or procedure how to write what you want to write anymore. In others words, writing is a powerful instrument of thinking because it provides students with a way of gaining control over their thoughts. Writing shapes their perceptions of themselves and the world. It aids in their personal growth and in their effecting change on the environment. Students are often unaware of the power of the written word. The narrative is the most common writing work of the students because it is little easier than any other writing or paragraph. When the students write about their experience. They write a narrative. Narrative is so simple to do by the students and also it is easy to understand by the readers. Based on the researcher’s experience in Teaching Practice Program (PPL), the research invented the crucial problem in class, students spent a great deal of time in copying models rather than expressing their own ideas creatively in writing. It can be assumed that teacher have important role to assist the students in overcoming the problem of students` narrative writing achievement. Students need someone to encourage them, to support them during each phase of their writing, to read and respond to their writing and to provide direct instruction in the mechanics of writing. The best way to encourage students to become practiced writers is suggesting them to write often, especially their experience by preparing for composing and revising, students learn the phases of the writing process. One of the approach which is able to overcome the complication of students narrative writing achievement is Contextual Teaching and Learning approach. A recent study taken from http/ developed a definition of CTL. CTL is a conception of teaching and learning that help teacher relate the subject matter content to real world situation and motivate students to make connection between knowledge and its application to their lives as family members, citizen and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires by involving seven main elements, namely : Constructivism, Inquiry, Questioning, Learning Community, Modeling, Reflection and Authentic Assessment. In this case, Contextual Teaching and Learning approach has main goals which is expected to assist the students in arranging a framework of narration. The aims of Contextual Teaching and Learning approach is to practice and assist the students in telling or describing an event or their experience and then expressed it on narrative paragraph. When students write, they actually have a special or particular purpose to share or to inform to the readers why they write something. Students may write something because they want to inform an event, story or incident or they want to describe something or to put a picture in the readers mind, or to uncover something so that the readers know or make the readers know about a thing. Most of the students are not able to create narrative writing themselves, they can not shape their knowledge by themselves to arrange a narrative without teachers assistance. The gain of process approach to narrative writing can only be realized if teachers have an understanding of the various roles. They play in helping students become more proficient writers. The teachers is no longer simply a setter and corrector of assignment. The teachers is a writer along with the students, as well as an instructor responder, coach, diagnostician, and supporter. Now, CTL has been developed in many schools in this country. The teachers use this approach in order the students can be active and creative in teaching and learning process. By this approach the students are able to overcome their difficulties of narrative writing achievement. Meanwhile, teachers` role is to organizes learning strategy, aids them to relate the ancient knowledge and recent knowledge and facilitating of study. 1.2 The Scope of The Study There are many types of writing. The various types can be grouped into modes, they are, narrative, descriptive, persuasive, exposition research, response to literature, assessment and work place. This study deals only with writing narrative by applying Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach. 1.3 The Problem of the Study The problem can be formulated as the following : “ is there any effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach on students narrative writing achievement?” 1.4 The Objectives of The Study The research is intended to find out the effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach on students narrative writing achievement. 1.5 The Significance of The Study 1. Theoretically The findings of the study gives information or knowledge about CTL approach and reforming all the mistakes which is obtained this thesis. 2. Practically a. The study gives new innovation or knowledge improving to language teacher about CTL approach and the goals of the approach. b. The students are familiar, interested, and motivated in achieving students` narrative writing ability and they intend to learn it. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Framework The research of this thesis is planned to investigate the effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning on Students` Narrative Achievement in Senior High School. To make it clear, it is important to classify the term in this study in order to avoid misinterpretation among reader in understanding the analysis to be presented. Some terms need to be clarified as followed. 2.1.1 Contextual Teaching and Learning Basically, Contextual Teaching and Learning begun from the traditional theory of behaviorism into constructivism, in which the behaviorist focused on stimulus response practice characterized on drills through the application of reward. At the same time, constructivism theory developed. Here, the students learn to construct theory own knowledge in experience using language form. Through the constructivism philosophy, CTL is promoted to be an alternative of teaching and learning approach. Johnson (2002 : 25) explained CTL term as follows : “Contextual Teaching and Learning is an educational process that aims to help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting academic subject with the context of their daily lives, that is the context of their personal, social and cultural circumstance.” It means that, in CTL, learning is oriented to the process of getting knowledge rather than reaching high standard. Students are going to learn actively by using educational experience. Therefore, CTL is headed for helping students see meaning in real situation Nurhadi ( 2002 :1) staes that CTL Approach is the concepts of the study, which help the teacher to relate the material, taught with the real situation of the students and motivate the students to relate between the knowledge, get with the application of their lives as member of family and society. Then, Nurhadi (2002:10) adds that CTL involves the main seventh components of effective learning, they are constructivism, Questioning, Inquiry, Learning Community, Modeling, Reflection and Authentic Assessment. According to Department of National education (2003 : 1), CTL basically occurs on thinking that : 1. Learning would be effective if learning created naturally. 