ACTION ALERT - this is critical. Your Daily Reminder until every - TopicsExpress


ACTION ALERT - this is critical. Your Daily Reminder until every equine is safe. via Elaine Brown: "To pass S. 541/SAFE Act in the Senate, we must get the bills out of committee. We need public pressure and to get that we need to make contact. The area code is (202) and the first number is the phone and the second is the fax. Those with stars are Co-Sponsors of the SAFE ACT. Offices close at 5 pm EST. Tom Harkin, Chairman 224-3254, 224-9369 Lamar Alexander, Ranking Member 224-4944, 228-3398 Bob Casey, Jr. 224-6324, 228-0604 Kay Hagan 224-6342, 228-2563 Bernie Sanders 224-5141, 228-0776** Tammy Baldwin 224-5653, 224-9787 Michael Bennet 224-5852, 228-5036 Richard Burr 224-3154, 228-2981 Michael Enzi 224-3424, 228-0359 Al Franken 224-5641, 224-0044 Orrin Hatch 224-5251, 224-6331 John Isakson 224-3643, 228-0724 Mark Kirk 224-2854, 228-4611 Barbara Mikulski 224-4654, 224-8858** Lisa Murkowski 224-6665, 224-5301 Christopher Murphy 224-4041, 224-9750 Patty Murray 224-2621, 224-0238 Rand Paul 224-4343, 228-6917 Pat Roberts 224-4774, 224-3514 Tim Scott 224-6121, 228-5143 Elizabeth Warren 224-4543, 228-2072** Sheldon Whitehouse 224-2921, 228-6362** To pass HR1094/SAFE Act from the committee into the House for a vote, we must make contacts with the committee members in mass. The area code is (202) and the first number is the phone and the second is the fax. Stars indicate co-sponsors of the SAFE ACT. Offices close at 5 pm EST. Rick Crawford, Chairman 225-4076, 225-5602 Jim Costa, Ranking Member 225-3341, 225-9308 Cheri Bustos 225-5905, 225-5396 Michael Conaway 225-3605, 225-1783 Joe Courtney 225-2076, 225-4977** Jeff Denham 225-4540, 225-3402 Scott Desjarlais 225-6831, 226-5172 William Enyart 225-5661, 225-0285 Pete Gallego 225-4511, 225-2237 Christopher Gibson 225-5614, 225-1168** Bob Goodlatte 225-5431, 225-9681 Richard Hudson 225-3715, 225-4036 Steve King 225-4426, 225-3193 Michelle Lujan Grisham 225-6316, 225-4975** Mike McIntyre 225-2731, 225-5773 Randy Neugebauer 225-4005, 225-9615 Richard Nolan 225-6211, 225-0699 Reid Ribble 225-5665, 225-5729 Mike Rogers 225-3261, 226-8485 Kurt Schrader 225-5711, 225-5699 David Scott 225-2939, 225-4628 Glenn Thompson 225-5121, 225-5796 Filemon Vela 225-9901, 225-9770 Ted Yoho 225-5744, 225-3973 "
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 04:48:57 +0000

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