ADVANCED WORDS (DAY 5) 41. Impetus (N) = stimulus, incentive, - TopicsExpress


ADVANCED WORDS (DAY 5) 41. Impetus (N) = stimulus, incentive, encouragement (động lực, sự thúc đẩy) --> I was under an impetus from a heavy schedule at school. 42. Initial (A) = first, incipient, beginning (đầu tiên) --> His initial reaction to the news was very calm. 43. Intriguing (A) = fascinating, interesting, beguiling (hấp dẫn, gợi thích thú) --> Intrigue (V) --> The diversity of beautiful colors and designs of their dresses was so intriguing. 44. Paradox (N) = contradiction, anomaly, absurdity (nghịch lý, ngược đời, sự trái ngược) --> Paradoxical (A) --> The French paradox, in which the French eat high-fat foods and exercise less but still have a markedly lower mortality rate, is not understandable ( Mortality rate: tỷ lệ tử vong) 45. Potent (A) = powerful, authoritative, mighty (có uy lực lớn, có sức mạnh, có sức thuyết phục) --> Impotent (A) --> Potency (N) --> A potent vaccine for AIDS was developed in the United States. 46. Preoccupied with = absorbed in, engrossed in (chìm đắm, say đắm vào) --> I was so preoccupied wit the thought of going to the beach tomorrow that I didnt hear what she was saying. 47. Tacit (A) = implied, implicit, unexpressed, unstated (ngầm, ngụ ý) --> A silence is usually a tacit answer of yes. 48. Truism (N) = platitude, cliche, axiom (sự thật quá rõ ràng, hiển nhiên) # Falsehood (N): sự sai lầm --> It is a truism that romance was created to manipulate women. (Manipulate = control: điều khiển) 49. Trivial (A) = unimportant, frivolous, trifling, valueless (lặt vặt, tầm thường, không quan trọng) # Significant (A) (quan trọng, thiết yếu) --> Can I ask you just a trivial question? 50. Vital (A) = essential, fundamental, crucial, dynamic, integral (cần thiết, quan trọng, thiết yếu) --> This is a vital matter that might change your whole life. -Bin-
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 12:28:59 +0000

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