2. Learning would be meaningful if students experience what they learnt. 3. If learning is oriented to the target of subject matter mastery, it will be successful remembering short but fail in providing students to solve problems in the future. 4. Knowledge experience is more meaningful rather than knowing subject matter learned by students. Moreover, CTL emphasizes learning process on the approach or the students` way in getting knowledge, to what extend learning will be meaningful in their learning development. Thus, using learning approach learners will significantly know the meaning of learning itself and its functions, in what condition students should take position and how to reach the learning purposes. Therefore, learners should realize the real meaning of learning for their future existence. The teacher merely takes part as a guide for learners to reach learners purpose. Here, the teacher is functioned as a approach provider rather than information provider. The learning process is concentrated on the students. Students are trained to work based on their knowledge, whereas the teacher has a few roles in classroom. Students are not just listening information given or become a passive learner. By using CTL approach, students are expected to solve problem, find something useful and play with the ideas. The Components of CTL While in another sources, written by Department of National Education (2003) as quoted from C. Star Group (University of Washington), there are seven approach mentioned in CTL. The approaches will be explained as follows: 1. CONTRUCTIVISM The philosophy of Constructivism that knowledge is contracted by human little by little in which result can be widened through the limited context and indirectly. In constructivism approach “achievement” is more priority that the student get and remember knowledge, students learn best by actively constructing their own understanding. The center of activity is student not the teacher. (Department of National Education, 2003: 10) According to Spivey (1997) in Brown (2000), the constructivism is an emphasis on active process of construction (of meaning) attention to texts a means of gaining insight into those processes and an interest in the nature of knowledge and its variations, including the nature of knowledge associated with membership in particular group. From definition above of constructivism above, students invited to be active in learning process. The task of teacher is to facilitate the constructivism process as follow : 1. Making meaningful knowledge and relevant for student. 2. Giving opportunity for students to find out and apply their idea. 3. Making students aware for applying their own strategy in study. Active in constructivism definition means that learner should construct knowledge received with giving meaning through utilizing based on real experience in well written form. The core of constructivism is found and transformed an complex information to another context. 2. INQUIRY Inquiry is core part of CTL. It is designed to meet the needs of student at their own development level with their understanding of concept. Student will be independent learners with their curiousity to know and explore something with guidance of the teacher. The key word of inquiry is student seek out the information and skill by themselves. (Department of national education, 2003 : 12) When the students want to get information, they will ask some question based on the observation result and then hypothesis will be done in the process of decision making. There are some activities needed in the applying of inquiry. The activities are formulating problem, doing observation, analyzing and presenting result in the form of writing, report, table list and other work. 3. QUESTIONING Questioning is viewed as the teacher activity to support, guide and evaluate the students` thinking skill. While it is used by the students in doing activities based on inquiry. (Department of national Education, 2003 : 14) Questioning usually appears if students find difficulties in learning process, when students find problem, questioning will form automatically. Questioning is not merely happen between students and teacher, but it could be happened among students too. Besides that, the form of questioning is not showing up by questions from students to the teacher, or among students, but questioning could arise in the learners mind without asking to others. This process of questioning will bring out new ideas into the students` mind and to increase students` creativity. 4. LEARNING COMMUNITY Learning community is take and give activity to help learning process in the class. (Department of National Education, 2003 : 15) Learning community is established in workplaces and school in an effort to share knowledge focus on goals and allow all to teach and learn from each other. In other words, learning is not only done in class but it can come from society. Learning community can be started from small group or called as group work. In this small group, among students could give input one to another. Learning community or group work needs cooperation between learners. Besides that, students are invited to respect, listen and give input among them. Indirectly, through learning community, output and input in knowledge term will be formed by sharing experience using two ways communication. It means that are two or more groups or person involved in learning. Students will be influenced and will contribute to be knowledge and beliefs of others learning communities. It is expected in choosing group work, there is no dominant student or the opposite. 5. MODELLING Modeling is how to give sample in doing something. (Department of National Education, 2003 : 16) In teaching learning process, modeling in CTL dedicated to support learning process, the model can be imitate or observed by the students. A model can operate and demonstrate something. The model is not only from the teacher but also can be constructed by involving the students who have ability for the study. Teacher as a model can give examples in describing experience orally and eventually, teacher ask for another students to describe their experience orally by using questioning approach. Teacher gives some question about their activities in holiday. Briefly, students` answer will be formed into a narrative writing. 