AFFIRMATION CHALLENGE, Day 9: I am happy in my own - TopicsExpress


AFFIRMATION CHALLENGE, Day 9: I am happy in my own skin.” Skin. The largest organ in our human body. And one of the most abused - exposed to the elements, wear and tear, reflecting our wellbeing on so many levels. Worst of all, it is exposed to our own critical judgement. Say it isnt so! Old, young, plump, thin, pale, dark, frail, hairy, pockmarked, scarred, youthful. Because our skin is both a physical and emotional expression of self, todays affirmation is best considered in both head and heart. Before bathing, with a mirror, look closely at your face, and embrace the imperfections in your skin, from the heart, without judgement. Step into the shower, and while the water runs (permission for a couple extra minutes of hot water please and thank you!), caress your face, your neck, your shoulders, arms, hands. Then your torso, buttocks, legs, and feet. As you do so, feel your skin contains - muscles, blood flowing, your life giving organs, the food you’ve eaten. Feel the bumps, scars, bruises, burns, ingrown hairs, and all that other hair helping protect it. Accept without judgement this imprinted pattern of history, unique to your skin on your body, and appreciate what it has weathered in its critical work as armor to your wellbeing. Acknowledge how you depend on it, how it serves you, has served you, keeps you alive. Stretching to accommodate as needed. Healing when affronted. No, it’s not perfect. Probably some bumps and bulges you may wish away, some areas you’ll never see in magazines. But it’s yours. Protecting you from harm,disease, toxins, and shielding all those pieces that would otherwise be at great risk. No matter it’s condition, it’s doing hard hard work for YOU! Be happy with this skin you’re in! Give it TLC with a dry brush before bathing, and some hydrating soothing oils (Interested in a blog article on this with details? Say the word!). And lastly, but not less important, consider the expression of being “happy in your own skin”. Who is the ‘me’ in that skin? What is the glow that brings you to life and to joy? The naturalness and beauty inside you. Accept who and what you are, right now, in that glow. Wrap your arms around to the other shoulders and hug yourself, not only the skin, but through to the inner heart of mind and spirit that is you. This evening as you change for bed, take a moment to honor appreciating and being happy today in your own skin.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 12:35:00 +0000

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