AFP 06-12-2014 - 10:21 p.m. Meet Holland Putin crucial to Moscow - TopicsExpress


AFP 06-12-2014 - 10:21 p.m. Meet Holland Putin crucial to Moscow peace talks Tuesday in Minsk First Western leader to visit Moscow since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, Francois Hollande will on Saturday met Vladimir Putin in the hope, fragile, to resolve the crisis in Ukraine, while Kiev announced new peace negotiations. This meeting between the heads of French and Russian state comes as the strongman of the Kremlin is more isolated than ever on the international scene, shunned by Western leaders who accuse him of putting oil on the fire of a conflict that killed more than 4,300 dead in eight months. France and Russia for an immediate end to the bloodshed in eastern breakaway of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin launched, praising a very constructive exchange after two hours of talks with French President in living room of a Moscow airport. Today I wanted with President Putin sent a message which is that of de-escalation and today it is possible, said Mr. Holland. He had already called for de-escalation Friday during a visit to Kazakhstan. Putin accused the West and the Kiev military support pro-Russian rebels hoped an improvement in the near future of the situation in eastern Ukraine. Mr. Holland has it demanded not just advanced, but the results (...) in the coming days. The meeting came at the right time in the right circumstances and will probably in the next few days, a few results, he said aboard his plane, returning to Paris. And adds: If December 9, the cease-fire is confirmed, then we can consider going further, but if in two or three weeks there is still dead, then we will take note. dropoff window Francois Hollande, who took Friday night the initiative to come to Moscow, repeated his opposition to a confrontation between Russians and Westerners. We must avoid having other walls that come (we) separate, he does ildit twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a symbol for two decades of the Cold War. Before Moscow, he met with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and German Chancellor Angela Merkel that he should also inform his talks with Vladimir Putin. Visiting Ukrainian Kharkiv region, Petro Poroshenko announced an agreement in principle for peace talks Tuesday in Minsk. The previous meeting in the Belarusian capital early September took place with the participation of rebel leaders, Russian representatives and officials of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). It reached 5 September to Minsk Agreement, including a cease-fire. But the truce was little respected to become nonexistent. While Moscow usually blames violations of the cease-fire on the authorities in Kiev, Vladimir Putin conceded Saturday that the pro-Russian rebels also had their share of responsibility. We find that both sides, the authorities in Kiev and Donetsk and Lugansk also does not fully comply with the Minsk agreements, has he said. Tuesday, parallel negotiations in Minsk, a cease-fire must be endorsed by the separatists and Kiev, which announced Thursday the surprise agreement on the complete cessation of fire in the east. But this announcement is not the first, is to be taken with caution, and coincides with a renewed intensity of combat that made those last 48 hours six dead and 20 wounded among Ukrainian soldiers, according to the Ukrainian military. In Donetsk, the epicenter of the fighting, however, calm prevailed Saturday morning, according to AFP journalists on site. A total of 1,252 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and nearly 3,000 were injured, said the Ukrainian president on Saturday. The diplomatic crisis between the West and Russia double for France, another thorny issue: Hollandes refusal to deliver the Mistral warships sold to Russia until the situation will not change in Ukraine. There is a contract, we assume that it will be respected, otherwise we hope that we will make the money we paid, said the Russian president at the end of their meeting at which the subject was not officially mentioned. It was curious that he says anything, responded the president Hollande announced on November 25 postponed until further notice of the delivery of the first Mistral, considering that the current situation in the east Ukraine still does not allow the delivery.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 22:46:05 +0000

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