ADAPTABILITY...Seen a few recent developments going on. Some new - TopicsExpress


ADAPTABILITY...Seen a few recent developments going on. Some new emails coming in, many of them with a series of photos attached, some with videos or video links, and some with attached media links, most of the media links, being released by reporters from Canada or Australia that are reporting events in this country. It is just a little bit scary what is going on. And for those that dont believe it, look it up. Citizens in California being stopped a gun point by the police. Military being reassigned to overseas or remote locations if they refuse to fire on Americans. Laws allowing the government to seize your canned food stores. Laws allowing the government to seize money from your bank accounts. The new Obamacare mess, not counting as a tax, so when you have a tax return due, they take the money to apply to Obamacare. So what can we possibly do to protect ourselves from the mess, ADAPT. The one thing that was constantly drilled into my head when I was in the service, ADAPT AND OVERCOME. So now how to adapt to the mess being created. Here just a couple of very basics. OBAMACARE, this thing is funded by so-called tax dollars yet is not considered a tax. So when you file your return and have a refund due they keep the refund and apply that to the money needed to run Obamacare. They have a website set up to enroll, and the government admits it is not working, that citizens are not enrolling. They propose fines and jail if you dont comply. They also have new laws giving them access to your bank account to seize the money they need. So now, how to combat Obamacare, couple very simple things you can do. First dont enroll, there is no way they can put the entire country behind bars, the jails and prisons are both over capacity as is. Granted they can do like Hitler and just make huge camps, butif all of us are locked up, who is producing the food and equipment that would be needed. Also you is delivering it. So simply to begin with dont enroll, except yourself, Congress has, and there are also laws that state Congress shall impose no law on the people that those elected shall not comply simply if they dont have to follow a law that they put in, neither do we. Next the funds, another simple solution, dont pay for the crap. Now this takes a little effort on your part. But sit down with a calculator and figure up what your average refund is, then look at what you claim on your taxes. Now make some adjustments, so when you finish instead of a refund you owe. If you take enough time you can keep your tax due to under $1000, last year my tax due was $150. So instead of using the government to provide you a shopping check once a year, you put that money in your pocket every week, plus if they take it for Obamacare, you wont get that shopping check anyway, you will pay your taxes and then they keep the return anyway. Another little tidbit, but only works for younger citizens, the W2. By law taxes in this country are voluntary, once you sign a W2 you agree to pay taxes for life, most of us have. I have informed my children not to sign a W2, you can not be refused a job for it, that has to do with government with holdings, not employment, so you can still work, but are not required to pay a tax. So dont sign, make adjustments to keep as much as possible and then at tax time find a good CPA attorney to do your taxes. Now the seizing of your bank account to pay for the plan. Again a simple solution---no bank account. Many of us have direct deposit, some have prepaid credit cards that are set up for payroll deposits. The solution, keep the account open, the card open--just in case. However on pay day, withdraw your entire pay, leaving only enough in the bank to keep the account open, or the card active. Now you have this pile of cash you are worried about. Invest in a fireproof safe an keep the money in there. Depending on your home the safe could be hidden, such as a removable panel under the staircase. So now your money is your money, plus the added advantage that cash purchases are not tracked, so they have no idea what you buy or where you shop, an added bonus. FOOD...It kinda sucks, you work hard, buy extra non perishable food to store for a just in case and then they come in and take it. So how do you fix this problem. Simply become more self sufficient. Last couple years I have been messing around trying to figure out how to grow food, have a garden in a small space. It took some time, some research, a lot of calculations, to figure out how to do it and the plants survive. Considering I had to account for the space needed for the plant to grow, the water needed to grow them, the fertilizers and the sunlight. I did this during my downtime in a semi, and when I finished all the calculations, I had a small garden in a truck. Now a semi, inside space is roughly 6 foot by 8 foot. I had to be able to operate the vehicle so that space is gone, had things required by law to have in the truck, that space also gone, and had a bunk for sleeping again that space gone. I took the calculations, ran a few more for what I wanted in the truck and was required to have in the truck. I managed, in a semi, to have my driver seat--required, my bunk--required and all the legal paperwork and files--required, I added a kitchen--complete with fridge, microwave, toaster oven, coffee pot, electric grill, one burner gas stove, food dehydrator and a small pantry, and had real plates and silverware. Had a full office, two extra computers, in case one crashed, a copy/fax machine. Had an entertainment system, I used a computer as the tv, but had it setup on a wifi system and had purchased access to local network programing, then had 300 to 500 movies in the truck and at least 400 cds. I had a closet, holding all my clothes, and found space to have a washer and dryer. A place for tools, after all it is a vehicle and things break. And then I put in a small garden. Nothing major, just wanted to see if I could do it. I grew about half of my herbs in the truck and grew aloe plants, for nicks and cuts. Ended up with close to a dozen plants. All this in a space 6 by 8 feet. Then I started doing some more calculations. Now have figured out in the space a sofa or twin bed take up, how to grow about half of my vegis my herbs and 1/3 to 1/2 of my meat. in the space of a standard space bedroom, I could manage to grow nearly 100% of all my food, what I dont or cant grow--well what I do will be more then I can consume myself, I can trade my extra for what I lack. With this inside, my garden would not be seen by neighbors, would not be known to exist at all unless I told someone about it, or showed it to them. Just because I might have some extra strawberries or something, and trade it off for some thing else, doesnt tell anyone anything, other then I bought more at the store then I can eat--oops. That small spare bedroom, could feed a family of 4 if done properly up to half of there food. If you have a full basement, you can feed the entire family, and maybe another. Not to bad for a small space. I have calculated a 3 foot square space--an end table, that could provide me 2 days of meat and up to 1/3 of my vegis, for a week. So when it comes to providing for a family, food is needed, and a little work, you can provide a couple meals, and just slowly add to it until almost all your food you eat is in your home. Oh and this is fresh, no chemicals, no additives, no crap, so not only a reliable food source, but also considerably healthier. Then the mess that police are becoming more aggressive and military being asked if they can fire on Americans. This can propose a problem. And I dont want to get into all the ways to protect yourself or how to build certain things. But know most of us have in our home, and most likely under the sink a whole mess of things that if used properly, mixed properly, tend to be very nasty. Your protection, dont go trying to figure it out on your own, nasty for a reason, you screw up you end up in a hospital or worse. There are ways to do it, and be safe, just not something to play trial and error with or guess work. I just decided that now a 20oz soda bottle might not be trash anymore, it fits perfectly in a 3 pvc pipe, setup with a ball valve, a standard pvc pipe capable of holding 150 to 200 pounds of pressure, adding some air, released by ball valve, I have a cheap, close range launcher. Maybe up to 100 yards, not to bad for crap laying around the house.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 16:07:39 +0000

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