ADDRESS BY MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AT 14TH MEETING OF EASTERN CARIBBEAN MINISTERS WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR FISHERIES AND THE INTERNATIONAL WHALING COMMISSION. On behalf of the Government and people of St Lucia I wish to welcome my colleague Ministers and also Commissioners and Fisheries Officials from the OECS. A very special welcome is also extended to the delegation from Japan headed by the Honourable senior Vice Minister of Foreign affairs Mr. Shunichi Suzuki to this the 14th Meeting of Eastern Caribbean Ministers with responsibility for fisheries and the International Whaling Commission. Over the years this meeting has provided us as Ministers and Officials with responsibility for the Sustainable Use of the region’s living Marine Resources with an important opportunity to engage in discussions on a number of issues, including, National Fisheries Development Policies and Programs, Regional corporation possibilities that would allow for harmonized and joint efforts amongst OECS countries to the Sustainable Use of the marine resources in our region. These meetings have enable us to explore and adopt harmonized positions and negotiating strategies to ensure our maximum effectiveness as we pursue our national and regional interests in a number of International organizations that are charged with the Management of Marine Fisheries. Of particular importance to us are the following: The status of the fishing industries in the region as it relates to the nature and abundance of the fisheries resources, the adequacy of our fishing fleet, the status of our fish landing and marketing infrastructure, and the training needs of our fisher folks and fisheries administrators. These efforts are aimed at improving productivity and efficiency in the fisheries sector and the environmental conditions of our Exclusive Economic Zone. Through this forum our countries are also provided with the opportunity to undertake the revision of national policies regarding International negotiations concerning the use of a number of highly migratory fisheries resources such as tuna, bill fishes and whales. This year’s meeting is of particular importance to our countries because never before in our recent history have our countries are being forced to deal with so many socio-economic a result of the serious and persistence global economic crisis which have presented a threat to our countries for the past five years. This economic crisis has forced our countries to seek innovative solutions to challenges of unemployment, rising food prices, down turn in foreign direct investment opportunities. These challenges must be address within a framework of an innovative socio-economic development strategy where our own natural and human resources are utilized to its maximum. The living marine resources that are within the national jurisdiction of our countries are critical attributes to this new socio-economic thrust. Our ocean provides us with various opportunities with respect to our natural resources which can be exploited within our respective exclusive economic zones. Over several decades, Japan has proven to be a trusted partner for Caribbean countries. Japan and the countries in the eastern Caribbean have cooperated to ensure that coastal states such as ours maintain our rights to develop our fishing industries as is provided by the United Nations Convention on Fisheries. Our relationship with Japan have brought us tremendous benefits; through its extremely generous grant aid program, all of our countries have been able to enhance our fisheries infrastructures through the provision of adequate fishing landing, processing and marketing facilities. Many of our fishermen and fisheries administrators have benefited from several training opportunities provided by Japan. All of our countries can now boast of our fishing industries and their contribution to national and regional food security and food sovereignty, employment opportunities and sustainable livelihoods for a significant portion of our populations. Our fishing industries have become a very important attribute to the socio economic construct of our region and we must ensure that we continue to protect and develop our marine fisheries resources so that our countries can continue to increase its benefits from these resources thereby contributing to overall development of our respective Countries. In closing I would like to wish for a fruitful and successful meeting and hope that you enjoy your stay in our beautiful, warm and friendly country.
Posted on: Fri, 31 May 2013 16:30:55 +0000

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