AD Johnson tagged me in this, and I do love to writer-worship, so - TopicsExpress


AD Johnson tagged me in this, and I do love to writer-worship, so here goes. MY AUTHOR INFLUENCES The Rules: Dont take too long to think about it. Fifteen authors (poets included) whove influenced you and that will always stick with you. List the first 15 you can recall in no more than 15 minutes. Tag (at least 15) a bunch of friends, including me, because Im interested in seeing what authors my friends choose. (To do this, copy this intro, go to the Notes tab on your profile page, click write a note, paste the intro into the body (can just post as status) and start your list.) (Do note! This is in NO particular order.) In no particular order, Im listing: 1.Michel Faber 2.Mark Twain 3.Steve Kluger 4.Donna Tartt 5.David Sedaris 6.Nelson DeMille 7.J.K. Rowling 8.Michael Chabon 9.Cormac McCarthy 10.Gemma Files 11.Shakespeare 12.Marion Zimmer Bradley 13.John Irving 14.P.G. Wodehouse 15.George Eliot Is it cheating if I give an honorable mention to Joanna Campbell, creator of the Thoroughbred series? If I hadnt already been ridiculously tall at age 9, I probably would have forgone writing to become a jockey. And Im taggin (if youve already been tagged, sorry:) You can disregard): Macky Holding, Lily Lamb, Lori Toland, Crystal Marie, Kay Berrisford, Joyfully Jay, Aniko Laczko, Will Parkinson, Debra DeGennaro Edwards, Jayden Brooks, Shannon Hayy Bradford, Lynn Schmitz, Tere Labarca, Arianna Paige, K.c. Wells
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 01:08:39 +0000

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