ADVICE FOR WOMEN: LIE AND DECEIVE, IT WILL ONLY MAKE YOU LOOK BAD IF YOU TELL THE TRUTH... "Tossing away your birth control pills—while pretending to dutifully swallow them—has obviously had far-reaching consequences for everyone involved. **It forced a man to become a father before he was ready and with a woman to whom he ultimately didn’t want to commit.** It made you confront a dark part of your psyche and turned your cootchie-coo fantasy into hard reality. And, depending on how your daughter understands her story, she may think that her parents never intended to have her. **But your act doesn’t make you a monster, nor do I think there’s any benefit to enlightening everyone now.** Both you and Ben rose to the occasion and neither of you would express regret that you’re parents to Holly. Ben has been Holly’s father for 13 years; even were he to find out about your trickery I can’t imagine he would now look upon his daughter as the demon seed. It would just be one more confirmation that you and he never belonged together. **At this late date, however, your coming clean would only cast a shadow over your character. You are deeply remorseful for what sounds like a singular act of substantial deceit. There’s nothing to be gained by telling your husband and making him uneasy about your essential honesty.** Were you to spill, the person who would perhaps benefit the most psychologically would be Holly. She wasn’t an “oops,” after all! But thinking she was unplanned only makes her like vast swaths of people on the planet. My parents had four oopses—I was the first—and all my siblings would agree that’s a trivial fact about us. You and your friend are also hardly the only women to deliberately get pregnant without letting the man in on your plan, as objectionable as that behavior is. As for your friend, since there are other, straightforward ways to find a sperm donor, how sad that she preferred to make an unwitting stranger the father of her child." ------------------------------------------------------- REMINDS ME OF A QUOTE FROM THE FILM ANS "GOOD AS IT GETS" (1997) WITH JACK NICHOLSON Receptionist: How do you write women so well? Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability. -------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 14:40:35 +0000

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