ADJUST OUR PRIORITIES! The passage of a pure 28th Amendment is - TopicsExpress


ADJUST OUR PRIORITIES! The passage of a pure 28th Amendment is the largest issue we could do when implementing positive change in our country. Such an Amendment would push a huge domino effect on a real issue of “Integrity & Ethics”. Are you “Tough On Crime”? Across the political spectrum the answer is overwhelming YES! Do you really know who is behind the clearest majority of crime? Keep reading, you’re about to! $350 million in 2012 was the cost of all the combined robberies of Banks, Residences, Stores (generally street robberies) says one site. $14 billion combined in all robberies, larcenies, burglaries, car theft in the same year (sites researched Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Labor NLRB, FBI) such is a large difference. Now consider the actual number of Court Cases of Wage-Theft: $933 million paid in back wages (working off the clock, forced purchase of work item(s), failure to compensate (O.T.), violating labor laws, etc.) is an extreme amount more than 2½ times the reported robberies in 2012, same year. Nationally, $14 billion lost in combined robberies, larcenies, burglaries, car theft. The $933 million in Wage-Theft is ONLY the court cases and NOT the settlements prior to a decision of the court, does NOT reflect Union grievances settled in contract/law enforcement (including Arbitrations/Mediations) and other cases settled without such actions mentioned. Think Progress performed a study in major cities of New York, Los Angles, Chicago of unreported activities exceeding $50 billion in the same year of 2012. We certainly believe people would not report such wage-theft, States such as Arizona (Right to Work [for less]) merely the mention of the employer involved with Wage-Theft would bring about dismissal (fired) from your job. Such States does not have a “Just Cause” employment dismissal clause in their precedent State Laws/Constitution. 90% plus, in unreported cases! How many times have we heard a “So what, you can just write it off on your taxes (assuming the amount is above the 12% of your combined income)!” Only one possible conclusion, your government ensures you donate 12% to your income to your employer. Also, your government protects the individuals who are committing the Wage-Theft crimes via the “corporate veil”. We all know a corporation is merely an inanimate object and can do nothing, it is people that do everything in the name of the corporation, no such veil should exist. If Congress keeps saying people should be responsible for their actions, then we agree! Congress continually reduces funds trying to eliminate agencies working against Wage-Theft. Why doesn’t a corporation involved in Wage-Theft have a 3-Strike program in a prison sentence, including a corporate charter dissolved? Why are the individuals of corporations guilty of Wage-Theft protected from a prison sentence? Such has been standard procedures in YOUR COUNTRY! What are your priorities being “Tuff-On-Crime”? Another post coming regards the crime such as Microsoft hiding $92 billion in hidden off-shore accounts. Are we Tuff-On-Crime? Any media not reporting such abuse is certainly “Part of the problem and not part of the solution”, “Accomplices to the Crime”! The penalty is difficult to research accurately. Thanks to the internet news program The Young Turks, TYT, for pointing me in this direction. The research took longer than it seemed they reported. Posted by Paul Winger I copied a real good pic
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 20:21:05 +0000

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