ADDRESS MADE BY THE GRAND MASTER OF THE GRAND ORANGE LODGE OF IRELAND, EDWARD STEVENSON, AT PRO-UNION PARADE AND RALLY IN EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND It is always a pleasure to be in Scotland, and particularly one of the finest and historical cities in the United Kingdom, where not only Ulster folk who regularly make the short journey across the North Channel, but visitors and tourists from around the world can always be assured of a warm Edinburgh welcome. We gather as an Orange family today in your capital city on the eve of a crucial referendum. Orangeism is represented across the British Isles in a show of unanimous support for you, our Scottish brethren. We stand here together; united in purpose and in opposition to the dismantling of our United Kingdom. Our strength in numbers here today - in one of the largest Orange gatherings in recent times held in the UK – not only demonstrates our commitment to the cause but also our grave concern at the imminent threat to the Union we all hold so dear. As Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, I am proud to be present today, alongside senior Grand Lodge officers, and brethren, sisters and bandsmen from across Northern Ireland, and indeed, the Republic of Ireland. It is abundantly clear that whether it be Ardstraw or Ayr; Donegal or Dundee; Londonderry or Livingstone; Belfast or Bellshill – the unmistakable message emanating from the Orange fraternity is that we are better together than we are apart. Many of us who have travelled from Ulster to be here in Edinburgh have done so out of a sense of duty. We, possibly more so than any other region, can lay claim to a unique and distinctive bond with this part of the United Kingdom. With Ulster-Scottish connections dating back to the 17th Century, there is a strong and unbreakable cultural link, and close affinity, between our two jurisdictions which transcends numerous generations and the North Channel dividing us. Those close ties, which emanated from the lowlands of Scotland in the early 1600s, have enriched our heritage and traditions, and ensure we have a shared and common identity. There is an old saying that blood is thicker than water. For while Northern Ireland and Scotland may be only 13 miles apart at the narrowest point, we are bound together by the many family and genealogical ties and friendships which stretch across the strait. I myself have family who reside in Dunfermline, and like many others who have relatives in Scotland, are proud of our personal associations with this region. As an Orange Institution, a similar tangible link and a strong connection remains between members and lodges, as well as bands, across the North Channel. Just over 100 years ago this month the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland and its members showed very strong support for unionists in Ulster in their opposition to Home Rule. Indeed, by either signing the Covenant or the female declaration, including at Greyfriars Kirkyard in this city, over 14,000 Scotsmen and women publicly pledged to stand by their Ulster peers. A century later, we feel it is appropriate by our presence that we repay that debt and show our unstinting support to you in your time of need. Having also stood by us throughout the horror of the Troubles, it is imperative we stand foursquare with you now as your place in the Union comes under peril. Some have chosen to question the effectiveness of this rally and parade, and in doing so have demonised the Orange Institution in Scotland. However, those same detractors choose to forget that Scottish Orangemen are citizens; they are taxpayers; they are individuals who follow political debates with interest; and are actively engaged in their local communities. They are therefore fully entitled to express their views in a democratic society on such an issue of utmost importance. It would be inconceivable, as valid stakeholders in this society, not to take part in such a debate. The Orange Institution should make no apology for today’s massive turnout. Rather we should be proud to galvanise such numbers in our collective opposition to independence. This is an enormous celebration and an awesome expression of our pride in our United Kingdom. As an Institution we cherish the Union, which offers civil liberties for all and special privileges for none. Our message is simple. We believe the Union is best for everybody. Not just people who are members of the Orange Order, not just for people from any particular tradition, but better for everybody together. The underlying strength of the Union is that it is possible to be Scottish and patriotic - like it is to be English, Welsh and Northern Irish - without being part of an independent state. Our respective layers of nationality are bound together. The ‘British Together’ campaign group set up by the Scottish Grand Lodge has rightly championed the positive case for the most successful political union the world has ever known. This is in stark contrast to those advocating independence, who have been more than unconvincing in their mantra over recent weeks. Our message to the citizens of this great country is that we want you to stay. You are a vital and essential component, and valued partner, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Your future is also ours. The destiny of the Union is in your hands. In five days’ time, the people of Scotland alone will give their verdict. We trust they will use their vote wisely and in so doing emphatically underscore their support for the status quo. We pray the Scottish electorate will make the right choice and on September 19, when the dust settles following much recrimination on the campaign trail, the UK itself will emerge victorious and more united than ever. In such a scenario it is imperative that Her Majesty’s Government, as a priority, works with renewed vigour to make the Union stronger and builds on the established good relations between our respective regions. What has stood the test of time for over three centuries must remain unbroken. There can be no alternative. I, along with all of the Orange brethren and bands from Northern Ireland, look forward to joining with you later as we celebrate our Britishness by parading through one of the UK’s most iconic cities. Next year, as is a long held tradition, many will return to Scotland to join you for your annual Battle of the Boyne commemorations and we very much hope that we will not require our passports! God willing, Scotland will still be an integral part of the United Kingdom and long may that remain. I would like to wish you all well in a crucial week for our nation. Scotland must say NO.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:56:26 +0000

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