ACTIVISM...WHY IT MATTERS. First, what does it mean...Activism - TopicsExpress


ACTIVISM...WHY IT MATTERS. First, what does it mean...Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, or direct social, political, economic, or environmental change, or stasis. I recently posted about the behavior of the CEO of a fast food joint, and a friend commented to me privately about how offended he was that another mutual friend posted a comment that appeared to make fun of my position. I am ok with people disagreeing...not too excited about the mocking component of the post, but I take comfort in knowing, at least the person READ what I posted. I am arrogant enough to believe that when I (1) buy MADE IN USA products; or (2) boycott Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise movies; (3) refuse to shop at Wal-Mart; (4) refuse to eat veal or pork; (5) write letters protesting the killing of Harp Seals (from my childhood days...the letters were to Pres. Carter and Prime Minister Trudeau, if that gives you any idea of how old I am and how long I have given voice to my beliefs); (6) sign and forward petitions regarding the slaughter of Marius the Giraffe; (7) continue to speak against any corporation that thinks Michael Vick should be forgiven, and a wide variety of other social issues, most involving women, animals and poverty...I believe that my choices make a difference, because they do, but only if ALL of us have the arrogance to believe our voices matter. One voice is a whisper...but if all of us whisper at the same time, about the same thing...the whisper becomes a roar. Do not live your life without caring about the world we live in. If it matters, then ACT like it does...may your thoughts be reflected in your actions...may your actions change the world.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:25:23 +0000

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