AFLAC – AD CAMPAIGNS TO FLOOR COMPLETIONS AD CAMPAIGNS SCREEN PLAYS WITH DIRECTIONS SALES FLOOR FOLLOW UP DIRECTIONS LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT INTEREST AND RESUME DEVELOPED BY KC LONG 12-18-2014 CAMPAIGN SYNOPSIS OVERVIEWS AND SURVEY RESULTS EXPLAINED While pondering over the interview with a District Sales Manager, for an entry level Sales Associates position in Orange County Ca., and looking on the AFLAC website for other positions, such as the Market Trainer position in Compton, Ca.. The Following inter-related Marketing Ad Campaign Idea’s came to me. “Will the Real Duck Stand Up! – You Know the Duck! – Invest in Your Self, - Sooner or Later!” These are lead in campaigns that are related, and are to be utilized in a to the FLOOR manner. I do understand that for the most part that companies or ad agencies do not accept unsolicited idea’s, programs, and campaigns from outside sources. I am seeking employment with AFLAC, or with the ad agency, that is why I didn’t run a parity program on U-TUBE, FACE BOOK, TWITTER, VINE or any other platform. But, I did perform an un-scientific, weighted survey*, of over 200 people, that crosses ALL, Socio-Economic, Racial, Age (targeted, 23-65), Geographical (North East, South East, South West, West, and North West) demographic criteria was utilized to formulate the survey with feed back. SURVEY RESULTS EXPLAINED The following un-scientific survey results of 200 people are subjectively weighted * They, DO – NOT reflect the true population/ethnic numbers of a given geographical area, nor do they reflect the earned income of any group that completed the survey, information was based upon personal questions asked in the survey, as well as the participants ethic background I did not make notation of gender in the sectional results. These 200 people 125 male/75 female, are Professional People that I know, whom participated in this survey. They have always been objective in past program focus group analysis sessions. ALL 200 PARTICIPANTS LIKED THE CONCEPT OF THE AD CAMPAIGNS WITH LITTLE/NO NEGATIVE FEED BACK! The concepts/campaigns were delivered utilizing a verbal – visual description of the campaigns. The weighted call schedule was constructed in the following manner using this matrix = 200 people in 5 geographical areas (North East, South East, South West, West, and North West), = 40 calls per sector, in 5 days = 8 hours per day = 20 minutes per call. This is not a precise average as some set up times, and feed back times would vary and overlap the allotted time per call. SURVEY RESULTS The North East – 12-20-14 (Cities called were New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC,/Baltimore, Chicago.) 40 total calls, = 10 White – 5 - White collar professionals – in the 40 – 65 age groups, incomes ranging 110k+ 5 – Blue collar - 24 – 40 age groups, incomes ranging from 35k – 85k 20 Black = 10 White collar – in the 40 – 60 age groups, incomes ranging 100+ 10 Blue collar - in the 24 – 40 age groups, incomes ranging 24k – 85k 10 Latino = 5 White collar – in the 40 – 60 age groups, incomes ranging 100k+ 5 Blue collar – in the 23 – 40 age groups, incomes ranging 24k -85k The South East – 12- 21-2014 (Cities called were Atlanta, Miami, Charlotte/Raleigh, Biloxi, and Nashville.) 