ACTION REQUIRED: ED MILIBAND AND LABOUR FRIENDS OF PALESTINE.... It has now been nine days since we voiced our very serious concerns about Labour Friends of Palestine and Labour Party leader (currently!) Ed Miliband. Mr Miliband is due to attend the LFP Gala Dinner on November 26th, lending some kind of respectability to their openly anti-Israel views. We have sent Mr Miliband and the Labour party numerous Emails, Tweets, Facebook messages and I even went out and got a stamp and sent an actual letter (youngsters wont know what they are!) Despite all attempts Mr Miliband and the Labour party have as yet failed to respond to any of our concerns. Nothing, nada, bupkis, niete, klum, not even an acknowledgment on this matter. In fact the opposite! A number of people have asked questions of LFP via twitter, Questions such as Do LFP support the BDS? and Will LFP be advocating for a one state solution at some point in the future I and most of those who have asked perfectly civil and reasonable questions based on genuine and growing concerns have all been blocked by LFP without any kind of reason or response. This is simply, not acceptable! Mr Miliband and the Labour Party seem to think that it is acceptable to totally ignore us! On Monday we shall announce our plans to protest at the LFP gala dinner which is being held at the Assembly Halls in Central London on the evening of Wednesday 26th November. It is our sincere hope that you will join us and show that despite what Ed Miliband, The Labour Party and Labour Friends of Palestine think, Israel and UK Jewry still has a voice. I attach the letter sent to Mr Ed Miliband blogs.timesofisrael/an-open-letter-to-labour-leader-ed-miliband-is-it-true-that-you-will-be-advocating-for-a-one-state-solution-in-the-future/
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 11:32:46 +0000

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