ACROSS-THE-BOARD APPLICABLE SELF-EVIDENT TRUTHS Our form of representative self-government as a freely governed electoral republic is based upon: (1) A tripartite organizational structure, i.e., three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial; (2) Checks-and-Balances, i.e., each branch acts separately but is checked or monitored by the others, in order: (a) To ensure faithful adherence to constitutional principles of republican democracy, (b) To prevent abuses of power, (c) To avoid a top-heavy autocracy or rule-by-one such as by a king, monarch or dictator head-of-state; and (d) To thwart the emergence of despotism and tyranny; e.g., impending impeachment caused President Nixon to resign from the Oval Office for criminal misconduct and abuses of power; government officials can also be recalled from public office via a special election, when warranted by proof of criminal wrongdoing; public servants can also go to jail for constitutional violations and breach-of-trust in discharging their official duties, e.g., in Illinois, Governors Ryan and Blagojevich, and Representative Jesse Jackson Jr., went to jail for fraud, larceny, and violations of public trust. In the same manner that the listed foregoing auxiliary precautions protect, preserve and defend our federal and State Constitutions on the side of our God-given liberty and inalienable Rights, the Sherman Antitrust Acts protect us, the American people, against the abuses of autocratic forms of business and industrial incorporation, e.g., Standard Oil of Ohio was downsized from a monopoly business to a decentralized competitive business structure for commercial operations; likewise, Ma Bell or Illinois Bell was dismantled as a commercial telecommunications monopoly in the United States, for reorganization into smaller but independently operating regional entities. In short, by divine inspiration and historical wisdom, in their albeit imperfect way, our Founding Fathers left us a legacy of prudent governance and a heritage of optimism regarding the preservation of our blessings of liberty against the viler vicissitudes and more destructive failures of Human Nature. My above-expose’ upon our form of free government serves as a launching pad for advocating also, the same pattern of governance for the Middle East, for preventing the emergence of a regional bully like Zionist Israel from dominating that area’s geo-politics in order to keep us, the United States, in a state of perpetual warfare. Therefore, I advocate international checks-and-balances and auxiliary precautions in that area of the world, in order to maintain a prudent balance of power between developing nations aspiring to democratic enlightenment and republican self-government. Consequently, since, for example, Zionists have refused to become signed participants in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and we, Americans, have put up with it to the detriment of international peace and political civility in the region, then, neither Zionists nor we, Americans, have the legitimate higher moral ground in our attempts to impose a so-called nuclear free regime upon Iran or upon any other Middle-East country, unless we desire to be accused of biased anti-Arab ethno-centrism, or of conspiring to keep Arabs weak and defenseless in the face of Zionist military recklessness, in the midst of perpetual hostile provocations serving as Zionist excuses for further land-grabbing and additional resource expropriation. For, it is no secret that Zionist Jews in Israel covet, not only the whole city of Jerusalem as the new capital for a modern Jewish empire or for a revived kingdom of Israel, but also the whole Jordan valley, West Bank and Gaza Strip areas, for purposes of colonial subjugation. Absorption of Palestinian expatriates as “refugees” from Palestine by other Arab nations has only emboldened Zionists to violate Palestinian civil and human rights. By their contemptuous defiance of international law, Zionists only prolong the sordid pretense of “Israeli democracy” that animates their misguided ill-suited macabre claim to “Jewish nationhood.” Zionists take inordinate glee in terrorizing unarmed civilians residing in Palestinian territories with the crude pretense that that they might be harboring “potential terrorists.” The “weaponizing” of pretended security concerns has become a sadistic Zionist ritual. Zionists engage in imposing upon Palestinians, the unlawful, intimidating, confiscatory, threatening presence of “Zionist settlers,” who, themselves “seasoned terrorists,” are only advanced scouts, spies, and foot-soldiers on a rampage “to cleanse the area of Palestinian infestation” on behalf of “the Israeli army” for “the Jewish State of Israel.” Zionist plans also include keeping the United States on a perpetual war-footing posture as a so-called “ally of Israel,” which also serves as “a Jewish scheme of regional deterrence,” practically predisposing our troops to anticipate “anti-Arab police actions” or to prepare our country for impending, continuous, military hostilities. Due to dangerous conditions intransigently instigated by reckless Zionist policies of brutality and cruelty against Palestinian civilians and demilitarized Arab populations, and due to clannish advocacies of “Jewish allegiance” by “American Christian Zionists” pretending to be “on a universal mission from God to evangelize the Arab world for Christ,” We, the people of the United States, not Asians and Europeans, are regarded, as a people-group relishing to be “consummate enemies of the Arabs.” Let international “checks-and-balances” prevail in the Middle East area as “auxiliary precautions” against the emergence of a fascistic military “regional bully” that will keep us in a perpetual state of war! The world is not “a chess board!” The blood of our young men and women in the U.S. military is too precious to be exploited as “pawns” in the so-called “game of geo-politics.” God forbid that we, the people of the United States of America, should be believed as conspirators to the delusional scheme of Zionist empire patterned after bloody military conquests for territorial expansion while also being perceived as complicit Zionist obstructionists knowingly engaged in depriving Palestinians of their human liberty and human rights to yearn after having a nation-State of their own! “Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9, King James Bible Version). We pray God to bless the United States of America where God-endowed life, liberty and pursuit of happiness prevail as God-established self-evident Truths on the face of the Earth for the benefit of all diverse people-groups and nations making-up Humankind! ************************************************
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 04:47:05 +0000

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