ACTION ITEMS! AUG 2014 HOUSE REPUBLICANS MUST IMPEACH NOW! Just before leaving DC on August recess, 225 House Republicans voted to sue Barack Hussein Obama for only a tiny fraction of many treasonous impeachable offenses. Since then, the congressional no impeachment talking points: newswithviews/JBWilliams/williams285.htm have been circulated to all House members, appearing in all responses to constituent calls to impeach, and regurgitated from the lips of nearly every GOP talking head on radio and TV. Still, we are now at 29 House members who favor impeachment and growing. NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND A DELEGATION TO D.C. when House members return from recess. THE ONLY ARTICLE OF IMPEACHMENT THAT CAN SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS TODAY (CLICK ) YOU must send a copy of these Articles of Impeachment to YOUR House Republican immediately! FAX ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT HERE (CLICK congressmerge/onlinedb/index.htm ) Send them to both the home district offices and the DC office for every House Republican (DO NOT SEND TO ANY DEMOCRATS AT THIS TIME.) DONATE TO FUND THE DELEGATION TO D.C. (CLICK - We are still far short of the goal amount needed to fully fund the delegation. No one is getting paid to lay it on the line here - we are only covering the heavy expenses in doing this the right way and sending the right people. JOIN VETERAN DEFENDERS HERE JOIN PATRIOTS UNION HERE DONATE TO SUPPORT ALL OF OUR OPERATIONS HERE Special thanks to ALL who have stood tall with us all these years, making it possible for us to fight these battles on Constitutional Missions until we one day achieve VICTORY! God bless all who take a stand!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:50:41 +0000

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