ACTION AFRICA, INC ( FOUNDERS CALL TO ACTION: AN URGENT HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE TO THE EBOLA virus OUTBREAK IN SIERRA LEONE, WEST AFRICA (an update) Date: July 30, 2014. Since this most recent outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa, hundreds of people have lost their lives so quickly. The countries of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and now Nigeria, have recorded deaths due to the outbreak. Although early intervention may save lives, there is still no known cure to the desease. Some of the most prominent doctors and nurses in Liberia and Sierra Leone who stood out to fight the outbreak have themselves lost their lives doing so.Countries are closing their land, sea, and air borders; fear is on the rise among the populations; trade and the economy are distabilizing in regions that cannot afford another disaster; the very ill are isolated; and funerals are carried out by people some of whom themselves fit the profile of the walking dead. According to a recent report by NEWSER Staff writer, Shelley Hazen, Since February, 1,200 people have been infected with Ebola, and 672 people in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone have died; the fatality rate in this outbreak is 60%. Heres what you need to know about Ebola: Its possible that Ebola can jump from animals to humans through bush meat such as apes, monkeys, antelope, and porcupines, reports NBC News. Once an outbreak starts, it moves from person to person. The fatality rate is 50% to 90%. Early treatment is vital. The virus spreads through bodily fluids such as vomit and diarrhea; its infectious when the victim shows symptoms and remains so after the patients death. Many have contracted Ebola by preparing a corpse for burial. Up to 60% of patients will bleed from the eyes and skin. There is no cure, and antivirals arent effective. The only way to get a diagnosis is with a blood test (Wall Street Journal)... How many lives and how long will it take before the world wakes up to this horrible human tragedy? Action Africa Organization hereby initiates a campaign to fight back at the Ebola virus. This is time to draw a line in the sand and begin to reclaim life for our people. We invite you to help collect, receive, sort, and ship cleaning supplies, nutritional supplies, medical supplies, pharmaceutical supplies, and sundry supplies that would be beneficial in the on-the-ground responses to the Ebola virus outbreak in parts of Sierra Leone. GOAL: To ship, by August 21, 2014, a 40-foot container of emergency assistance supplies to Freetown, SL, to assist in the fight against the Ebola virus outbreak. There is no time to waste. ITEMS REQUESTED: (including, but not limited to) - antibacterial soaps, ointments, wipes, gloves, bandages, masks, detergents, bleach, hand sanitizers, over the counter pain medications, vitamins and multivitamin tablets, powdered milk, canned foods, nutritional drinks; towels, clothes, gallon-size zip-lock bags (please call for updated lists). Your local Pharmacy stores and grocery stores can help. Cash donations are also requested to help hurry a 40-foot container of the supplies to Freetown, and to cover logistical expenses in-country. Please make checks payable to: Action Africa / HEALTH. Mail checks to address below. Donations can also be made electronically at Action Africas website: Go to DONATE, and on the donation form, indicate EBOLA SL for the purpose of donation. Thank you. SPONSORSHIPS: Community organizations, associations, churches, clubs, etc that wish to co-sponsor this campaign are requested to contribute a minimum of $250 in support of this project. Such sponsors are also requested to help mobilize the collection of supplies and eventual delivery of same at Action Africa office. CAMPAIGN PERIOD (collection of items and donations): August 1 15, 2014. BENEFICIARIES: All donated items and other proceeds will immediately be sent to Freetown SL, to ACTION SALONE ON HEALTH & EDUCATION (ASHE), through CARITAS SIERRA LEONE, for use at various country locations with ongoing Ebola programs. Action Africa Associate, Sister Josephine Kamara and her missionary community of Nuns in Kailahun, Eastern SL are in a very affected area and will also receive supplies for the region. Already, close to 200 people have died in the Kailahun area in this outbreak. Action Africa Team members (boards of directors and consultors, officers, key volunteers, contractors, friends, sponsors, and you) are requested to help announce this campaign at their churches and places of worship and work, families, clubs, associations, etc. to collect supplies and request for donations. We request that immediate effort be made to announce this campaign on all possible NEWSLETTER EDITIONS, as well as on your FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and your other social media pages. Our office will seek to also get word out through different media (radio, TV, print) in the coming days. We are beginning with one country, but more challenges lie ahead as we consider other fronts. Please contact the office to volunteer on a Special Action Committee. ITEM DROP-OFF LOCATION: Action Africa & Amen Foundation Offices (10 a.m. 4 p.m.) 2903 Mills Avenue, NE. Washington DC 20018. Email: [email protected] Office: (202)529-8350. Special Campaign Hotline: (202)904-3354. Thank you so much everyone! What you are doing here is the right thing to do, and it is working. You are doing something beautiful for God! (Mother Theresa). Signed: Dr. Chris N. Egbulem, Founder/President. * This is a joint program effort by Action Africa, Inc., with its Washington DC sister organization, the Amen Foundation, and its Sierra Leone affiliate organization, Action Salone on Health & Education, Freetown, SL. Other Sponsors will be announced. * Donations in cash and kind are tax-deductible.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:05:26 +0000

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