ADVOCATING COMPROMISE AND PACIFISM FROM THE NORTH. PREAMBLE: This article is not meant to be parochial rather it is meant to alert my fellow compatriot of the nature and depth of the problem we will all confront, to help arouse a pragmatic and vocal approach of how this could potentially affect our continued existence as an entity called Nigeria. Silence is what woke me to write this article. Silence from all quarters regarding the atlantian dream of turning Nigeria into an islamic state with a contraband approach which is threatening this entity called Nigeria. Silence against this perpretrators of this mans inhumanity to man. The absence of pragmatic and vocal approach has bequeathed silence and this silence delivers a primitive warning that Nigeria is about to fall apart if we dont act fast. This work is sequel to my first unpublished article tittled WHICH WAY NIGERIA. A tittle gotten from the famous song of a Nigerian artiste. INTRODUCTION: Nigeria is a land of unending drama and theatrics. Its never in want of comedy and satire laced with the absurd. My eyes are raw from trying to see through Nigeria. This is not how I had envisioned Nigeria in the course of my sojourn here on earth, it suppose to have been a land full of adventures and positive competition between the different poles here because of the abudance of Gods natural endowments. Instead Nigerias image abroad sinks; this largely because one major commodity (corruption) we are exporting and importing in large quantity has metamorphosis and replicate itself into the crisis in the north. The discontent this issues is breeding; which is negatively affecting other poles in Nigeria is capable of washing away the dream of our founding fathers. In the midst of this war and turmult, I often ask myself what is to be done? Is it to build a virle nation in consonance with the dreams of our founding farhers or to create ours, if only the dreams of our founding fathers are furtile with contemporary reality. The unstable serenity in the north poles is like a black hole in the pattern of the universe; no thanks to our species there who are in fact pretty primitive in thinking and actions. It beats every rational mind, the entire edifice of pacifism in this ever changing world how human there are more concerned with the slaughtering of innocent mortals than slaughtering of monsters who are decorated as martyrs in our political and economic life; that has retard progressive development in the country, without them coming in term with reality that the days of horses and cowboys are history, faster toys are what made us what we are today and that this means of survival had been contraband cos its just like flogging a donkey with anger, visiting it with cruelty, insisting it should be able to fly, is impossible. We are waiting to see the donkey grow wings to fly with this their approach. Warlike species dont get too far. Their energy is all chanelled towards the wrong things. Dogs dont mess where the sleep, but mass murderers are not dogs, they are worse; manics lashing out at progress and mans march to the future and I say this must be dark moon or something else since they now flounder in the euphoria between comfort and discomfort. Nevertheless, the manics which have constituted the larger populace in the north are at large, free to strike whenever and whereever they chooses. The sphere of time held no boundaries for them, they make up their own dimension without even taking a break from all the psyched ideologies that has blown their aggression. Rhetorically i ask, dont they know that the young grow old and the old die? Each generation mirrowing the previous one. Like the lizards on the barren island, the residents in the north have known adaptability is essential to survival (theory of relativity) because explosive surprise is a constant co-pedestrian which keeps you on your toes. It is an utterly helpless feeling to have your mind spinning at top speed and have no motor competition. Studying the horizon through spyglasses, looking for sign of these strange warlords that might be carrying and dropping the bombs are furtile cos they are your copedestrains everywhere you are. Here in the north each junction has its own memorable history and its own set of characters. Slithering through these killing fields, empathy ruins your vein and bone when you ascertain that these are the manics personal playing grounds. There is more to these killing fields life than the views and information from the medis but most times people are ignorant od them. City life makes the earth seem like an overstuffed suit case, but from my vintage point, the north is a deserted play ground. It now looks like a beautiful paradise rose that had been pounded by a summer squall and most times when the sun is begining to rise, there is no horizon just a gray gloom of air, its freshness threatened by smell of stinks and enveloped thick smokes from the end product of explosions; thats why they are only observed and rarely visited by innovative mortals and gracious immortals. Does the preceeding secenario sounds far-fetched or over exaggerated? Let us all pray and hope so, for most it is unthinkable, for some it is not only plausible but it is a potential reality. The north has benn whip into a fury by monsters there. What they warlords dont know is that these monsters are insentive to their yearning rather women and money are all the care about. No thanks to the bloodbath over the years which their policies and utterances had created in the psyche of these warlords while they are spinless-collecting accolades, riding in white horses, porsche and exotic cars, wearing classic and costly clothes. Lets us not be fooled by there outward appearances. Change your cloth, change your slang and the whole world changes with you. Nevertheless, they are still monsters because they only monsters in this world are those who pass for human. Who cast shadows and are reflected in the mirrors, who smile and speak of compassion, sheds convincing tears to catch those human variety, who seem do fragile and in need of help. This act perpetuated by these monsters are one of the numerous carrots that they dangle before the manics who now dance to their whims and caprices of these warlords. These warlords are creating havoc in this part of the pole about the time other homo sapiens are turning pacifist. If the north is crying of depreviation and marginalization, there are still chances of salvaging them as long as these manics starts thinking from the reptilian side of their brain. But are the north really deprived, marginalised or short changed in Nigeria, looking at the top echelon position that they had held since the independence of Nigeria till date? Are these manics really chanelling their aggreviances to the right people? With the recent happenings in the north pole, it is pertinent to crystalise the difference that have engulf other poles that has embrace compromise and pacifism. EAST: Check our the east, the morning route od the sun whom there serenity had been a spartan shield that had always protected the working of there razoe-sharp mind; thought there armour is now bent and weal, but they are on the verge of changing all that. While WEST: There is alot of energy in this latitude where the sun climbs over hills and chases the shadow into the sea. Revealing the old world chain of the unmistakable civilization of Yorubas in an impressimistic mural of a quiet vast enclave of intellectuals. At this latitude you marvel at the visibilty of the milky way and the SOUTH: With the morning sun risen above the ocean, mist rising up from the oceans break against the prowl, the land breeze clearing away the smoky haze that forever envelop the pole, which reveals people of ocean fortress-who can end your life as a meal for some pre-historics fishes with a brain the size of a fist. The only thing that distinguish these poles from the north is there sense of compromise, and i used them as my reference, if we really want the entity called Nigeria indivisible. More importantly, it is outrightly insensitive and create the impression that these warlike species, make it more obvious that other poles are unimportant, irrelevant and inconsequential to the co-operate existence of Nigeria because these latest acts by these manics is yet another example of their intent to blackmail and intimidate the other poles in Nigeria and ultimately derail our march to pacifism. Is also yet another test of the resolve of these manics to stand firm in the face of tyrannical tendencies backed up by the monsters who ecploits and enrich themselves in such situations. Nigeria has already taken on a peculiar shape, with the approaching election and visible happenings in the north, the divisibility of Nigerian is even further reduced. Compromise is the glue of the universe, if we stop it, we will all die; no survivals. So countrymen at what point will we sheathe our bloodthirstiness and let pacifism guide our reasoning and action? No matter the styles of the killings, will you countrymen continue to dream the unrealistic atlantian dream of turning Nigeria into an islamic state, having seen its negative impact on the north pole? Once were able to come to grips with the true answers and make room for it, life ll be restored in the north pole and i suggest we shoild learn to practice pacifism and compromise because it is a unique new way to look at the world. I guess this where my pen scratches my paper and wait for more observations while i raise my pen above my head to signal the conclusion of my article and waits for the rapid response of my words. AUTHOR BY ENYI-ENYI, OSINACHI HYCENTH.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:02:48 +0000

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