40 total calls, = 15 White – White collar – in the 40-65 age groups, incomes ranging 110k+ 20 Black – 10 White collar – 40-65 age groups, incomes ranging 100k 10 Blue collar – 23-40 age groups incomes ranging 18k – 90k 5 Latino - 3 White collar – 40-65 age groups, incomes ranging 100k 2 Blue collar – 23 – 40 age groups, incomes ranging 18k-50k The South West – 12 – 22-14 (Cities called were Tulsa/OKC, New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, Denver, Wichita, Kansas City, Albq NM) 40 total calls, = 15 White – White collar – 40-65 age groups, incomes ranging 85k-100k 15 Black – 10 - White collar – 40-65 age groups, incomes ranging 65k-100k 5 – Blue collar – 24 – 40 age groups, incomes ranging 40k-85k 10 Latino – 5 – White collar – 40-65 age groups, incomes ranging 75k -95k 5 – Blue collar – 24-40 age groups, incomes ranging 18k – 50k SURVEY RESULTS The West – 12-23-2014 (Cities called were Los Angeles/Metro, San Francisco/Metro, San Diego, Phoenix, and Las Vegas.) 40 total calls = 15 White – 10 – White collar – 40-65 age groups, incomes ranging, 110k+ 5 – Blue collar – 23-40 age groups, incomes ranging, 25k – 65k 15 Black - 10 – White collar – 40 -65 age groups, incomes ranging, 85k -110k 5 – Blue collar – 23 -40 age groups, incomes ranging, 22k -75k 10 Latino – 10 – White collar – 40 -65 age groups, incomes ranging, 65k-110k+ 5 – Blue collar – 23-40 age groups, incomes ranging, 18k – 65k The North West – 12-26-2014 (Cities called were Seattle/Tacoma, Portland, and Eugene) 40 total calls = 10 White - 5- White collar – 40-65 age groups, incomes ranging 110k+ 5 – Blue collar – 23-40 age groups, incomes ranging 35k -85k 15 Black -10 – White collar – 40 – 65 age groups, incomes ranging 85k – 110k+ 5 - Blue collar – 23-40 age groups, incomes ranging 35k – 75k 15 Latino- 5 – White collar – 40- 65 age groups, incomes ranging 85k-110k+ 10 – Blue collar – 23-40 age groups, incomes 35k -85k+ SURVEY RESULTS SUMMARY As stated in earlier Survey Results Explained, All 200 participants liked the Ad Campaigns Concepts. The 75 female participants really like the use of the handsome quarterback Marcus Mariola, the Heisman Trophy Winner from the Oregon Ducks, and thinks the use of the rubber duck is cute. As well of the facts of what AFLAC does with the Cancer Center in Atlanta. The Hip Hop, Millennium age groups All seemed to gravitate to the Do you Know the Duck campaign, more so, as the Duck came to a more age apparent style with them. All of the 125 male participants enjoyed the Heisman Trophy tie in, due to the timing of the football seasons of college and professional, “The Wall Street tie in was an intriguing and slick move that lead to the other campaign Sooner/Later!” “Will The Real Duck Stand Up campaign was really slick, the tie in to the Do You Know the Duck campaign, was hilarious.” SURVEY RESULTS SUMMARY The clear winner was “Will the Real Duck, Stand Up!” it won across ALL demographics by a wide margin. “You Know the Duck!” did well across All as well, but was mostly enjoyed by the Hip/Hop Millennium age groups with the original ending. The more mature participants really enjoyed the “Will the Real Duck, Stand Up!” Campaign, they identified with the concept of the “What’s My Line” tv program format. They also, thought the “Invest in Your self” campaign on Wall Street was slick, with the “Sooner/Later” campaign tie in. There was some negative feed back from the more mature participants, of the original version of the “You Know the Duck” campaign, and it will remain as an alternative ending for a Hip Hop Millennium age demographic penetration specifically. As this demographic preferred the “You Know the Duck” campaign after “Will the Real Duck Stand Up.” “The other was a negative in a way, “Can’t wait to see the final bound product of the campaigns.” It is my subjective opinion (Of Course!) that these are viable campaigns and are worth a look. I will say that timing is of the utmost urgency on the “Will the Real Duck Stand Up!” campaign. As, the timing of the campaign deals with the football season, the Heisman Trophy, and Winner, Marcus Mariota. These campaigns could be used for market penetrations on a varied level of platforms ranging from new markets of Hip Hop Millennium to newly formed small businesses and other minority interests groups. AFLAC can also show and meet the requirements of the Affordable Health Care ACT. With its tie in’s to other major health insurance programs. I.E: United Health Care Plan, in Orange County, Ca. AFLAC, also, is able to show its Heart/Community Charity with the Cancer Center in Atlanta. Again, it is my subjective opinion that these campaigns meet the quality standards of AFLAC in the commercial application of its brand. _________________________________________________________________________________ This key is based upon the Likeability of the campaigns surveyed, and does not reflect the other breakdowns of survey information. . AD CAMPAIGN SCREEN PLAYS WITH DIRECTION BY KC LONG 12-26-2014 “WILL THE REAL DUCK, STAND UP!” OPENING SCENE: CAMERA 1: (Tight shot on letter in Duck’s hand) Duck reading letter “You have been cordially invited to be a contestant on the old/new game show,” Will the Real Duck Stand Up!” Camera 1: (Widens out to Duck’s face as it finishes reading letter, with big smile and saying, very excitedly, AFLAC.) SCENE 2: CAMERA 1: (Wide shot Showing Duck waddling into television studio, and meets the Director.) Director: “Welcome Mr. Duck, come right this way” Duck: nods, and says “AFLAC” Director: “Have a seat here in this seat.” Duck has a seat, and looks around to the 2 other contestants. Camera 2: (Quick camera pan to contestant 3 The Rubber Duck, with a quick zoom in and out on the rubber ducks face and body.) (Then a quick medium pan to contestant 2, (HEISMAN TROPHY WINNER, MARCUS MARIOTA OF THE OREGON DUCKS, IN HIS FOOTBALL UNIFORM. Who points to the camera, and nods.) Then back to the AFlAC Duck, who has a puzzled look on its face. SCENE 3: ANNOUNCER: In a traditional game show voice “Welcome to an Old, New Version of (“WILL THE REAL DUCK, STAND UP!”) Audience makes crowd noise. “Buzz in if you know the answer to the following questions.” ANNOUNCER: “The first question, who can you go to when you need Supplemental insurance that will pay you in 3-7 days if you have an accident or Illness?” CAMERA 2: Quick pan to rubber duck in/out zoom on face. Then quick pan to M/M, scratching head, saying, “Uhhh, What.” CAMERA 1: Pan to AFLAC DUCK, with big smile and flexing move with wings. “AFLAC!” ANNOUNCER: “That’s right!” ANNOUNCER: “Next question,” “Where can you get group employee or individual insurance coverage.” CAMERA 2: A quick pan to M/M, scratching head, saying, “Uhhh, What.” Then go to rubber duck in/out zoom on face. CAMERA 1: Pan to AFLAC DUCK, with oversized finger nail file, filing its wing tips. “AFLAC!” (In a sly voice inflection.) ANNOUNCER: “That’s right!” There can be other/additional questions injected for time and query answers. SCENE 4: ANNOUNCER: “Who had the most touchdowns in college football this year.” Or some other football