ACNE Acne is normal and many people get acne during different - TopicsExpress


ACNE Acne is normal and many people get acne during different phases of their life (teenage, pregnancy, stressful times) or even during certain days of the woman’s monthly cycle. A beautiful skin starts with a good skin care routine. Skin care for a woman is not a chore but a pampering routine that can easily be incorporated into our daily life. Let us first lay the right foundation; 1 DRINK WATER – Yes you know but are you drinking enough of it? 6 – 8 glasses of water should be enough. It hydrates your skin, flushes out your toxins and cleanses body and skin. Swap fizzy/sugary drinks for water. 2. SLEEP – Are you getting enough sleep? When you sleep your skin heals and regenerates itself, your stress levels are lowered reducing skin break outs. Getting less sleep leads to dull skin, tiredness, stress which leads to break outs. They do not call it beauty sleep for nothing!! 8 hours if you can is great. 3. HYGIENE – Clean your face morning and evening to remove oil, sweat and dirt. Avoid touching your face, especially with dirty hands. Change your pillow case regularly and ensure to sleep with hair away from the face (wash your hair at least once every week). Clean your makeup brushes and sponges regularly. 4. EXERCISE – It increases blood circulation and lowers stress levels, which is good for your skin. Remember to take a shower after exercising. Sweat + oil = breakout!!! 5. DIET – Beauty is not just skin deep. What you eat also matters. Eat a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits and less in fat. Avoid junk food (you can treat yourself to an occasional treat once a week to keep off cravings). Homemade food is best. Carry lunch to work. Start your day with a glass of water and slice of lemon to improve your skin and speed up your metabolism. Note that if you are allergic to some foods e.g. dairy products, some fruits etc, these may cause rashes or pimples in some people. 6. IDENTIFY YOUR SKIN TYPE – Find out whether your skin is dry, combination, oily or sensitive and choose products that are suitable for your skin. 7. STEAM- Steam your face using a bowl of hot water and cover yourself with a towel for at least 10 – 15 minutes. Add drops of lemon juice to the water to help cleanse as well. The steam unclogs your pores giving you a glowing complexion afterwards. 8. MASK – Some masks help to clean the skin of impurities and get rid of excess oil while others heal the skin. We will share some homemade mask recipes next week. 9. MOISTURISE – Oil-free moisturizers are best as they do not clog pores. Gel formulas are light while cream formulas are heavy and can cause clogging of pores. 10. LET YOUR SKIN BREATH – Only wear makeup when necessary. If you wear makeup daily, make sure it is oil-free makeup and remove all traces of makeup when you reach home. 11. GREEN TEA – It is high in antioxidants and speeds up metabolism. 12. NATURAL REMEDIES – They are natural, inexpensive and easy to make. We will share the remedies at a later stage. It all seems simple because it is simple. APPLY IT!!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 08:40:45 +0000

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