AFFIRMATION OF HUMAN FREEDOM All persons are born free and - TopicsExpress


AFFIRMATION OF HUMAN FREEDOM All persons are born free and equal in dignity and rights. True freedom means: 1.Being free to worship God in ones own way 2.Being free to make ones own decisions 3.Being free to express ones own beliefs and opinions 4.Being free to assemble peacefully and associate with whomever one wishes 5.Being free from slavery or the threat of servitude 6.Being free from fear of arbitrary intrusion upon ones privacy 7.Being free from unwarranted attacks upon ones honor and reputation 8.Being free from dangers to ones health and safety 9.Being free to work in callings and localities of ones own choice 10.Being free to procure food, clothing, and housing by any honest means 11.Being free to own and maintain private property 12.Being free to enjoy a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and ones family Copied My personal comments: We know that no society exists in which all these freedoms are held by all the people. However, it is both the duty and privilege of all citizens, especially Christians, to continually seek the welfare and improvement of others. We have too long depended on the government to give us what we need and want, without regard to the cost to our fellow citizens. There is no free lunch. Every handout is paid for with the taxes of working people. Christians, above all others, need to rise to the opportunity to consider the needs of those around us. An old saying is that God helps those who help themselves. (BTW, that is not in the Bible). That may be true, but we all need to work together to help our fellow man. Sometimes, people are in circumstances of great need, and totally unable to change their circumstances. These people need our help. If America is truly the land of the free and the home of the brave, it is only because neighbor helps neighbor. A gimme mentality is rapidly destroying the foundation laid by our founding fathers. It is time to see that the needs of others are everyones responsibility. Look all around you, find some one in need, Help somebody today! Though it be little--a neighborly deed-- Help somebody today! Many are waiting a kind, loving word, Help somebody today! Thou hast a message, O let it be heard, Help somebody today! Many have burdens too heavy to bear, Help somebody today! Grief is the portion of some everywhere, Help somebody today! Some are discouraged and weary in heart, Help somebody today! Some one the journey to heaven should start, Help somebody today! Help somebody today, Somebody along lifes way; Let sorrow be ended, The friendless befriended, Oh, help somebody today! Mrs. Frank M. Breck
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 13:31:08 +0000

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