ACUTE SUPERIORITY COMPLEX: A CASE OF HH AND UPND About a month ago when l posted an article criticizing the UPND proposed economic policies on the Hillcrest Forum, a number of UPND sympathizers attacked me and what l stood for. This is perfectly normal and was expected. However, what wasnt normal is that almost all of them called me dull for pioneering views different from theirs. But when l reminded them that the last time l checked, l was the intelligent one and that they all used to applaud for me every term when l climb on stage to collect by Best Student Award, and asked them whether they hard suddenly become intelligent overnight, they then quietened down and disappeared one by one. Fast forward to a few days ago, HH while addressing the media said that those who think his fiscal expansionary economic policies of free education, free housing, free food, free this and free that, cannot be accommodated in the current PF national budget are dull. I found this statement from HH very shocking to say the least. For starters, l am one of those that think not only that his grandiose economic policies cannot be accommodated in the current budget, but also that they cannot be accommodated in any budget whatsoever. But l know that l am not dull. So where does HH get the idea that those who disagree with him are dull? Perhaps a more fitting question should be: where does HH and the UPND get the idea that those who disagree with their message are dull? How can a person with such high levels of superiority complex even be considered for the revered seat of Republican President? Since in HH and the UPND eyes, some of us are already dull, what are we going to become if they were to win the elections and ascend to power? Would Zambia be made to adopt a cast class system similar to the one India is currently trying very hard to dismantle, where those of us who are considered dull would be declared second class citizens only fit to work menial jobs such as cleaners, garden boys, security guards etc? How much more inflated would HHs ego and that of its followers become if they were to win elections? I feel a cold chill running down my spine right now and if you dont feel a cold chill running down your spine, then you are dull. Of course youre not dull, only HH has a right to call people dull.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 13:56:09 +0000

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