ADDRESS BY ANC KZN PROVINCIAL SECRETARY, SIHLE ZIKALALA DURING THE MARCH AGAINST ISRAELI ATTACK ON GAZA - 25 JULY 2014 The African National Congress (ANC) in KwaZulu-Natal joins the peace-loving and progressive humanity in condemning with the strongest possible terms the barbaric bombardment of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The deteriorating human rights situation in Gaza is a matter of growing and grave concern to the whole world. It is a sharp reminder of the apartheid aggression that was eventually defeated by the collective work of South Africans supported by the solidarity of the international community. Freedom and justice cannot be denied forever. As the African National Congress we are very concerned with the lack of protection of civilians under international humanitarian law, the growing numbers of casualties, denial of freedom and justice and the total disregard of the law. The situation in Gaza has reached a level that cannot be tolerated. This calls for the world to stand up against this inhumane terror against the poor and innocent people. We are encouraged by steps taken by the African National Congress President Zuma who has taken an initiative of inviting the Palestinian President, Mahomoud Abbas to South Africa to discuss the situation of Palestine and current conflict. It is concerning that the situations continues to escalate as a result of an offensive which can only lead to more deaths and displacement of people. We welcome President Zuma’s decision to send Cde Aziz Pahad as a Special Envoy to Israel and Gaza to register South Africa`s concerns on the current violence in the Middle East. It also must be clear that we are not against Israel. We equally have no problem with the Jewish community all we are saying is that the people of Palestine must be free. We also understand the issues of religion but there is absolutely no religion that allows the killing of the people. It is important to remember that when we were also faced oppressive system of apartheid, the international community and all the progressive forces got together and stood with us. That is why we as the African National Congress pledge our support and solidarity to the people of Palestine. We are all not free until the people of Palestine are free. We remain resolute in the belief that direct engagement will assist in persuading each party to help de-escalate the offensive that has grown to current proportions. We remain firm that the solution to this problem will be through the creation of two states where Palestine and Israel will coexist separately and respect each other’s sovereignty. Amandla – Maatla!!! Aluta Continua!!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 21:37:58 +0000

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