ACT ONE SCENE ONE: Ihiala LGA Impunity : Resign now or be - TopicsExpress


ACT ONE SCENE ONE: Ihiala LGA Impunity : Resign now or be impeach ! -group tells Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State. A group known as Democracy Watch (DW) has call Governor Willie Obiano to resign or face impeachment over what they called Ihiala LGA impunity and in order for him to face CONTEMPT of court question . According to the groups spokesman Mr Frank Obigwe, you may recall that High Court of Aguta Judicial Division Holden at Ekwulobia before His Lordship Honourable Justice P.C. Obiorah on thursday the 19th day of June; 2014 ,in its ruling Order as follows : The election and return of the appellant ,Hon .Chigozie Awugosi, as the Chairman of Ihiala Local Government Council at the purported election held on 11th January, 2014 be and hereby NULLIFIED. The Appellant, Hon. Chigozie Awugosi, is hereby ordered to vacate the office of the Chairman of Ihiala Local Government Council forthwith. The 2nd respondent is hereby ordered to Conduct a fresh election for the office of Chairman of Ihiala Local Government Council of Anambra State, pursuant to paragraph 28(3) of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Law No. 5 of 2000, not LATER THAN THREE MONTHS from the date of this judgement . By the above judgement, Hon Awugosi ought to have vacated his office on 19th June 2014 inline with the judgement .While the ANSIEC conduct another election before 19th September 2014. But we heard that the Chief Executive officer who is the governor of Anambra State instructed the man to remain in Office as against the Court Order! It is of note that Governor Willie Obiano keep relating with Hon Awugosi as the Chairman of Ihiala LGA,even after the judgement of the court had nullified his election until Court JAILED the ex- Chairman on 10th of November 2014 for Contempt . we in Democracy Watch sees Governors stand against Court Judgement as act of Contempt and today calling him to Resign in order for him to be arraign for Contempt! Again, of all the meeting with 21 LGAs of Anambra state with Governor after the 19th June 2014 Judgment, the removed Chairman featured in all of the and Governor gave him all the privileges LGA Chairman deserves . Impunity of the highest order!! Mean while, on 19th August 2014, the 1st respondent (Mr Golden C. L.. Iloh) to the case that led to the removal of Hon Awugosi on noticing none compliance to the Judgement after about one month wrote the Governor date 18th August 2014 with the heading: IN RE: IHIALA LOCAL GOVERNMENT COUNCIL ELECTION PURPOTEDLY HELD ON 11th JANUARY,2014. IN RE: PETITION NO. 0/12EPT/2014 AND APPEAL N0. AG/ EPT/5A/2014:- CHIGOZIE AWUGOZIE VS.GOLDEN C.L.ILOH . In above letter which was submitted to the Office of the governor and received by one Mr Toochukwu Nwosu ,Hon Golden Chukwuebuka Iloh attached all the documents concerned to the case and call on the governor arise above party and be the governor of all by making sure that the impunity noncompliance to the Judgement stop. According to the group, the governor instead of obeying court order, went to Ihiala LGA where he once again mocked the Court and its Judgement ! it is on record that during the Governors Thank You Tour to Ihiala LGA on September 10th 2014, the removed Hon Awugosi was there as the LGA Chairman hosted Governor Willie Obiano against the Court. It is also on record that Chief Victor Umeh during his speech at Ihiala LGA on that day said: Whether Court Order or Not, anyi na etinye mmadu na ewepu mmadu( we fix people and remove people ,not court) . What impunity! Mr Obigwe asked , how can we reconcile the position of the governor of Anambra State on Ihiala LGA with CHINUA ACHABEs letter to Obasanjo in 2004. My Dear President Obasanjo, I write this letter with a very heavy heart. For some time now I have watched events in Nigeria with alarm and dismay. I have watched particularly the chaos in my own state of Anambra where a small clique of renegades, openly boasting its connections in high places, seems determined to turn my homeland into a bankrupt and lawless fiefdom. I am appalled by the brazenness of this clique and the silence, if not connivance, of the Presidency. In the above letter, Achebe cited impunity and lawlessness in Anambra State as one of the reasons why he rejected the National Award ? Today, a Governor presided over impunity and lawlessness actions and we are calling for his resignation .Already , 11 House of Assembly members has agreed that they will spearhead the impeachment if Governor fails to do the needful. The best gift the governor will give Anambra and Chinua Achebe on his birthday ,is for him to resign to avoid the impeachment. Obigwe said. Governor Willie Obiano violated his oath of office which he sworn on 29th March 2014 not violate. Mean while, our source told us that the House of Assembly are likely to strike after the various Party Primaries .
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:09:40 +0000

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