related question that is related to M/M.” CAMERA 2: Go to rubber duck in/out zoom on face. CAMERA 1: Pan to AFLAC DUCK, Who is furious and DUCK mumbling. “Uhh, What.” ANNOUNCER: “The AFLAC Duck has the lead. This next question is a compound question, and is worth double the points.” ANNOUNCER: “Who won the HEISMAN TROPHY IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL IN 2014.” CAMERA 2: Go to rubber duck in/out zoom on face, CAMERA 1: AFLAC Duck, Who is furious and DUCK mumbling. “Uhh, What.” Gets up out of seat and starts to walk off the set. ANNOUNCER: “The last question, “Who is the proud sponsor of the HEISMAN TROPHY.” CAMERA 3: Go to rubber duck in/out zoom on face, CAMERA 2: M/M, SMILING WITH A CHANGE OF CLOTHES INTO SUIT, WITH THE HEISMAN TROPHY WITH A THUMBS UP. CAMERA 1: Pan to AFLAC Duck, who has now turned around, and runs back to the set. “AFLAC,” IT STATES VERY PROFOUNDLY. ANNOUNCER: “VERY EXCITEDLY, THAT’S RIGHT!” Thank you contestants, and audience for joining us for another addition of the OLD/NEW version of “WILL THE REAL DUCK, STAND UP!” CAMERA 1: Wide shot of M/M and AFLAC DUCK walking off the set talking to one another. Then M/M turns to camera and states. “I know the real DUCK, Do You!” (Lead in for next campaign, Do you know the DUCK! I DO!) They give each other a high five. This campaign should be done in conjunction with a Sales Floor campaign as well. Agents should be highly visible in shopping mall kiosks, offices should do open houses, and recruitments for both new market penetration and personnel needs in Sales. This Campaign would be aligned with large posters, of the ending scene of the AFLAC DUCK, and M/M with the HEISMAN TROPHY. The disclaimers that AFLAC is THE PROUD SPONSOR OF THE HEISMAN TROPHY The Bubble “I KNOW THE REAL DUCK, DO YOU?” AD CAMPAIGN SCREEN PLAYS WITH DIRECTION BY KC LONG 12-26-2014 DO YOU KNOW THE DUCK! I DO! OPENING SCENE: CAMERA 1: Wide shot of AFLAC DUCK, walking down on Wall Street. CAMERA 2: Pan around shots of people, mumble statements from passersby, “Hey, it’s the DUCK!” CAMERA 1: AFLAC DUCK, (Looking sick and spinning effect of dizziness) bumps into someone, “AFLAC” (sickly) - Person 1: “Hey, I know you, you’re the DUCK! Let’s get you taken care of.” Booth: montage of the AFLAC Duck in various other commercials. 3-4 still shots. CAMERA 1: Pan to the feet of the DUCK, Person 1: “You’re all better now, and thanks to the Sooner, than Later Payments of your AFLAC PLAN, Your ready to get back out there.” CAMERA 2: Panning up from the feet to the body slowly, AFLAC DUCK: mumbling, huffing, CAMERA 2: Panning upwards, showing a trench coat, scarf, and the DUCK’s face, with dark glasses, and a HEISMAN TROPHY LOGO BASEBALL STYLE HAT, and then states, AFLAC! PERSON 1: “I knew he was special, I know the DUCK!” BOOTH: second montage of DUCK in other commercial shots. 3-4 still shots. CAMERA 3: Panning upwards to the SKYLINE, then down to the Wall Street Sign, then down to a newspaper box, on the cover, “Do You Know THIS DUCK, plain picture of the DUCK He is Missing !” CAMERA 1: full facial of the DUCK, “UHH!” Announcer: “Who can help you get back on your feet from unexpected accidents or illness quickly, who can provide coverage for employee groups or individuals.” CAMERA 1: full facial of the DUCK, mumbling, “AFLAC!” CAMERA 2: Panning of the DUCK walking fast into a television station, Duck talking to a director, director nodding, “Yes, I see, ok we can do that.” Booth: