ADAMS COUNTY SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Regular Meeting Friday, October 25, 2013– 338 South 36th Street Quincy, IL Chairman McCleary called the meeting to order at 7:06 AM with the following present: Directors: David McCleary, David Hoskins, Chris Ehrhardt, Doug Duncan Absent: Ray Muegge SWCD Employee: Samantha Waack NRCS Employee: Matt LeMaire Secretary’s report: Ehrhardt made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as printed. Seconded by Duncan. Motion carried. The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed as printed. Duncan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and employee time sheets as printed. Seconded by Hoskins. Motion carried. See Attachment A. The board reviewed and signed bank statements. Correspondence-No Discussion: some correspondence now emailed to directors Correspondence: see Attachment B Old Business: • Danielle Fleer will do an audit for the District after she finishes our Comptroller’s Report. She asked if the Board wanted a cash audit or accrual audit. Motion made by Ehrhardt for an accrual audit, Hoskins seconded; motion carried. • NACD dues discussed. No action taken. • AISWCD dues discussed. The pros and cons of paying and what other counties do was presented. No action taken. New Business: • The FY 14 Grant agreement was presented to the Board members. Both operations and program will see an increase for 2014. • The Comptroller’s Report is almost finished. The due date was extended to October 31st due to the furlough. • A Director Nominating Committee of Larry Nieders and Bernie Woodworth was chosen for the 2014 election. Ehrhardt moved to have the above mentioned as the committee, Duncan seconded; motion carried. • February 13th will be the Election of Directors. Ehrhardt moved to approve the date, Hoskins seconded; motion approved. • Winter Training in Springfield for SWCD Employees and Directors is December 3rd and 4th. Duncan moved for Samantha to attend if she sees a seminar of interest or may be excused if the workshops repeat. Hoskins seconded. Motion passed. • Fish Sale report was given. Fish sale was held on Farm Bureau parking lot due to furlough. 711 fish sold. Profit for the SWCD was $267.00. Profits and numbers were down because of shutdown. • Furlough planning for the future was discussed. Ways to let clients know how to get in touch with the SWCD, answering machine message, and mail pickup were all issues addressed. No action taken but, overall, how to manage until government would reopen as best as possible. Other Business: • The FY 13 projects have been prioritized and a large project needed approval from the Board before completion and payment were offered. Ehrhardt moved to split the large project by landowner discresion, thus making it a more manageable payment for the SWCD. Hoskins seconded. Motion carried. Reports: See Attachment C • AC Report- as printed • NRCS Report – verbal Duncan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 AM. Seconded by Hoskins. Motion carried. The next meeting will be December 20th, 2013 at the Village Inn. Minutes taken by: ________________________ Samantha Waack, Administrative Coordinator Approved by: ______________________________ Dave Hoskins, Secretary
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:48:46 +0000

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