6. REFLECTION In the end of teaching and learning process the teacher gives time for student to conduct reflection as follows : a. Asking directly to the student about what they gain on that day. b. Checking note or journal on the students book. c. Asking the impression or suggestion about the learning. d. Discussing the subject learnt. e. Looking at the students` work result. (Department of National education, 2003 : 18) Reflection is the way of thinking about what they have just learnt or what they have done in the past. In this case, the students review and respond events, activities or knowledge that they have just accepted. In learning process, reflection can be found in the form of presentation, note, suggestion or discussion. In telling experience, implementation of reflection will be presented to the teacher and classmate, and later on, the audiences are going to give comments to the presentation. Comments of presentation has been done by themselves. Thus, teacher takes part to give input, so the students are motivated to give the best of their presentation. 7. AUTHENTIC ASSESMENT The point uses to asses students` achievement are : students` performance or presentation, home work, demonstration, quiz, journal, report, students` activity and written test. (Department of National Education, 2003 : 19) Authentic assessments is used to described the forms of assessment which can described students` result of learning motivation, learning acquisition and attitudes towards relevant learning to classroom activities. (O`Malley and Pierce, 1996:4) While, according to CTL – C – Star (University of Washington), authentic assessment is an assessment to measure students` knowledge and performance. In authentic assessment, students apply new knowledge to actual life situations in order to assess what they have learned. In the process of assessment, teacher will see about students` progress to make sure that students` through the right learning process. Assessment is a process collecting various data which can give a description on students` development and progress in learning. Authentic assessment is used to monitor students` progress and inform teaching practices. Assessment is not only being done at the end of learning but it can simultaneously be done in learning process. CTL plays important role for teacher to motivate and develop students` interest in teaching and learning process. All of the components of CTL can be conducted in applying CTL in the classroom, such as : develop though that students will learn more meaningful by finding and constructing their knowledge by themselves; and present a model in teaching and learning; do a reflection in the end of meeting; moreover, do authentic assessment in various ways. The application of CTL in the Class CTL can be said as a teaching approach, which show the natural condition of the knowledge. Contextual approach makes the students` experiences more relevant and meaningful. Contextual approach is very different form the other teaching that is usually sone in teaching and learning process in the class. Contextual can be done in some steps : 1. Think that the students learn more meaningful by working, finding, and constructing new skill and knowledge by themselves. 2. Doing the inquiry activity for all of the topics. 3. Developing their ability by asking. 4. Creating “Learning Community” (learning in groups). 5. Presenting “a model” as a teaching example. 6. Doing the reflection at the end of the meeting. 7. Giving the authentic assessment in some ways. 2.1.2 Writing Definition and Types of Writing Keith (1980:269) explained that writing is a sophisticated process. It is said so because it is related to human consciousness and writing is the ability to use the structure, lexical items and conventional representation in ordinary matter of facts of writing. On the whole. It refers to the ability of someone to use and organize the lexical items to express the idea in the form of written production. Wasson (1966:88) states what writing is designed to communicate feelings and thoughts in order to communicate with others. Writing is also used to influence or to persuade readers with the writer`s opinions. Troyka (1987:3) states that writing is a way of communicating a message to a reader for a purpose. Purpose for writing can be categorized into 4 major groups, namely, to express yourself, to provide information for your reader, to persuade your reader and to create a literary work. From the quotation above, it can be concluded that writing is one of the language skills that should be owned when learning a language. Furthermore, writing is deliberate act which it has to make up ones mind to do it. It presents some information that will be formed to the reader. Additionally, there are various types of writing. The types can be grouped into modes which refers to the central purpose of a piece of writing, they are : Narration, Descriptive, Persuasive, Exposition, Research, Response to Literature, Assessment, and Workplace, Horror Stories, Adventure Stories, Fables, Myths and Legends, Historical, Narratives, Ballads, Slice of Life, Personal Experience. Teaching writing Writing skills is one of the 4 English language skills in addition to listening, speaking and reading. Writing skills include productive or produce other than speaking skills. Writing learning in schools has not been through the correct process. Teachers often delegates the task of writing without giving proper steps to be able to produce good work. Writing is not simply a matter of putting words together, it is a recursive process, It is a process of revision and rewriting. Teaching writing means We create a pedagogy that helps students see writing as continuous process of Revising and rewriting as They invent, plan, Their draft text. Writing is not the only activities combine words. writing is a process repeated, namely process of revising and rewriting. Teaching writing means that we create a science education that helps students see that writing requires steps to find, plan and create a draft text. Furthermore Carderonello and Edwards (1986:5) explain in their book Raugh Draft as follows: specify that there are five components in the process of writing, namely: - Inventing: Namely to find and generate ideas / ideas of students, what will students write or tell, steps can find ideas in many ways such as reading, talking, brainstorming, questions, etc. mind mapping. - Planning: the stages of how students are trying to determine how to convey ideas. This stage students will be raised the issue, purpose, reader, text structure and tone of the text to be written. - Drafting: In this stage, students tried to form a material or materials into text. Draft sustainable written, from draft 1, draft 2 and draft 3 to be the final result. - Revising: revise including adding a new idea, another idea of eliminating some of the words or ideas that do not need or reconstruct what has been written in the draft. - Editing: Editing is polishing a piece of writing from various aspects such as, spelling, tenses, choice of words and others.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 09:10:53 +0000

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