Last montage of DUCK from other commercials 3-4 still shots. ANNOUNCER: “YOU KNOW THE DUCK, BUT, DO YOU KNOW THE DUCK!” “DO YOU KNOW THAT THE DUCK HELPS PEOPLE ALL OVER AMERICA.” CAMERA 1: Full facial of the DUCK, then a slow pan out to reveal a back drop of the ATLANTA CHILDREN’S CANCER CENTER, THEN PULLING BACK TO SHOW, PATIENTS, DOCTORS, AND SALES PERSONS. CAMERA 2: PULLING BACK, FROM A FULL FACIAL OF THE DUCK, TO REVEAL THE FULL BODY OF THE DUCK, WHO HAS A CONDUCTOR’S BATON, DARK GLASSES, AND HEISMAN TROPHY BASEBALL CAP ON, WITH BIG GOLD CHAINS, AND A VEST IN THE OREGON DUCK COLORS. THE DUCK SWINGS WINGS IN A CONDUCTING MOTION. CAMERA 1: FULL SHOT OF THE ATLANTA CHILDREN’S CANCER CENTER, PEOPLE IN UNISON SAY “AFLAC!” “I KNOW THE DUCK” THE DUCK, TURNS AND SMILES. THE ALTERNATIVE ENDING HAS THE DUCK IN A HIP/HOP MILLENNIUM DEMOGRAPHIC SETTING AT A RECORDING STUDIO, INSTEAD OF CONDUCTING THE PEOPLE AT THE ATLANTA CENTER, IT IS A FRAMING OF IT, AND THE DUCK SAYS “AFLAC” TURNS AND DROPS THE MIC AND WALKS OFF. AS WITH IN THE HIP/HOP MILLENNIUM LANGUAGE, IT’S A PROFOUND STATEMENT, THERE’S NOTHING ELSE TO SAY. AD CAMPAIGN SCREEN PLAYS WITH DIRECTION BY KC LONG 12-26-2014 INVEST IN YOUR SELF OPENING SCENE: CAMERA 3: FLASH TO NEWSPAPER BIN ON WALL STREET, CAPTION, ANNOUNCER VOICE OVER READING THE CAPTION: “DUCK FOUND, AND DOING FINE, THANKS TO THE SOONER, THAN LATER PAYMENTS OF ITS INSURANCE PLAN, AND MAKES COMMERCIAL IN GEORGIA.” CAMERA 2: FACIAL OF DUCK RAISING HIS SUN GLASSES, AND SAYING, PROUDLY, “AFLAC!” PANNING OUT TO THE DUCK, WALKING UP WALL STREET, PEOPLE MUMBLING, “HEY IT’S THE DUCK!” “I KNOW YOU” CAMERA 1: FULL SHOT OF THE DUCK, GOING INTO THE STOCK EXCHANGE, IN THREE PIECE SUIT, WITH A BRIEF CASE. CAMERA 2: STOPPED BY SECURITY GUARD SPEAKING TO THE DUCK, “YOUR NAME, AND BUSINESS” CAMERA 3: DUCK, “AFLAC!” CAMERA 2: GUARD: “HEY, I KNOW U!” INVESTING, YES, CAMERA 1: THE DUCK, AFLAC! CAMERA 2: “INVESTING IN YOUR SELF.” WHILE WRITING ON HIS NOTE PAD. SAYING IT OUT LOUD, “GO STRAIGHT ON IN.” CAMERA: 1 DUCK: “AFLAC! AS THE DUCK, GOES ONTO THE TRADING FLOOR. CAMERA 2: BACK TO GUARD, “THAT’S GOOD ADVICE, INVEST IN YOUR SELF!” ANNOUNCER: “WHAT IS A BETTER INVESTMENT, THAN IN YOURSELF, SO, WHEN YOU NEED EXTRA INCOME, BECAUSE OF AN ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS, THAT PAYS YOU QUICKLY TO HELP YOU GET BACK ON YOUR FEET.” CAMERA 1: DUCK, “AFLAC” PANNING TO DUCK MAKING TRADES, TALKING TO OTHER FLOOR PERSONNEL CAMERA 2: PANNING OUT TO THE FLOOR, WHERE A FLURRY OF ACTIVITY IS GOING ON BY THE DUCK, MUMBLINGS, BUY, DUCK SAYING, “AFLAC!” CAMERA 3: CLOSING BELL, DUCK LAYING ON THE PODIUM, WITH GAVEL, AND CLOSING BELL RINGING, DUCK, AND FLOOR, YELLING “AFLAC” CAMERA 2: TWO FLOOR BUYERS, STATING “THE SOONER THAN LATER PAYMENTS PLAN, NOW THAT’S INVESTING IN YOUR SELF!” AD CAMPAIGN SCREEN PLAYS WITH DIRECTION BY KC LONG 12-26-2014 SOONER OR LATER OPENING SCENE: CAMERA 1: (Wide shot of DUCK, walking down street, in a construction zone.) people crowding, Duck panics, runs into construction site. Hits a scaffolding pole, falls out, scaffolding falls, around, workers fall. Duck, screams “AFLAC!” Dust cloud clears, Duck and workers being helped by EMT’s. EMT speaks: “Wow, what an accident, you’ll be ok in a couple of days, some of the others will be out for about 6-8 weeks.” Site Super, comes into view. CAMERA 2: (switches between the 2) SITE SUPER Speaks: “Is he going to be ok?” EMT: “Yes, he’ll be out for about 2-3 