ACTING ON D INFLUENCE OF THE CROWD, A WARNING 2 D YOUTHS. TEXT: ACTS 19:32 . INTRODUCTION: This message is aimed @ recovering our youths as well as anyone dat cares 2 listen 2 d voice of wisdom, for avoidance of misunderstanding, d word influence simply means d ability 2 affect ones actions or belief, looking @ our text, we saw dat many pple gathered bcos they saw d crowd, and d account said dat many of them didnt know d reason why they gathered, meaning dat they were acting on influence, It is unfortunate 2 note dat many youths are acting on d influence of d crowd, dat is doing something(s) bcos they see others doing it without knowing d origin or d implications of those things, (eg) many youths have been influenced into printing tattoo in their bodies without knowing its orgin and what God said about it, read (Leviticus 19:28 ) , many youths have been influenced into boyfriend and girlfriend relationship becos they saw others doing it, but they fail 2 realise dat such is not a Christian conduct or way of life, some youths girls have been brain washed through negative influence , bcos they were informed dat it is through having a boyfriend dat they can get married, bcos the men will be learning their character and they too will be learning d character of d men 2 see if they can marriage each other, some youth girls have been influenced into living with men in d name of he will marry me, and even raising children 4 such men, yet d men have not and are not even ready 2 pay their dowry or bride price, just bcos they saw dat some girls got married through dat way, some well dressed youths have been influenced into dressing indecently (eg) sagging buttocks, sagging breast, slow ur laps, show ur breast and show ur chest hair, just bcos they saw those dat were dressing dat way, some female youths dat use 2 wear skirts have turned trouser wearers over night, just bcos they entered higher institution and they saw some dressing dat way, and they became influenced, as if though wearing trouser is a mark of one being educated, the list can continue, but indeed it is dangerous 4 one 2 act on d influence of d crowd, dat is why God instructed us not follow multitude 2 commit sin, exodus 23:2 this is d bottomline, do u have any objection........?
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:18:46 +0000

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