ACTS 14:15 ‘FRIENDS, …. WE ARE BRINGING YOU GOOD NEWS, TELLING YOU TO TURN FROM THESE WORTHLESS THINGS TO THE LIVING GOD, WHO MADE THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA AND EVERYTHING IN THEM. Dear Redeemed; Every episode of ministry is a journey into the unknown. When Lord Jesus Christ comes into our hearts, He does freely by His grace - because we have nothing to offer Him. Lord Jesus Christ set His disciples a tougher challenge: to preach repentance. He taught that, first, sin must be rejected. Sin, and not just sins. It is easy to find a few faults that we know that we should reject - but to admit that sin has taken a hold of our nature and that we are incapable of shaking it off without Lord Jesus Christ - that is another matter. Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour from both, the punishment of sins, and the slavery to sin. But without recognition that we are slaves and need to be set free from its power by Lord Jesus Christ - we cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven. That is why, my beloved, it is essential to explain the desperateness of the human condition. Advertising good news where there is no bad news ... is a recipe for indifference. Perhaps that is why our friends see no urgency to consider the gospel - they are fine as they are. If we were fine, there would have been no need for that blooded cross. No, the gospel - good news- is no news at all unless we explain that before Sovereign God we are far from fine - and under His wrath. That is why repentance is essential. It is as radical a change as driving out demons. Have a courageous day in Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Almighty blesses you all. Stay blessed.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:10:45 +0000

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