ADVICE PLEASE- Apologies for the long post but feel I need to - TopicsExpress


ADVICE PLEASE- Apologies for the long post but feel I need to give all the information. I am hoping to hear from people who have experienced a similar situation. I am also interested to hear peoples opinions about what they would do in this situation. Last October (encouraged by Breast Cancer awareness month) I had a mammogram. I had no lump and only did this because I have recently entered my forties and have now becme more cancer aware. Results of the mammogram showed micro-calcifications and a follow up core biopsy showed mild atypia. I was referred to a breast surgeon who ordered an MRI, which the results showed nothing suspicious. This means that the mammogram and core biopsy showed reasons for concern however the MRI did not. I have a little anxiety with regards to my health. I have been in remission for four years from cancer however my mother was not so lucky and unfortunately passed away from an aggressive form of cancer 8 years ago. Cancer is clearly in our family although neither of our cancers were breast cancer. Since my cancer diagnosis (and against the odds), I have since had a baby through IVF. We were actually in the process of trying IVF again in the hope of being blessed with another miracle baby but this was interrupted by the recent mammogram results. We have two frozen embryos and the chance of these becoming a viable pregnancy is very, very slim however, that was the case with our first baby and a miracle did happen. Sadly my husband is now also questioning whether we should even proceed with the IVF transfer as he doesnt want to put my health at risk in anyway. I have seen two breast surgeons about this, the first of which ordered the MRI and based on this, advised no action and has recommended a follow up mammogram in 12 months time. They have said that there is no evidence of cancer, the micro-calcifications are most likely due to breast changes and that an excision of the area is unnecessary, might not give all the answers anyway, and will leave scar tissue which will make it difficult to monitor in the future. They also said that it is ok to proceed with the IVF transfer and that an excision would leave the breast noticeably smaller and would possibly make breast feeding from the affected breast impossible. The aesthetics certainly are not a concern for me and while breast feeding is important, I would certainly persevere with feeding from one breast. The second surgeon says that while they believe there is nothing to be concerned about they will perform an excision to be certain. Based on a good outcome, I can then proceed with the IVF transfer. My main question is given that both surgeons think there is nothing of concern, would you have the excision even though the scar tissue may make it difficult to monitor future breast changes (this worries me), may not be conclusive (although I don’t completely understand this) and may affect future breast feeding? Thank you kindly.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:24:14 +0000

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