days.” Site Super:“Ok, and my guys.” EMT: “Some will be out from about 6-8 weeks.” Site Super: “Wow, some of them? Well, it’s a good thing we have that plan that pays Sooner than Later, I can’t think of the companies name?” CAMERA 1: (SHOT ON DUCKS FACE.) DUCK: AFLAC! CAMERA 2: EMT: “IS THAT YOUR NAME LITTLE GUY!” CAMERA 1: DUCK, SHAKING HEAD NO! CAMERA 3: SITE SUPER: STILL WONDERING, “WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE COMPANY!” CAMERA 1: DUCK: “AFLAC!” CAMERA 2: EMT: “OK LITTLE GUY, JUST RELAX.” CAMERA 3: SITE SUPER: “ YEA IT’S A GOOD PLAN, PAYS THE WORKERS CASH IN 1-7 DAYS TO HELP PAY THEIR MORTGAGES, CAR PAYMENTS, GROCERIES, OR WHAT EVER THE NEED IS.” CAMERA: 1: DUCK: SHOWING ANGER, “AFLAC!” (STRETCHING IT OUT) CAMERA 3: FOREMAN COMES INTO VIEW, FOREMAN: “BOSS, THE AFLAC AGENT IS HERE!” CAMERA 2: SITE SUPER: “THAT’S IT!” “HEY?” CAMERA 2: (PAN’S TO WIDE SHOT OF ALL THREE, THE EMT, THE SITE SUPER AND THE DUCK) BOTH EMT, SITE SUPER: “HEY, I KNOW YOU” CAMERA 1: DUCK, “AFLAC!” CAMERA 3: AFLAC AGENT INTO VIEW, “ NO WORRIES, WE GOT YOU GUYS ALL COVERED, PAYMENTS WILL BE PROCESSED, AND THE GUYS WILL BE PAID SOONER, THAN LATER,!” LOOKS OVER AT DUCK, AGENT SAYS “HEY!” “I KNOW YOU!” “COME WITH ME!” CAMERA 1: PAN TO ALL – ALL SPEAK WITH DUCK: AFLAC! CAMPAIGN SUMMARY AND LETTER OF INTEREST SEEKING EMPLOYMENT CAMPAIGN SUMMARY I hope that you have enjoyed the projects that I am presented, I also hope that they most of all meet The quality representation standards of the ALFAC’S! Name brand, and product lines. As noted, I conducted a un - scientific poll survey focus group, using various matrix to cover a varied number of Demographics. Granted, subjectively I feel very confident that these campaigns would do well in a blind, un weighted poll survey focus group. I would be proud to be able to conduct an audience, with management to personally present the campaigns, and associated floor sales/recruitment/community unity building/branding campaigns. These campaigns try to speak to various market demographics and heighten the awareness of the AFLAC name brand and associated product lines. To localize the AFLAC name to the floor levels, and build on the Heart of the business entity, to the communities in which AFLAC services. With these campaigns in place and followed to the floor level, I feel that AFLAC would be able to penetrate a varied number of new markets by minimum of 7-10% if not more! LETTER OF INTEREST SEEKING EMPLOYMENT As stated in the beginning of the Presentation, I do understand that for the most part that companies or ad agencies do not accept unsolicited idea’s, programs, and campaigns from outside sources. I am seeking employment with AFLAC, not with the ad agency, that is why I didn’t run a parity program on U-TUBE, FACE BOOK, TWITTER, VINE or any other platform. I am very creative, accountable, factual, responsible, work well with others on all types of platforms or classifications. I am currently under consideration for some entry level roles in the AFLAC line of companies. Now, don’t get me wrong, If, I am offered I will accept, as I do believe in the company and product lines. I just feel that it would be a less than profitable fit for the organization as opposed to being placed in a more appropriate role. I am now listing my cover letters and resume for your consideration.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:10:21 +0000

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